a book is not an instant process.
Authors work at different speeds. Kirsten Osbourne is able to write at
least one book a month. Other authors take a year to complete a book. One
friend has been working on the same book for at least three years. I am trying
to write faster, but I’m still unable to write faster than a book every couple
of months.
I have
good intentions but life always intrudes. Funny how that happens, isn’t it? Currently,
I’m writing (almost finished) a book that is companion to three others. Each
author is releasing her book on the same day and the covers coordinate. The
books are about four brothers: Jamie, Caleb, Gideon, and Ethan who live in
The idea
for this belongs to Cynthia Woolf. We based this very, very loosely on the old
movie “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” but we wanted NO kidnapping. Everything
had to be on the up and up--that is except for the fact the grooms' mom lied when writing to the matrimonial agency and the brides. Cynthia thought seven grooms were too many and settled on
four brothers. Callie, Sylvia, and I were happy to be included.
If the
brothers and brides-to-be are snowbound, how can they marry? We thought one of
the brothers should be a preacher who also helped on the ranch when needed
during the week. To keep the men separate from the women, one of the brothers
has a cabin a few hundred yards over a hill.
My hero’s
name is Jamie and he’s the eldest brother. Because their mother, Fiona Fraser,
despairs of them ever marrying, she pretends to be them and sends for mail
order brides—hence the subtitle THE SURPRISE BRIDES. The four women arrive in the
midst of a blizzard and are snowbound. The other authors are Cynthia Woolf,
Callie Hutton, and Sylvia McDaniel.
Skyped (is that a verb?) and emailed until we had our books planned. We thought
we’d worked out all the possible twists and events. Again, the best-laid plans
went awry. We are in almost constant contact with questions about whether or
not our books interfere with the other three.
Usually, they do and that means juggling scenes and rewriting.
problem we’ve met is keeping each book from being a repeat of the other three.
We don’t want our four books to simply retell the same events from a different
point of view. That would cheat readers. So, we have worked hard to insure each
book is a separate story with different conflicts while still being true to the
other three. Only the prologue is a repeat because the information contained
sets up the stories.
My story
is about the eldest brother, JAMIE. The next brother is rowdy CALEB and is
written by Callie Hutton. Or you can mix them up any way you wish. GIDEON is written by Cynthia Woolf, and she
assured us writing about a preacher without making the book preachy was hard.
Sylvia McDaniel wrote ETHAN, the youngest brother. You can read them in any
order, but I suggest JAMIE, ETHAN, GIDEON, and then CALEB because I know events
in the books.
This is
the hardest book I’ve ever written! I’m surprised my forehead isn’t bruised
from beating my head against my desk. LOL Every time I started a scene, I had
to ask if it would conflict with anything one of the other three authors had
written. Should I include anything happening in one of the other books? How
much should I include about Jamie’s children?
Will our
idea work? Only you readers can decide. We’re pretty happy with the end result,
crossed you’ll like all four books. They go up for preorder on September 1st
and will be published simultaneously on October 1st in print and
I'm looking forward to all four books. I'll be sure to pre-order them in September!