Sunday, April 18, 2010

Writer Kari Winters' Cats Are Safe

Reprinted with permission from Information Central Blog:

Kari Winters was an award winning pet writer and animal welfare activist who died mysteriously. At last, her surviving cats are finally safe. They are in a loving foster home and will be placed with people Kari would want to have them.

When Kari died, her housekeeper took her dog and four cats. This person refused to surrender them to Kari's family, despite being ordered to by the probate judge. One of the cats and the dog died, and Kari's friends were upset, confused, and not sure what to do. Joline Gutierrez Kreuger, a reporter for the Albuquerque Journal, investigated the story. Three columns and a follow-up have moved officials to reopen the case. If you have any information that might shed light on how Kari Winters died, please contact Albuquerque Police Detective Medrano at 505-768-2300.

Due to pressure from Kari's friends across the nation, in Canada, and in the UK, Kari's four surviving cats were removed from the housekeeper's home and placed in a safe home far away. Profound thanks go to American Airlines, with special thanks to Susan Baker, Manager, in New Mexico, who took charge of the four cats and flew them to safety; to the Albuquerque Animal Services Department and their magnificent team of veterinarians, and to a wonderful foster home in New Mexico who loved Kari's cats until they could be flown out of state to another treasured foster home. From there they will be placed in loving homes to peacefully live out the rest of their lives. Thanks also to the Rio Rancho Animal Shelter for keeping the cats overnight until they could be turned over to Albuquerque Animal Services. Individual names, as well as their current residence, have been deliberately left out for the safety of the cats and the people who have been and are currently involved in this tremendous act of love, caring, and generosity. Kari's many friends are extremely grateful.

Please cross post this--post it on your blog, and let your friends know about it. There is reason to rejoice: Kari's four cats are safe. There is reason to mourn: Kari, one dog, and one cat are dead. Continue to press for a full investigation of what happened to her.

Articles can be viewed here: part one part two part three part four

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