Friday, January 09, 2015


You’ve heard it takes a village to raise a child. A village is not required for writing a book. For me, that is best done alone in my writing cave. I love the long, long hours I spend there creating books. But organizing the ideas is easier with help. 

While some authors plot their books in solitude, for me having a few trustworthy friends help me brainstorm is like winning the lottery. Also, it saves me from arguing with myself and from drafting Hero and our Darling Daughters to help. 

You know the look, don’t you, when the eyes of people to whom you’re talking glaze over? Yes, I’ve seen that look. I don't understand it. Plotting is fascinating stuff to me. ☺

Plotting make non-writers yawn

Not that my family doesn’t help me, they do in many ways. A question here or there elicits satisfactory responses. But brainstorming an entire book, not so much.

For that, I have three friends who plot the same way I do. We reinforce one another’s creative streak and plot books. Yes, great books are coming your way this year. You can trust me on this. Geri Foster, Sylvia McDaniel, Kathy Shaw, and I each came away with wonderful books plotted from our recent plotting retreat. We laughed until we had tears, might have consumed a few adult beverages, and worked like our lives depended on the outcome. Truthfully, they do. At least, our writing lives do.

Where would writers be without books to tempt their readers? Each of us at the plotting retreat writes a little differently and in various genres, although Sylvia and I both write western historical and the occasional contemporary. But here’s the thing—trust is necessary with plotting in this way. I trust these three women.

Why is this so important? Suppose, for instance, I write a book in three months, but a co-plotter writes in one. She could take my idea, write the book and have it online before I could and readers would think I copied her. Or, suppose I have a great idea for a new series that I want to keep secret until I release the first three books? She could talk about my plot to someone else who could take my idea. Now you see how important trust is in a situation like this, don’t you?  

Here’s what I predict for the coming year from me. First, I am releasing WINTER BRIDE, the next Stone Mountain Texas book later this month (or early February). I’ll also be writing one more Kincaid book and two McClintock books this year. Plus, I’m working on a new series. I’m so excited about the projects I have lined up for 2015! I can hardly wait to share these books with you.

Stay tuned to this blog and my newsletter to keep informed. If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, the form is at the top of the blog sidebar. By the way, I only send a newsletter if I have news.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I can't wait for your new books. Especially the one about The Kincaids!

  2. Looking forward to your new books/series. Been nice to see you on Jacquie's party earlier today.


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