Chérie De Sues' family heritage is half Gypsy and half Wicca. She writes thrillers, contemporary and paranormal suspense novels in sensuous to sizzling heat levels. Her latest paranormal suspense novel release, THE SEDUCTION OF SIMONE, is critically acclaimed by LASR-Whipped Cream Reviews with 5 Cherries, "
Ms. De Sues is a truly talented writer. I was quickly drawn into the characters' lives and their emotions."
Here's a blurb:
Simone Devereaux has inherited an estate on the Northern California coast after her Aunt Celeste meets with a sudden, mysterious death. The hot neighbor, Trent Grayson, insists Celeste was murdered, and wants to be more than the man-next-door.
When clients arrive to pose for their nude portraits over the weekend, Simone realizes she's inherited more than an estate. Two randy poltergeists enter her dreams for a lusty ménage, and a budding serial killer threatens her sanity. Now her Wiccan mother and gypsy father are coming for a visit, just in time to watch Simone lose her heart . . . and possibly her life.
You can read the full first chapter at Noble Romance Publishing
When Chérie isn't promoting, speaking with romance readers online or writing her sizzling novels, she writes pagan articles for her website, Irish Gypsy's Parlor at With Halloween and Samhain just around the corner, Chérie gave us the following special treat for the season.
To Keep A Ghost Or Send One Away
Scribed by Chérie De Sues
Thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia, ghosts were considered the spirits or souls of the living who could cause harm to the living if sacrifices were not made to appease the ghosts. Over 2,500 years in ancient Egypt, Egyptians believed in the existence of an afterlife and even the possibility of a second death. Most cultures have a belief in ghosts or the soul/spirit of a deceased person.
The descriptions of the ghosts range from an invisible presence, translucent, shapes that change form like smoke to life-like versions of the dead. When a witch, gypsy or other pagan like a medicine man attempts to summon the dead spirits, that is known as necromancy. The ritual may be called a séance, a spell or many other names, but the desire is the same...raise the dead to make contact.
For centuries, witches, wizards, gypsies and others have been paid to communicate with the dead. Ghosts are known to haunt certain locations, ordinary objects and people they knew in life. On a grander scale, there have been reports across the globe of phantom ships at sea, ghostly trains that rumbled by on broken tracks and ghost animals.
Some places or homes that have experienced great violence, tragedy, murder or suicides have been called haunted. Supernatural activity by ghosts or spirits who become lost or confused after death may fail to pass to the other side. Often an experienced medium is asked to cleanse the home or place of a ghostly presence.
If you want to live with the spirits in your home, honor them with incense, candles and say this chant three times.
A spirit I'd rather not meet! |
Spirits of my home, you shall live,
In every chamber my light I give,
To every corner my breath I send,
This home I share you may attend.
To rid yourself of a haunting presence use this method on Samhain (Halloween).
The presence that stands upon the stairs
The unseen hands that move the chairs.
The lights that play across the wall,
The stains that stay, the plates that fall,
The mist, the chill, the wandering scents
This gentle spell must speed them hence.
At midnight, set a table neat,
With cup and plate, and wine and meat,
One of the not-so-dearly departed |
Invite the ghost to sit and feast,
As any host should urge a guest.
Presently, clear the meal away,
Then open the door and softly say-
"Quick or dead, thou art fed,
Cease to grieve and take thy leave"
Bid him depart but should he remain
Be calm, take heart and feast him again.
Thanks to Cherie for her post. Readers, are you scared yet?