Sunday, June 05, 2011


Not shown, my black cat
and black dog, plus
stacks of papers on desk.
Why do I write novels? Mostly because I can’t stop. LOL There have been a few times when I became discouraged with my career path and decided to quit writing. I couldn’t. It appears I HAVE to write. In addition, I'm blessed with good author freinds who encourage when I'm feeling in a deep purple funk. (You know that a deep purple funk is lower than the blues, right?)

Seriously, I believe romance novels offer hope to readers who face what seems like insurmountable problems in their own lives. Reading about characters who overcome challenges and achieve happily-ever-after offers readers the dream that they too can achieve their dreams. In fact, I say romance authors sell hope.

Since I’m an eclectic reader, I’m an eclectic writer. I write paranormal, contemporary and historical romance. I also write cozy mysteries, although I’m only beginning to seek a publisher for those. (Hard to type with fingers crossed for good luck.)

I write the kinds of stories I enjoy reading. As a theme, I want readers to find hope in my novels. Another theme is family in various forms, but always that family support one another--even if family is bonded friends rather than blood relatives. Finally, I think a second chance or redemption is a continual theme. Don’t we all wish we had a second chance to right past wrong decisions?

I don't claim to
be Shakespeare or
Ken Follett
I want readers to sigh with pleasure at the outcome of the characters at the same time they’re sorry the book is ended. Also, I want readers to feel hopeful after one of my books. Let’s face it, I’m not Ken Follett and I don’t write books like PILLARS OF THE EARTH. I love Follett’s books, but that’s not at all what I want to write. Romances and cozy mysteries are what a lot of people mind candy...novels intended to entertain and provide escape from worldly cares. Otherwise, why not watch the evening news? Talk about depressing!

My Dad
One of my big passions is genealogy and family history. I’ve always loved history, and learning about family brings history alive for me. My brother and I are compiling a book on my father’s family and hope to have it completed and printed by the end of summer. My dad is no longer living, but he asked me to do this book, so my brother and I are trying to honor the request. I also love the old family photos and am collecting those for the book and for my own family. Both of my daughters are interested, so I’ve made copies for each of them and we’re placing them in acid free albums.

 Another passion is browsing antique malls. My younger daughter and I used to have booths in a couple of antique malls, but the time required to maintain a good selection was too much for us. We loved it, though. If either of us won the lottery, that’s probably what my younger daughter would do with her life. Maybe we should remember to buy a lottery ticket.

Out TV is old, but not
this old.
My husband and I like to watch movies (thanks, Netflix!). However, most of my free goof-off time is spent reading. My husband’s an avid reader, too, so some evenings we read instead of watching TV or a movie.

I appreciate so much the readers who have told me they like my books and my writing. Positive feedback fuels my progress on the next book. I appreciate my family for their support and assistance. My husband maintains my website. Both daughters help in various ways. Every day I get to do what I love. Consider me a lucky woman!

And speaking of lucky, I'm fortunate to have my backlist on Kindle and Smashwords. My historical set in 1885, THE MOST UNSUITABLE WIFE (Kincaids book one), is on sale this month for 99 cents. The other three books from my backlist--which include the historical THE MOST UNSUITABLE HUSBAND (Kincaids book two), a contemporary with a bit of suspense BE MY GUEST, and the contemporary SNOWFIRES--are only $2.99 each. For less than $10 you can own them all. What a deal!

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