Friday, January 17, 2025


By Caroline Clemmons 

As I mentioned earlier this week, all my characters are alive to me. My goal is to bring them alive to you! Today I've invited Antoinette Fournier, the heroine of SIDNEY AND THE MAIL ORDER BRIDE, Book 6 in the Texas Hill Country Mail Order Bride Series. Won't you grab the beverage of your choice  (mine is hot tea) and join me here in my small office.

CC: Come in, Miss Fournier. Thank you for joining us today.

A beautiful woman glides gracefully in wearing a lavender silk pongee dress. She is regal as a queen, but wears a wide smile that sets her dark eyes sparkling. Her pale skin appears flawless. Her coal black hair is thick and glossy and she's left it hanging loose so the curls tumble down ger back.

AF: Thank you so much for having me. I must remind you that I'm now Mrs. Garton, but no matter. Please call me Antoinette.

CC: Of course, Antoinette. Tell us something about your family and where they live.

AFG: I'm from New Orleans. (She pronounced it N'Orleans.) My sisters Cappucine and Ottillie and I attended Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, where we learned almost nothing of a practical nature. Our younger brother Gaspard Jr. was more fortunate. Our father was a successful businessman who provided all the comforts money could buy. He and Maman met and married in New Orleans.


CC: Does that mean you traveled widely?

AFG: To the contrary, our father was far too consumed with his business to take any time away and he insisted the family stay together.  We did through the war and various hurricanes.

CC: Still, it sounds as if you had a nice lifestyle. What prompted you to become a mail order bride?

AFG: Maman insisted my sisters and I attend her favorite social functions. Believe me, that means hundreds a year. She always chose the designs her dressmaker used to sew our gowns, regardless of what we wanted or our protests that the ballgown bodices were too... um, well, revealing. An odious man named Declan Venables decided to court me even though I assured him he wasted his time. Then at a ball at his home, he told me about a fabulous new rose his mother had acquired and offered to show it to me. I am a keen flower gardener, especially roses. Fool that I was, I allowed him to show me the rose.

CC: Oh, no. It was a trap?

AFG: Fortunately, my sisters followed at a discrete distance behind us. Declan ripped my dress from neck to bodice and tried to assault me. My sisters and I screamed and people rushed to the garden.

CC: I suppose that fixed the blackguard. Did your father beat him to within an inch of his life?

AFG: (Tears glistening in her eyes.) Quite the opposite. My father chose to believe Declan over me. He and Declan set a wedding date only two weeks away. Papa insisted I remain in my room until I consented to the marriage. Instead, my sisters and brother helped me become a mail order bride.

CC: Either way, you took a terrible chance.

AFG: That is so true, and so many things went wrong. (She rolled her eyes) I could never have imagined the problems we'd have. All the same, it was definitely the right choice for me. Sidney agrees and we're the happiest of couples now. I'm very fortunate!

CC: Readers, to read the exciting complete story of Antoinette and Sidney Garton, please go to Amazon:

This book is also available in paperback. It is enrolled in Kinde Unlimited.

Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and be kind.


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