Hywela Lyn is the winner of the free download of NORTHERN ROSES AND SOUTHERN BELLES for guessing that I never go rock climbing. Ever! I've hiked over American Indian ruins from Arizona to Tennessee and as far north as Four Corners--then climbed back into an air-conditioned car to proceed to a nice motel. No camping for me, either. As close as I plan to come to camping is the La Quinta. (They even have mini-fridges in the rooms and breakfast in the lobby.) We visit ruins from mounds to pueblos. In fact, Hero an I love visiting ruins of ancient North American cultures. Well, we enjoy seeing others around the world, but the ones in nearby states are most convenient to visit. And cheapest.
On a couple of occasions several years ago, we visited Mesa Verde and were privileged to go to the sites that are now closed to foot traffic. We've also hiked across Hovenweep, Gila, Chaco Canyon, and lots of others. Trust me, that's as close to rock climbing as I'll ever come! But at times, I felt like a time traveler myself as I walked through placess where families once lived. I've wondered what their lives were like.
As for the other possible "lies," Hero and I live in North Central Texas; we have two Darling Daughters; I used to work for a newspaper as reporter and featured columnist. Although Kensington was my first publisher, I am happy to say that The Wild Rose Press is my current publisher. As for pets, Hero and I have a dog and three cats. At the present time, though, Darling 2 has been staying with us while she recovers from extensive knee surgery. We also have her two dogs and two cats with us. We love her sweet pets as much as ours--well, almost--but sometimes it seems there are way too little animals everywhere! Last, I'm sure all of you know that chocolate and a Dr Pepper make any situation better!
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