As we near the gift giving season, the gals at the Mojito Literary Society (my kind of people) thought it would be fun for some of us to join them in relating the story of the funniest--as in not quite appropriate--gift we'd received from our spouse or significant other. Even though it's the wrong season, I'll tell you about the Mother's Day gift my sweet Hero gave me during my first pregnancy.
My husband and I had been told I could not conceive, so we were completely overjoyed when the OG-GYN told me I was pregnant. I already knew. I swear I was sick from the second of conception. Talk about morning sickness! I bordered on toxemia, so I was just plain sick the entire time, but I won't bore you with all the yukky details. On Mother's Day, my Hero told me he would plan a wonderful surprise day for me since as a mom-to-be I qualified for Mother's Day honors.
I'm an indoorsy kind of person. You know, the nerd who reads all the time or writes in a secluded corner as opposed to playing sports or camping. My idea of roughing it is staying at a three star motel. My Hero is pretty much the same except for fishing. He loves fishing! His mom loved picnics and fishing. So what did he do? You guessed it. He thought all women loved picnics. We went to Lake Tawakoni east if Dallas.
Lake Tawakoni |
Here I was with swollen feet and hands and looking like a beached whale, and he took me out in the heat, with insects, on a picnic to a lake about an hour from our home at that time. I was trapped. He'd planned so completely, I couldn't tell him I was miserable. At least I hope I concealed my discomfort and dislike of the whole idea. Well, I enjoyed the drive there and back in our air-conditioned car. During the afternoon--which lasted at least 72 hours--he was so solicitous and caring. I was a woman who wished she were home! You have to understand that my Hero is extremely considerate and loving. Unless you're a person so mean you kick puppies, you just can't be bitchy when confronted with Hero's attitude. Well, at least not too bitchy.
That's my story of my funniest gift. What's yours?
You can see the stories of others at the link below.
Wonderful story, Caroline! Insects + Heat + Pregnancy? What could go wrong?! Thanks for being part of the Blog Hop this weekend! :-)
OMG: the gift from hell! :o
I thought the time he got you tires for your car qualified. Of course, the bass boat for Mother's Day, since you don't fish, works, too.
So funny. I can picture it all so well. :)
You poor thing! I'm with you on the three-star hotel category. LOL You must have been miserable, but I love that he tried so hard to give you a "treat". :)
Oh no! That's so hard, especially when he went to such trouble too.
Oh, boy! Sound like my hubby. That's what he'd do. I could feel your misery. :)
My husband lives for the lake (he heads to Lake Texoma). When I was pregnant with my daughter I refused to go up there with him because of the smells!
Wonderful story! Having had four kids, I can sooo relate. I have a similar story only it was at the beach where I got so sun burned I couldn't move. Imagine my HERO apologizing for no realizing I need spf 50 and not spf 10. Red haired white chics and the beach do not mix!
Thanks for sharing!
I so totally feel your pain. I was sick, sick, sick for my pregnancies. Husbands try so hard, but you just want to sleep.
I am surprised you even got out of the car that had the airconditioning. Oh well I guess you were not cranky when you were pregnant
Know that was awful for you. The car ride would have made me ill at that point. But he was trying to do a good thing! Thanks for sharing!
Men. What would we do without them. At least he was trying to spend time with you. Thanks for sharing.
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