Friday, April 23, 2021

Nurturing Your Intuition

 The Best Way to Nurture Your Intuition from the Perspective of an Intuitive by Michele Sammons

If you’re wondering if you are intuitive, I’ve got good news for you! You are born

with intuition. It’s part of the human package. Why? Because as a Soul, you

naturally sense, know, and communicate from this broader perspective, and you

bring this skill with you into human life.

Intuition is natural, and it’s accessible for everyone. When you are in that

frequency, you are wise, alert, loving, and in-sync with life.

Ironically, the skill you have to learn as a human is to be analytical. Linear

thinking is part of the human game because while on Earth, we exist in time and

space, so we need analytical thinking in a physical world to get from Point A to

Point B. Unfortunately, we tend to focus mostly through our analytical thinking

and push out the intuitive part of us. The best thing about getting in touch with

your intuitive side is you can bypass linear thinking to get answers fast—better

known as quantum leaps!

If you want to nurture your intuition, the key is to learn to turn down the noise on

your outside world so that you can listen to your inner world. Imagine our

physical reality is like living in a casino—there are lights, bells, sirens, music,

people, noise, glitz, glamor, etc. It’s exciting, fun, and alive, but it can be hard to

hear your inner wisdom through all the noise.

In contrast, your intuition is more like a subtle breeze. It’s gentle and quiet. It will

not force itself into your experience with bells and whistles. It waits for you to

take notice—softly nudging you and patiently waiting.

Because of the nature of intuition, it is helpful to develop a relationship with

silence. Find a way in which you can tune out the world for a little bit so that you

can hear your own inner wisdom bubble up. Meditation, spending time in nature,

repetitive movement like running, swimming, or sewing are excellent ways to

quiet the outer world and spend time in your inner world.

When you begin spending some alone time with your intuition you’ll notice soft

helpful ideas float through your mind, sensations in your body that translate to

meaning, you’ll even begin to notice signs in the outer world that have

significant meaning for you. The possibilities are endless.

The Little Book of Big Knowing by Michele Sammons is filled with tiny bursts of insight to nourish your heart, warm your Soul, and help you to remember your true self.  


If you find yourself asking big, deep life questions like, “What’s my purpose?” and “Why am I here?” then you’ll want to curl up with The Little Book of Big Knowing. 


Three reasons why you’ll love this book: 


  • It includes gentle reminders of why you are here, who you are at your core, and why your dreams matter to more than just you. 

  • This book will help you to look at life in a light-hearted, joyful way. Consider it spirituality with a playful twist! 

  • And the best part is, the book is written in short bursts you can read in any order. So you can pick it up, read a little bit, put it down, and come back to it when you’re ready for more! 


This book is perfect someone who wants a little dose of playful spirituality every day to remind them of the bigger picture. 

Print Length: 138 Pages  

Genre: Spiritual Self-Help  

ISBN-10: 1736168606  

ISBN-13: 978-1736168608  

Publisher: Michele Sammons  


The Little Book of Big Knowingis available to purchase,Barnes and Noble, You can also add this to your reading list  


About the Author, Michele Sammons 


Michele makes her home in Memphis, Tennessee, with husband Scott and chocolate Labrador, Dewey. The Little Book of Big Knowing is Michele’s first book, but probably not her last. You can discover more about Michele’s work on her website:  


- Blog Tour Dates 


March 29th @ The Muffin  

What goes better in the morning than a muffin? Join us on the WOW blog today and celebrate the launch of Michele Sammons' bookLittle Book of Big Knowing. You can read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy of the book too.  


March 31st @ Create Write Now  

Today, author Michele Sammons shares a guest post on the subject of 


April 1st @ Editor 911  

Join Margo as she shares a guest post by Michele Sammons about energy and how it influences your creative process.  


April 2nd @ Balance and Joy 

Visit Sheri's blog today to see her spotlight and review ofLittle Book of Big Knowingby Michele Sammons. 


April 3rd @ Eden Literary  

Deirdra will be showcasingLittle Book of Big Knowingby Michele Sammons. 


April 5th @ Ramona Mead  

Join Romana as she reviews Michele Sammons' bookLittle Book of Big Knowing. 


April 8th @ Deborah Adams  

Join Deborah as she shares a guest post about Spirit by Michele Sammons, author ofLittle Book of Big Knowing.  


April 9th @ Boots, Shoes, and Fashion 

Linda features author Michele Sammons book Little Book of Big Knowing. 


April 11th @ Knotty Needle  

Judy shares her insights into Michele Sammons' soul-inspiring bookLittle Book of Big Knowing. 


April 12th @ Freeing the Butterfly  

Visit the Freeing the Butterfly blog today and read Michele Sammons' guest post on the spiritual path. 


April 14th @Beverley A Baird's Blog  

Join Beverley as she shares Michele Sammons' guest post on mindfulness. 


April 15th @ The Frugalista Mom  

Join Rozelyn as she shares a guest post on manifestation by Michele Sammons, author ofLittle Book of Big Knowing.  


April 15th @ Choices  

Join Madeline at her blog Choices today where she shares a guest post by Michele Sammons about consciousness.  


April 16th @ Author Anthony Avina 

Join Anthony as he shares his thoughts about Michele Sammons' bookLittle Book of Big Knowing.  


April 16th @ The Faerie Review  

Visit Lily's blog today and read Michele Sammons' guest post about meditation. 


April 18th @ It's Alanna Jean  

Visit Alanna's blog today as she reviews Michele Sammons' book,Little Book of Big Knowing. 


April 20th @ Coloring Outside the Lines 

Join Cara as she reviews Michele Sammons' bookLittle Book of Big Knowing. 


April 21st @ Speaking of Spirit  

Join Linda as she shares Michele Sammons' guest post on spirit guides. 


April 23rd @ A Writer's Life  

Join Caroline today as she shares a guest post by author Michele Sammons on intuition. 



April 23rd @ ReadingGirlReviews 

Gina shares her thoughts on Michele Sammons' bookLittle Book of Big Knowing.  


April 24th @ CK Sorens Blog  

Visit Carrie's blog today and read a guest post by author Michele Sammons on the topic of meditation. 


April 25th @ Strength 4 Spouses  

Join Wendi as she reviews Michele Sammons' inspiring bookLittle Book of Big Knowing 


April 27th @Beverley A Baird's Blog  

Visit Beverley's blog again as she reviews author Michele Sammons' inspiring book,Little Book of Big Knowing.  


April 28th @ Books Beans and Botany  

Visit Ashley's blog today as she reviews author Michele Sammons' book,Little Book of Big Knowing. 


April 29th @ Strength 4 Spouses  

Join Wendi as she shares a guest post by Michele Sammons about present-moment awareness. 


April 30th @ My Question Life  

Join Kara as she interviews author Michele Sammons about her bookLittle Book of Big Knowing. 


May 1st @ CK Sorens Blog  

Join Carrie again as she reviews author Michele Sammons inspiring book,Little Book of Big Knowing. 


May 2nd @ Shoe's Seeds & Stories  

Visit Linda's blog today where she reviewsLittle Book of Big Knowingby Michele Sammons. 

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