Friday, February 25, 2011


Author and pet lover
Amy Corwin
Please welcome Amy Corwin. Amy is a charter member of the Romance Writers of America and has been writing seriously for the last ten years while managing a career as an enterprise systems administrator in the computer industry. She writes Regencies, historicals, mysteries, and contemporary paranormals. To be truthful, most of her books include a bit of murder and mayhem since she discovered that killing off at least one character is a highly effective way to make the remaining ones toe the plot line. Now, here's Amy to tell you about her spring TBR.

One of Amy's dog amid
daffodils this past week
Hard to believe that spring is right around the corner. Yesterday, it was 79 degrees here and when we took the dogs for their walk, we saw the first daffodils blooming! I adore daffodils and plan to pick a huge bunch today when we go for our “constitutional”.

Despite the early signs of spring, I’ve got an increasingly large pile of books to read. My Kindle makes it so easy to buy new books on a whim, especially with so many at “bargain basement” prices. And for my husband’s birthday, I got him a Kindle, too, so no more whining, “I don’t have anything to read!”

        What’s on my TBR pile?

THE MOST UNSUITAB LE WIFE by Caroline Clemmons

I couldn’t resist this book, I mean at $3.99 it’s a real “steal” not to mention that I like Caroline’s writing and there’s even a bit of a mystery involved as Pearl Parker tries to protect her family and winds up falling in love.

SALEM'S LOT by Stephen King

Believe it or not, I never read this. But I remembered the movie and wanted to read it. I like King’s ability to show you what’s in a character’s head, so I’m really looking forward to this spooky story.

A TRAIL OF INK by Mel Starr

I love these medieval murder mysteries featuring Hugh de Singleton. They are so evocative of that period in history and I really like Hugh. This is the third book in the series and I enjoyed the first two, so I can’t wait to get started with this third one, especially since I’m hoping the lovelorn Hugh will finally find his soulmate while he’s searching for the murderer.

I have a ton more, but those are the top three that I intend to read next, and now on to my good news…

       Springing Amy’s Good News!

Hear Ye!
I just got a letter from my editor at The Wild Rose Press indicating they are interested in my second paranormal romance! We’re discussing titles right now, so I don’t actually have the title. But it features a secondary character, Quicksilver, from my first paranormal novel, VAMPIRE PROTECTOR. Her story is very edgy with a lot of action and romance, so I’m hoping fans of paranormal romances will like it.

Five Star/Gale acquired my contemporary mystery, WHACKED!, and it’s already been through most of the editing process. It should be coming out in mid-2012, and I’m dying to get the cover. This mystery is a humorous, cozy mystery set in my own “backyard” in coastal North Carolina. I had a blast writing it—I actually wrote it during National Novel Writing Month three years ago, so it’s been a thrilling ride so far.

Available NOW!

Finally, I have a new historical mystery, THE VITAL PRINCIPLE, out now! That’s right—you can buy this now at Amazon Kindle and Smashwords.

In THE VITAL PRINCIPLE, Knighton Gaunt is hired by Lord Crowley to prove that a spiritualist, Prudence Barnard, is a fraud. But right after a séance, Lord Crowley is murdered and the blame falls on Pru as the “outsider” in the close-knit group of guests. Knighton’s not too sure she is innocent, but he’s willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and begins an investigation that leads him through a maze of twisted motives and tension in Regency England.

That’s it for now, and I really want to thank Caroline for having me!

Thank you!
Amy Corwin


Buy Amy's current books from The Wild Rose Press at

Buy Amy's books at Amazon: and



Amy's latest release, THE VITAL PRINCIPLE, is available at and for the bargain price of only 99 cents. How can you resist? I couldn't.

Amy, thanks so much for being a guest today. THE VITAL PRINCIPLE is loaded onto my Kindle and I look forward to reading it later today.

Thanks also for graciously mentioning THE MOST UNSUITABLE WIFE from my backslist, which is now available in e-book from and from
Amazon Kindle at

Thank you, readers, for stopping by!


  1. Congrats on your contracts and new release, Amy! I love Stephen King's writing too.

    Good luck with all your books!

  2. Amy, awesome cover for The Vital Principles! And, congratulations on a second paranormal with TWRP. I wish you the best of luck...even though you're enjoying spring while I'm hacking and sneezing with a winter cold. grrr...

    Thanks for a fun post.

  3. Caroline,
    Amy isn't just a fabulous writer, she's the world's best CP! She makes me analyze everything and drags the best from me. And I love her writing.
    Congrats on all your success, Amy. You rock!

  4. Amy,
    How do you have time to do all of that?! I love dogs too and I'm basically an animal lover. I'm jealous that you have daffodils now. :-) We should, except that everything froze here a few weeks ago. So we're waiting to see what plants come out. But I love daffodils!
    Congratulations on your books! Wishing you many happy readers!

  5. Congratulations on your second release with TWRP--so exciting!

    I'm a animal lover, too. I have four dogs and three cats to prove it. lol

    I wish you the very best with your books!

  6. Amy, I enjoyed your book so much. Your writing reminds me of Amanda Quick, who is one of my favorites. Now you are too!

  7. Hi Amy,
    Congratulations on your new contract. My you are a busy writer with some many projects on the go at the one time.
    Best of luck with all of them.



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