Sunday, May 23, 2010

Reading, Writing, and . . . Magic

I've been reading a lot, spending time not dedicated to writing by pursuing reading my favorite authors. As well, I've been reading books by new authors and trying to analyze why that book sold. Sometimes I haven't a clue, frankly, other than perhaps the editor was in an unusually optimistic or cheerful mood the day the book crossed her desk. Other times I identify an element that propels me forward in the book, immersed and turning pages when I know I should stop and do a load of laundry, start supper, or go to sleep. Those are the books I think about, wondering how to craft mine with that degree of reader involvement.
I've had people tell me they'll give me a story idea if I'll write the book and split the royalties with them. Yeah, right. Coming up with story ideas is easy--I have enough to last me until I'm at least two hundred years old. Implementing the idea into a completed manuscript takes planning and perseverance. Achievein a completed work which entices readers requires magic. My magic wand is still beside my computer monitor. Hmmm, I hope my supply of fairy dust is sufficient.

My latest book, OUT OF THE BLUE, is now available from The Wild Rose Press or from Amazon. Cost is $14.99 for print (I have nothing to do with pricing, folks) and electronic download is $7.00. This is a paranormal time travel romance with suspense elements. Dierdre Dougherty is an Irish clairvoyant herbal healer who leaps from a cliff in 1845 to escape a dangerous man. She lands over 160 years later in a Texas lake beside the bass boat of police detective Brendan Hunter, who is out to solve the murder of his best friend and partner. Can Deirdre help Brendan solve this case?

Graphic by Webweaver


  1. I have a potter jar labelled "Fairy Dust" that looks very much like the one in the graphic.

  2. Sounds like a good book. -Laura
    L_Hogg at comcast dot net


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