Do you consistently read the same genre books? Do you stretch yourself a little and try something new?
I have to admit that I read very narrowly until many years ago when Sharon Rowe, a member of my Romance Writers of America chapter, assigned a book each month for us to read and discuss prior to next month’s meetings. Bless Sharon! She led me to discover some new authors who became favorites.
Currently, I’m a member of a book club, Book Divas. Each month’s hostess chooses the book and the place we’ll meet. Originally we met in the hostess’ home, but that became burdensome because it involved food. Now we meet at a restaurant, and this arrangement has worked much better for everyone. The only problem now is finding a site where we can hear one another as we discuss the book and what’s happened in our lives since we last met. We tend to laugh a lot, and take a long time to eat while we talk.
Because we are a diverse group, book club’s reading choice selections are diverse. One member always chooses the latest Mary Higgins Clark release. Another always chooses an artsy literary book and I’ve hated some of her choice--especially the one in which everyone died. Ugh. I read for pleasure and escape, not to be depressed! However, I’ve discovered some wonderful books and authors through this group. Books I loved that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise read are SAVING CEE CEE HONEYCUTT, THE HOUSE ON TRADD, and THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES. The book for this month is HUNGER GAMES. Yes, I'm the last person in America to read HUNGER GAMES. No, I won't see the movie. Extremely well-written and engaging book, but I wouldn't want to see all the gore on a big screen.
Another source of new genres is Darling Daughter 2. As an elementary school librarian and avid bookworm, she reads diversely and loans me books she thinks I’ll love. She is usually correct. Through her I’ve discovered many cozy mystery series as well as authors like Sara Addison Allen’s books. beginning with GARDEN SPELLS. Darling Daughter 2 also encouraged me to read PILLARS OF THE EARTH. I love Ken Follett, but his books are not quick reads, are they? Darling Daughter 1 also recommended PILLARS OF THE EARTH, but the book's thickness and small type font was daunting. With urging from both daughters, I felt compelled to read the book, and loved it. Sorry, I couldn’t stay with WORLD WITHOUT END because of changes to families I’d loved in the first book. Note to self: Keep hero's families heroic throughout a series.
One thing about authors is that we have so many friends who write and, of course, we want to read books by all our friends. If I weren't a writer, I'd read even more--probably most of the time. I was a voracious reader before I started penning my own books. Well, not penning. Computer keyboarding my books would be more factual. As it is, I keep a book and/or Kindle with me at all times. You'd be surprised how many books I've finished while reading ten minutes here and fifteen there. I've even read books during the TV commercials while watching shows with my husband.
When I choose books on my own, I go either for romantic comedies or western romance. I can’t write comedy, and I admire so much those who can--like Jacquie Rogers in MUCH ADO ABOUT MARSHALS, and authors like Christie Craig, Jennifer Crusie, Rachel Gibson, and others. Of course, Jacquie is a favorite because she is a truly nice person who combines humor with western romance. Now what could be better?
Mostly, I read what I love writing, and that is western romance, especially historical settings. I’m working on the Men of Stone Mountain, Book 3, BLUEBONNET BRIDE. In fact, I’d better get back to my writing now.
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When I first started reading as an adult I mostly stuck to my true and tried FBI romance suspense books. Then after awhile I got bored and found out I enjoy many other kinds of books. Even books I thought I never would. It's so fun to find new authors and books.
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