Monday, November 14, 2016


Dear Readers, 

Thanks to each of you who made WILD WESTERN WOMEN – MISTLETOE, MONTANA an Amazon bestseller! The other authors and I are so appreciative of your support. Something a little different is planned for our Wild Western Women spring collection.

Currently we are into a busy season of year, aren’t we? Personally, I love the time leading up to Christmas. Our family is going all out on decorations this year after making do with only a few for a couple of years. I promise photos. In the meantime, I have two announcements sure to interest you because they each involve a cash giveaway.

Although I usually blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only, this week I have blogs every day. Be sure to show up tomorrow to see how you can win money in Kathy’s $250 Thanksgiving Giveaway running from November 15 through December 15. Kathy is a lovely woman who owns the blog I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and also runs blog tours for authors. She offers seasonal chances for readers to win a cash giveaway.

On Wednesday, I’ll feature Kindle Book Review’s Black Friday Giveaways that begin on Thursday. I know, that doesn’t make sense, but someone else is scheduled for the blog on Thursday and it didn’t seem fair to steal his thunder. The Kindle Book Review Giveaway ends the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

Thanks again for helping our box set become an Amazon bestseller. You are the best!

In case you haven't purchased your copy yet, WILD WESTERN WOMEN -- MISTLETOE, MONTANA is still 99 cents for a limited time. The Amazon buy link is 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy fun week. Have a great one.
    Sue B


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