Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Happy New Year!

This is a great day! Each of us has a clean slate. Last year’s problems are wiped away. This is our year to shine!

Don’t you love a do-over?

Like most people, I set goals for the year. For me, a large portion of my goal setting involves books I plan to write and one on which I’m working, GABE, will be finished soon. I plan a couple of contemporary romances as well as another historical romance. Something for everyone, right?

There are several projects Hero and I have for our home, one of which is fairly major in our opinion—new flooring in the family room and hallway. Although we dread the mess, we look forward to nice floors in that room. We're thinking sustainable bamboo stained to look like oak. What do you think? Our anniversary is this month, so new floors will be our anniversary present to us. Currently, we have off-white carpet that is stained. We have had white carpet in our living/dining rooms in several of our homes in which we’ve lived over the years, but not in a high traffic family room. Doesn’t work for us. I guess we are messy people. I’d like to blame our pets, but I admit it’s the humans who make most wear. We love our huge trees surrounding our home, but leaves and leaf mold make a terrible mess when tracked inside.

Writer at work.

Personal goals? You guessed it—lose weight. Get more fit. About time! Writers tend to sit and, well, write. And spread out. And out. And while I'm not a bear, I do resemble the cartoon above. I'm fluffy. Personally, I have always hated exercise and I am so not an outdoor person. I love sitting in my little pink writing cave for hours and hours—and I do so. In 2014, I must force myself out to exercise. And I must eat smaller portions of healthy food. Goodness, sounds dreary, doesn’t it? The results will be worth it, at least I hope so.

And what an exciting year 2014 promises to be writing wise! Yesterday, my second audiobook, HIGH STAKES BRIDE, became available at and will soon be available at Amazon and iTunes. In the meantime, BRAZOS BRIDE is available at all three sites. Add those to my list of print and ebooks, and I am grateful to have so many titles available to readers in several venues.

Like the majority of people in the United States, I want to save more money. With rising costs and a fixed income, that's not an easy goal to accomplish. I am happy to say we have no credit card debt, but keeping up with the rising prices of everyday items is hard. You know exactly what I mean, I'm sure, unless you are exceedingly wealthy. 

Mmmwhaaaa to readers!
I’m grateful to YOU readers who buy my books. I love writing and would undoubtedly write even if no one but me read the books. How much more fulfilling to have you read them and continue to buy new titles! I love you readers. I humbly and sincerely thank you.

What are your goals for 2014?

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Caroline, wishing you even more success and great writing!


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