Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Prizes? Prizes? The information is at the bottom of this post. Please also read the post about Amy. 

Amy Corwin, Author
 Welcome Amy Corwin who will tell us about her stack of to-be-read novels for the holidays. Amy Corwin is a charter member of the Romance Writers of America and has been writing for the last ten years and managing a career as an enterprise systems administrator in the computer industry. She writes Regencies/historicals, mysteries, and contemporary paranormals. To be truthful, most of her books include a bit of murder and mayhem since she discovered that killing off at least one character is a highly effective way to make the remaining ones toe the plot line.

Available Now!
Amy’s books include the Regency, SMUGGLED ROSE; three Regency romantic mysteries, I BID ONE AMERICAN, THE BRICKLAYER’S HELPER, and THE NECKLACE, and her first paranormal, VAMPIRE PROTECTOR. These are all available at the Wild Rose Press

Amy Corwin’s “To Be Read” Pile of Books

I hope readers won’t be too disappointed to learn that my reading habits are very…seasonal. Starting around September and lasting until January, my taste for creepy, spooky stories and mysteries is irresistible. The long nights and falling temperatures, combined with the evening fire in our fireplace make me long for ghost stories and the occasional mystery. Oh, not horror—I dislike the current blood-and-gore fests that are the typical horror fare these days—but atmospheric, spooky stories. What I crave are ghostly tales such as “The Haunting of Hill House” by Shirley Jackson, or Barbara Michaels’s “Aimee Come Home.”

Available Now!
If only they still sold Gothics. Sigh.

During the spring and summer, I turn my attention back to lighter romances, like those by Crusie and Mayer, but for now, my TBR pile is filled mysteries and ghost stories.

So, if I haven’t lost your attention, here is my current TBR pile. I should note that I just finished a terrific vampire story by fellow TWRP Lilly Gayle, called “Out of the Darkness” and it was wonderful!

“Dark Whispers” by Marie Kenward (another TWRP author)

“The Mammoth Book of Modern Ghost Stories”

“The Ghostly Tales of Joseph Sheridan”
“Bryant and May Off The Rails” by Christopher Fowler

Regency Available Now!
If you like British cozy mysteries, then check out Fowler. He’s absolutely terrific. I’ve read several other Bryant and May mysteries and I’m really looking forward to this one. The two old codgers who “star” in this book are wonderful old, grumpy gents I wouldn’t mind having to tea one day.

“The Crying Child” by Barbara Michaels

If anyone is looking for a spooky mystery with a romantic subplot, I really recommend the last one on my list, “The Crying Child” by Barbara Michaels. I haven’t read it for years, but I just got it downloaded on my Kindle and I’m looking forward to reading it again.

There aren’t too many nice things you can say about having a bad memory, but one of the nicest is that you can re-read books over and over again without recalling anything except the fact that you liked it the first time around. So Michaels book ought to be as good this time as it was when I read it back in the late 70’s.

So that’s it for the TBR pile. With luck, I’ll get a few more books added over the holidays, and then it’ll be time to think about adding some romances for my spring and summer season…




And now for the prize information! This Wednesday and for the next three Wednesdays, a few of the authors from The Wild Rose Press have a Christmas Blog Tour. A comment on any of the blogs qualifies you for once chance in the drawing. You're smart or you wouldn't be reading this blog (in my opinion), so you know more comments you leave on the participating blogs increases your chances.  The prizes and schedules can be found at


  1. Amy,
    Thanks for the nod! While your reading is seasonal, mine is all over the map. I love everything from Dean Koontz--one of my favs--to Nora Roberts and about anything in between. But if anyone is curious about my list, pop on over to Amy's blog: I'm over there today blogging as part of this same tour.
    BTW, Caroline's The Texan's Irish Bride is on my list! The reviews are irresistible.

  2. Since no-one's writing those Gothic novels any more, perhaps there's a gap in the market you can exploit ... I'm pretty sure you're not the only one looking for something similar to read!

  3. I loved the Gothics, too. If there was a girl running down a hill in front of a mansion, I bought it!

  4. I with you Amy, I love the spooky.

  5. I love reading any good books and I love gothics ever since I read Victoria Holt and Phyliss A Whitney years ago. I am waiting to read Lilly Gayle's new book, Slightly Tarnished out in 2011.
    Thanks Amy!

  6. You know--I've actually been thinking about writing a gothic :-). And I'm with you--if I a cover with a spooky old house in the background and a woman running away in the foreground, that's good enough for me. I buy it.

    I really, really wish they'd start republishing those gothics on the Kindle and other ebook readers. I'd buy them ALL in a heartbeat!

  7. Sigh--too much turkey. That should have been: "If I SEE a cover..."

    Sorry about the typo!

  8. Amy, thanks for visiting with me. Thanks also to everyone who stopped by.

  9. Liz Flaherty--you're a winner! LOL
    Thanks for commenting on the Wild Roses blog tour.

    Although the grand prize for my portion of the blog tour went to another commenter (sorry) you still get a consolation prize of a free e-book copy of any of my books.

    You can check out which book you might like at my web site at: and then use the contact link on my site to let me know which one to email to you.

    Thanks again for commenting and I hope your holidays are fully of joy!

    Amy Corwin


Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to leave a comment. My guests and I ♥ love ♥ to hear from readers, but please do not use this space as a forum to promote your website, blog, or products. Come again soon!.