1. I can't help myself. (That's me)
2. To make money. (Poor soul unless he/she is like Nora Roberts et al)
3. So I can work at home in sweats. (Merline Lovelace once said that and I agree)
4. Because I have stories to tell and want people to read them. (Me again)
5. Writing is a form of immortality. (Oh, yeah?)
Okay, I also love the working at home in sweats, no pantyhose, no dress shoes, no makeup aspect, too. Who wouldn't love that aspect, especially is you've had a job that required dressing up? No transportation problems, no special work wardrobe, cut the cost of cosmetics, no business lunches or dinners--already my income has increased. Of course all bets are off for booksignings or presentations, but those are only a few compared to daily writing.
Immortality? Sure, print books are supposed to be a form of immortality. Shakespeare and other masters prove that. Truly I doubt the stories in mass market and e-books will be immortal, but I suppose there's always a possibility. Certainly I have authors whose books I save to reread. How that will translate to e-books is anyone's guess. How many books can an e-reader hold? Is there a way to transfer them to a CD Rom or something to store them for future reference? I don't have an e-reader yet, (it's high on my want list) so I don't understand all the functions.
How about you? Do you reread your favorite books? Why do you write?
Don't forget that one lucky person who comments will be entered into my Saturday prize drawing. A follow counts as a second entry. Don't forget to leave your email with your comment.
I have saved a few books to re-read, if I ever actually have time to re-read them. So many books so little time and all that. Now following and looking forward to reading your book. Shari over at myneuroticbookaffair.blogspot.com