Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Finally, finally, finally! After months of preparation and waiting, my American Mail-Order Bride Series #42, PATIENCE, BRIDE OF WASHINGTON, releases TODAY! I am beyond excited. And although it's not exactly a party except in my office where I'm dancing around, I'm offering a giveaway--check below in this post for prize details.

Although I prefer writing books set in Texas, which is where I live, Trinity Ford chose Texas so I needed to choose another state. After hemming and hawing around, I chose Washington. Jacquie Rogers and I decided our heroines would be sisters. Her book is MERCY, BRIDE OF IDAHO.

I enjoyed researching a new state, a new industry, and diving into a new situation. Fortunately, my husband and I used to have several hundred peach trees and also apples, pears, plums trees, as well as grape vines. So, I could visualize a commercial fruit orchard.

I hope you are lucky enough that you have NO idea how time-consuming pruning hundreds of fruit trees and harvesting fruit can be. Hero did much more pruning than I did, but I helped. If I’d thought about how much there was to do, I’d simply have given up and gone to the house. However, all I had to do was finish this tree and move to the next one, finish this tree and move to the next one, finish this tree and move to the next one—endlessly. Thankfully, we sold that land and now live in town on a lovely, neat, oak-tree-wooded lot complete with a yard man. Ah, but I digressed.

Patience Eaton and her sister lived with their parents in Lawrence, Massachusetts, where her father is the head teacher in a public school. Not much money for a family of five. When the sisters lose their jobs at the garment mill and factory, they are not successful at finding decent positions—although they try and have a series of misadventures.

Patience arrives in Washington when
the trees are in bloom--mmm.
Taking matters into his own hands, their father Moses Eaton arranges with the matchmaker Elizabeth Miller in Beckham for a groom for each daughter. And that’s what launches their adventure. Here’s the blurb for PATIENCE, BRIDE OF WASHINGTON:

Travel to Victorian America in 1890 with award winning and bestselling western romance author Caroline Clemmons for a humorous novel about two people destined for one another after a turbulent getting acquainted period. This book is sweet.

After a fire destroys the factory where Patience Eaton worked followed by a succession of job failures, she travels from Massachusetts to Washington to marry the man her father chose via a matchmaker. While Andrew Kincaid appears to be a very nice man, he’s older than her father and not someone she wants to marry. Her prospective groom places her in a respectable boarding house and agrees to give her a job in the office of his commercial apple orchard so she can learn about his life and business. But working alongside her handsome future stepson presents unexpected complications.

Two years ago, an unjust accusation ruined Stone Kincaid’s chance at happiness. Now he concentrates all his energy on building the family business. When he meets his prospective stepmother, he’s angry that his father cares so little for his mother’s memory that he sent for a mail-order bride younger than Stone.  He believes Patience to be interested only in his father’s fortune. Stone plans to keep an eye on the attractive woman who’s slated to become his stepmother.  

Can two people working at cross purposes arrive at a compromise?

Here’s an excerpt from PATIENCE, BRIDE OF WASHINGTON:

On an April evening, Moses Eaton addressed his daughters. “Several months ago, you brought home something called the Grooms’ Gazette. I saved the copy. After your letter from your friend Roberta, I wrote to the matchmaker, Elizabeth Miller.” Her father handed each of them a letter. “These are in answer. You will each leave on the same train, so you’ll travel together until Mercy leaves at a place called Nampa, Idaho.”
Mercy’s eyes grew wide. “Idaho? T-That’s all the way across the country.”
Patience scanned the paper she held and her heart broke. “Not as far as Washington. Papa, we’ll never see you and Mama and the boys again. I know we’ve upset you but please don’t send us away in disgrace.”
Mama said, “Girls, you’ve got everything wrong. Your father is only looking out for you two. You know how hopeless situations here are. We love you so much, he wants you provided for and secure.”
Papa smiled at Mama then looked at Patience and Mercy. “Your mother is correct. There are more women here than there are jobs—or suitable men to marry. The way things are in Lawrence, you can’t earn a good wage even if you find a position. My teacher’s salary barely stretches.” He held up his hand. “We’d manage somehow if there were prospects for you here.”
He rose and paced. “Each of your prospective grooms is well-to-do and can offer you a nice home and security. Perhaps you can even travel back here for a visit from time to time.”
Patience re-read the letter from Andrew Kincaid. “He sounds nice, and he enclosed a ticket and money for meals. He said I’d have a month to get acquainted before the wedding.”
“Mr. Isaac Fairchild says the same.” A frown furrowed Mercy’s lovely face as she looked up from the sheets of paper in her hand. “But Idaho is so far.”
“But it’s close to Washington. We can probably visit back and forth.” Patience tried for a positive attitude, but neither she nor her sister had ever been away from their parents or one another.
Her brothers clomped into the room. 
Twelve-year-old Jason looked at the adults. “Why’s everyone so serious? What’s going on?”
Papa patted ten-year-old David on the head and smiled at Jason. “Your sisters are deciding whether or not to accept marriage proposals.”
“From who?” David asked.
Papa thumped the boy on the head. “From whom, young man. You know to use whom when you use a preposition before the word.”
Rubbing his scalp, David said, “Sorry, Papa. I’ll try to remember.”
Jason held out his hands. “Please just tell us who proposed?”
Holding up her letter, Patience gazed at her two brothers. “Papa wrote to a matchmaker, a woman who arranges marriages. Mercy and I have answers. Her groom is in Idaho and mine in Washington.”
Jason rose to look at the globe where it sat on a table by the window. “That’s a long way from here. When would you leave?”
Mercy consulted the letter. “In five days. Oh, my, we have a lot to accomplish before then.”
Ticking off on her fingers, Patience listed, “We’ll each need a trunk and a valise. Let our friends know how to write us. Do the laundry so everything is clean.”
 “And we can’t share things since we’ll be in different places.” Mercy rose to get a sheet of paper from Papa’s desk. “We’d better make lists.”
 Later in the bed they shared, Mercy said, “I can’t believe Papa wrote away without consulting us. I don’t know whether to be relieved or angry or sad.”
“I’m a little of all those. Thank heavens I never again have to work for a man with lecherous thoughts. I’ll miss our family, but I’ll have my own home and soon my own children.”
“You’re right. Oh, I hope we like our grooms-to-be. Mine lives on a ranch. I hope he’s handsome and strong and rides a white horse.”
Patience reminded her sister, “I remember that Roberta said Miss Miller investigates the grooms before she’ll send a bride to them. She works with agents all over the country. Even if the men are not ideal, at least we know they’re not criminals or drunkards.”
“Four days to get ready and on the fifth, we leave. We’ll ride on a train and see the country and then we’ll meet our grooms. How can you not be more enthusiastic?”
Pulling the cover under her chin, Patience admitted, “I’m kind of excited. I’ve never ridden on a train or been out of Massachusetts.”
“Ha, we’ve never been out of Lawrence. That’s going to change.”

All American Mail-Order Bride Series books are available through Kindle Unlimited. Not a member? The books are only $2.99 each from Amazon. Amazon Link: 

Would you do it?—be a mail-order bride if there was no chance of a suitable marriage where you lived? I'm not sure what I would have done, but I think I might have. 

Grand Prize For Series

The entire American Mail-Order Brides Series group is awarding a Kindle stocked with books from the 45 authors who have participated in the series. Not the books in this series, but other books. This Kindle will be given away at the end of the releases on January 7. Go to to learn more or the Pioneer Hearts Facebook Group.

Other Prizes From Me!

Prize 1: Today/tomorrow, I'll give away a $25 gift card to one winner. 

Prize 2: In addition, I will be awarding a prize pack to someone who leaves a review for PATIENCE, BRIDE OF WASHINGTON between now and midnight on January 7. The prize pack includes apple-themed products, chocolate, swag, and surprises.

For a look at real-life mail-order brides, check out the book by Chris Enss, HEARTS WEST: TRUE STORIES OF MAIL-ORDER BRIDES ON THE FRONTIER. Some are dire, others are happy. Of course, I hope you read PATIENCE, BRIDE OF WASHINGTON first. 

On the 31st, snap up Jacquie Rogers' MERCY, BRIDE OF IDAHO.

I love my readers and appreciate your encouragement. Mwah! Sending you hugs and kisses! 

Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year filled with health, happiness, wealth, lots of good books and time to read them!

Monday, December 28, 2015


Kirsten Osbourne
Kirsten Osbourne is a creative writer who conceived a massive undertaking that is working! She wanted to have a group of writers spin novels from a single event that spread across to each state in the United States. Eventually, she included the territories, too—50  books, 50 mail-order brides all beginning in the fall of 1890. Because Kween Kirsten (as she is known on the Pioneer Hearts Facebook Group) is incredibly popular with her fans and other western historical authors, she had instant response.

Kirsten Osbourne for the win!

Several of her friends from the Pioneer Hearts Facebook Group (  assisted in setting up this American Mail-Order Brides Series project. Kirsten had such response that she added the territories to the states of 1890 to give more authors a chance to participate. Honestly, can you imagine her convincing forty-five writers to actually keep her “Sooper Sekrit Project” a secret? Talk about herding cats.

Cowboys herding cats

You probably know that Kirsten Osbourne wrote the Prequel and it’s available FREE at along with a brief description and cover photo for each of the fifty books.  They’ve been released one-a-day since November 19 and continue through January 7th. Erin Dameron Hill designed the cover drape of the American flag and did most of the covers (including mine).

Each book is available on Amazon for $2.99 and through Kindle Unlimited’s subscription service for the first 90 days. After that, some will be distributed to other venues as well—author’s choice. If you haven’t joined those snapping up these western historical romances, give them a try. Each author has her own voice and writing style, so there is great diversity even though they all involve a mail-order bride heroine. Some include humor, some pathos, all have a happily-ever-after ending. I like that, don’t you?

There my cover is, far right, fourth row,

I read for entertainment and pleasure. If I wanted to be upset, I’d watch the evening news. For reading, I want to go to a happy place where the good guys always win and the heroine and hero find a soul mate. That, my reader friends, is satisfaction!

Cup of tea, good book in print or
e-reader equals a perfect escape.

Friday, December 25, 2015


What are your favorite Christmas memories? I have so many, but a few stand out. 

Let me share the most poignant memory of the late Bill Guess of Millsap, Texas. Bill was in the Air Force during WWII and was shot down by the Japanese. He was wounded but still forced to participate in the last portion of the Bataan Death March.

While a prisoner of war, he was in the infirmary at Christmas. The Red Cross had arranged for the prisoners to have an extra spoonful of corn for their Christmas dinner—all the captors would allow. Yes, that’s right—one spoon of corn was their gift, and that consisted of 12 kernels. Because he was bedfast and couldn’t exercise, Bill was told he didn’t merit the gift.

As a special “Christmas treat”, the other 12 prisoners from his group were allowed to visit him in the infirmary and shake his hand to wish him a Merry Christmas. As each man shook Bill’s hand, the other man pressed a single kernel of corn into his palm. At the end of the procession, he had his 12 kernels of corn. Those who had so little gave generously of what they had. Could any gift be more valuable?

In this time of excess, let us keep in mind the spirit of the season. Share with others who have less, love one another, rejoice in our freedom! Thank a service man for our ability to enjoy those things.

Merry Christmas from my home to yours! 

Monday, December 21, 2015


Welcome to my friend, Penny Estelle, who also writes as P. A. Estelle. Penny is one of the authors in the American Mail-Order Bride Series of 50 books, 50 brides, 50 states. I hope you’re keeping up with these books, offered on Amazon and in their Kindle Unlimited program. Penny’s here to share details of her book, HANNAH, BRIDE OF IOWA. 

Samuel Morrison, a farmer from Iowa, is in need of a wife and a mother for Lizzie, his three-year old daughter.  He reads an article from Massachusetts advertising mail order brides. He writes to the agency stating he’s looking for a partner who will work by his side and, hopefully, come to care for him and be a loving mother to Lizzie.

Hannah Brown responds to his letter.  Though she doesn’t say too much about herself, Samuel decides to take a chance and asks her to come to Iowa.

This woman is everything he wants in a wife and more -- or so he thinks.  Hannah has a secret that, if revealed, could devastate their future.

If Hannah tells Samuel, would he send her away?  She could lose all she’s come to cherish with Samuel and Lizzie.  Is Hannah willing to take that chance?

The man who greeted her was fairly short in stature with gray sideburns and an upper lip and chin covered with stubble. He wore a dirty floppy-brimmed hat and his body was lean and muscular for an older man. His arms and face were dark and leathery from the sun. His clothes looked clean, though they were ripped in a few areas, but the distasteful smell that so many men had, was absent from this man.

“Howdy. What can I do for you, ma’am?’

Maddie jumped down from the wagon and approached the man. “Mr.?”


“Mr. Slim, I…”

“No Mr., just Slim.”

“Slim, I need to get a train ticket to Pennsylvania. The ticket was more than I had anticipated. I find I must sell my mule and wagon.”

The man stepped to one side looking passed her at the rickety wagon and old white mule. “Can’t use ‘em.” He turned to walk back into the livery, dismissing her.

“Sir, please!” She ran in front of him, blocking his way. “I have no family left and no place to turn. I’m supposed to go stay with cousins I’ve never met and I can’t even get there.” Tears welled up in her eyes and her lower lip quivered. Maddie swallowed a lump of emotion so she could speak. “Sal is all I have left in this world. I can’t just leave her uncared for.”

Surprise, or maybe fear, registered on the old man’s face. He held up his hands and took a step backwards. “Now, little lady, there ain’t no need to take on so. You need to calm yourself right down. Thing is I just ain’t got no money for that old bag of bones.”

Tears slipped from her eyes, making dirty paths down her cheeks from the dust of the night’s ride to Jamestown. She didn’t care. “Mr. ...I mean, Slim, you don’t have to pay me. Sal doesn’t have much time left on this earth and she doesn’t eat much. She wouldn’t be any bother at all.” The last few words were muttered as a fresh wave of tears fell.

A Word From P. A. Estelle

A little bit about myself

I write for all ages, from the early reader to adults.  My books range from pictures books for the little ones, to fantasy, time-travel adventures for ages 9 to 13. I also write adult stories, including a family drama and contemporary, paranormal and historical westerns romances, under P. A. Estelle.

I was a school secretary for 21 years.  My husband and I moved to our retirement home in Kingman, AZ, on very rural 54 acres, living on solar and wind only. 

More about my books can be found in the following links:

Friday, December 18, 2015


Can she find the killer before the killer strikes again?
Publication Date: November 12, 2015
Genre: Mystery, Romance
Series: Leah Norwood Mystery #2

When Leah Norwood finds the body of Donald Collins in the city park, she doesn’t know he is a distant relative. Young Donnie was a jewel thief and a career criminal. Hidden in the lining of his suit jacket was an exact replica of a ring that has been in Leah’s family for over a hundred years. After her home is burglarized, the sexy chief of police is convinced the ruby ring has something to do with the murder.

Leah wants to find out what happened to Donnie, but why would someone kill for a hundred year old ring? She discovers a connection between Donnie and the drug-dealing Cantono family, between the Cantono family and a jewelry appraiser, and between the jewelry appraiser and one of her own employees. Chief Griggs might be onto something. All clues lead back to the family ring.

Leah loves a good mystery. Can she find the killer before the killer strikes again?

B. L. Blair, Author
B. L. Blair writes simple and sweet romance and mystery/romance stories. Like most authors, she has been writing most of her life and has dozens of books started. She just needs the time to finish them.

She is the author of the Holton Romance Series and the Leah Norwood Mysteries. She enjoys reading books, writing books, and traveling wherever and as often as time and money allows. She is currently working on her latest book set in Texas, where she lives with her family. 

Website  |  Facebook  | Twitter | GoodReads | Pinterest | Blog

Blast Info

Title: Dead in a Park
Series: Leah Norwood Mystery #2
Author: B.L. Blair
Publication Date: November 12, 2015
Genre: Mystery; Romance

When Leah Norwood finds the body of Donald Collins in the city park, she doesn’t know he is a distant relative. Young Donnie was a jewel thief and a career criminal. Hidden in the lining of his suit jacket was an exact replica of a ring that has been in Leah’s family for over a hundred years. After her home is burglarized, the sexy chief of police is convinced the ruby ring has something to do with the murder.

Leah wants to find out what happened to Donnie, but why would someone kill for a hundred year old ring? She discovers a connection between Donnie and the drug-dealing Cantono family, between the Cantono family and a jewelry appraiser, and between the jewelry appraiser and one of her own employees. Chief Griggs might be onto something. All clues lead back to the family ring.

Leah loves a good mystery. Can she find the killer before the killer strikes again?

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | iBooks | Kobo | GoodReads

Author Bio
B. L. Blair writes simple and sweet romance and mystery/romance stories. Like most authors, she has been writing most of her life and has dozens of books started. She just needs the time to finish them.

She is the author of the Holton Romance Series and the Leah Norwood Mysteries. She enjoys reading books, writing books, and traveling wherever and as often as time and money allows. She is currently working on her latest book set in Texas, where she lives with her family.

Social Media Links

Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Pinterest | Blog

Giveaway: There is a giveaway for this blast. The prize One (1) Dead in a Park Tote Bag (US Only); One (1) $10 Amazon G.C. Giveaway ends 12/25. Code is provided below.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Mae Li had loved Chen Zhu for years, and he loved her. As she turned eighteen, she held high hopes that the matchmaker would contract their marriage.  The matchmaker chose someone else for Mae Li, so she knew that the same had happened to Chen. She was beyond distraught.

When Chen told her he would not disgrace his family even though he loved only Mae, she knew she could never marry anyone else. As a token of his love and a parting gift, Chen gave her a precious comb encrusted with pearls that had belonged to his grandmother. Mae could not stay and watch Chen marry another nor could she marry the brash man chosen for her, so she ran away to Shanghai with only her few clothes and no money.

A naïve and penniless young woman from a small country village did not do well in a city teeming with all types of people. She was almost kidnapped by a brothel owner, but escaped. Starving, she searched for an honest way to earn food, but none appeared.

When she was at her weakest, she took out her ancestor tablet and prayed to her ancestors to help her. By this time she was so weak from hunger and exhaustion, she could not rise. She had a sense of someone pulling her up—an old woman—and knew nothing but being shaken awake to be fed a bitter soup. Each time she woke, she was stronger.

Finally, Mae Li realized she was strong and left the bed. When she did so, she met the woman who had saved her, Mrs. Tan, the Shanghai matchmaker. Her hostess explained that she had seen Mae Li in a dream and sought her. As fanciful as this sounded, Mae believed her, for how else had the woman found and rescued her?

Mrs. Tan asked Mae to serve as her apprentice for one year before she decided whether or not she would stay. Mae spent the next twelve months learning to read and write, to judge which partners would make a happy match, and to learn all the things she needed to become a matchmaker.

At the end of the training period, Mae changed her name to Pearl because she was a different person. She assumed the role from the dying Mrs. Tan. Before she passed away, Mrs. Tan gave her a magic coin that would help her for generations to come across the world—until she chose her own successor.

Pearl had agreed to remain alone in exchange for her power and position, but she was content.  She took pleasure in helping make happy matches for her clients. After many years, a man knocked at her door. She was shocked to see Chen Zhu.

His wife had died and he had come to search for Mae Li, who told him she now went by Pearl. He was pleased to see she wore the pearl encrusted comb. They exchanged a kiss and embrace, but Pearl told him of her duty. Knowing they would love one another for all eternity, they parted. The first time was for his duty; the second for hers. But this time, Pearl knew only peace because she was loved and had a purpose.

This story is a Prequel to The Power of the Matchmaker Series – 12 stories in 12 months

BROKEN THINGS TO MEND by Karey White, January 2016

NOT ALWAYS HAPPENSTANCE by Rachel Anderson, February

IF WE WERE A MOVIE by Kelly Oram, March

LOVE IS COME by Heather B. Moore, April

FOUR CHAMBERS by Julie Wright, May

O’ER THE RIVER LIFFEY by Heidi Ashworth, June

CHASING FIREFLIES by Taylor Dean, July

BETWEEN EARTH AND HEAVEN by Michele Paige Holmes, August

MR. WRONG by Janette Rollison, September

TO MOVE THE WORLD by Regina Sirois, October

KING OF THE FRIEND ZONE by Sheralyn Pratt, November

THE REFORMER by Jaima Fixsen, December

You can find this poignant story at Amazon

Monday, December 14, 2015


Sunset at Rosalie
by Ann L. McLaughlin


GENRE:  Southern Historical Fiction



SUNSET AT ROSALIE tells the story of a young girl, Carlin McNair, and her family on a failing cotton plantation in Mississippi during the early 1900s. The coming of the boll weevil and the sharp decline of cotton prices cause drastic changes in the life of the plantation and in the lives of the family members. Carlin adores her Uncle Will. But like the plantation, Will is doomed and his story is an important part of Carlin’s growing up. McLaughlin describes this part of Southern culture in vivid detail, which brings Carlin’s young life close and makes that almost extinct plantation life come alive once again.


When Carlin opened her eyes, the early morning light was slanting through the blind at her window and someone was talking on the front gallery down below. Carlin started to swing her legs over the edge of her bed, but stopped and sat counting as the grandfather clock downstairs struck five, which meant it was really six.

She pushed back the mosquito netting that hung over her canopied bed and ran to the window. The voices were low. She heard a man’s cough and then a familiar voice.

“I’m sorry to disturb you so early, Belle, but I had to talk. I mean we’ve always been friends, you and I, and . . .”

It was Uncle Will, Carlin realized. He was the only man beside Papa who called Mama Belle. He had come at last. “Uncle Will,” she started to shout.

“You mustn’t act too quickly,” Mama was saying. “This could be a terrible thing to do.”

Carlin pulled the blind up quietly and leaned across the window sill. “I know that, Belle. I know the pain and humiliation I’ll cause.” Carlin leaned out further. What were they talking about? What pain?

Amazon paperback

Amazon Ebook

Barnes and Noble Paperback

Ann L. McLaughlin, Author

Ann L. McLaughlin is the author of eight highly acclaimed novels including Lightning in July and Amy and George. She teaches at the Writer's Center in Bethesda, Maryland and lives in Chevy Chase.


Ann L. McLaughlin

Bacon Press Books


Amazon Author Page

Bacon Press Books

Bacon Press Books

Friday, December 11, 2015


Mia Darien is giving away free stuff!

The Prizes

One (1) Adelheid Prize Pack
One (1) Here, Kitty Kitty Prize Pack
One (1) Bellator Prize Pack
One (1) Amor Vincit Omnia Prize Pack
One (1) International/Digital Prize Pack


All of the physical prize packs are restricted to US/Canada mailing addresses, but there is an international prize pack with a bunch of ebooks and a gift card to Amazon. Every physical prize pack will have a physical copy of the book, signed bookmark, and a collection of book-related items.

About Mia

Born a Connecticut Yankee in nobody's court, Mia Darien grew up to brave snow and talk fast. She started reading when she was three and never looked back, soon frequently falling asleep with a book under her cheek. (Something she still does, though these days it’s her Nook as often as a paperback.) 

At eleven, she discovered Night Mare by Piers Anthony and entered the world of grown-up fantasy fiction and it was all over from there. She started writing at fourteen, then met vampires as a teenager and the concept for what would become Adelheid was soon born. Epic fantasy remains her first love, but she enjoys writing whatever stories come to mind in any genre. 

Now she loves both writing and helping her indie community with her freelancing. A geek till the end, she enjoys role-play by email games and World of Warcraft when she has the time. Married to her very own Named Man of the North, she lives with him, their mini-tank (also known as their son) and pets, who usually act more childish than the child.

She is the author of the urban fantasy series Adelheid, and several anthologies for charity. You can find her at her website, or the following social media.


The Giveaway

The Prizes

One (1) Adelheid Prize Pack
One (1) Here, Kitty Kitty Prize Pack
One (1) Bellator Prize Pack
One (1) Amor Vincit Omnia Prize Pack
One (1) International/Digital Prize Pack


All of the physical prize packs are restricted to US/Canada mailing addresses, but there is an international prize pack with a bunch of ebooks and a gift card to Amazon. Every physical prize pack will have a physical copy of the book, signed bookmark, and a collection of book-related items.

The Giveaway

Embed Code:

About Mia

Born a Connecticut Yankee in nobody's court, Mia Darien grew up to brave snow and talk fast. She started reading when she was three and never looked back, soon frequently falling asleep with a book under her cheek. (Something she still does, though these days it’s her Nook as often as a paperback.)

At eleven, she discovered Night Mare by Piers Anthony and entered the world of grown-up fantasy fiction and it was all over from there. She started writing at fourteen, then met vampires as a teenager and the concept for what would become Adelheid was soon born. Epic fantasy remains her first love, but she enjoys writing whatever stories come to mind in any genre.

Now she loves both writing and helping her indie community with her freelancing. A geek till the end, she enjoys role-play by email games and World of Warcraft when she has the time. Married to her very own Named Man of the North, she lives with him, their mini-tank (also known as their son) and pets, who usually act more childish than the child.

She is the author of the urban fantasy series Adelheid, and several anthologies for charity.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015


Author friends and I were talking recently about authors who write multiple genres. We wondered if readers mind when we write under only one name or if readers prefer an author use multiple names, such as (one of my favorites) Jayne Ann Krentz does with her alternate Jayne Castle and Amanda Quick. Perhaps you can help us with this question.

For instance, I write primarily western historical romance, but also have a time travel, cozy mystery, a mystery, and several contemporary romances. I don’t intend to change my name when I write something other than western historical romance. As Popeye said, “I yam what I yam.”

Another author, though, had thought of changing her name to write contemporary romance, paranormal, and whatever else she wishes. For a writer, this means starting over with name recognition, social media, everything. That’s a tough situation.

While Nora Roberts also writes futuristic as J. D. Robb, she writes a variety of romance under her Nora Roberts name. Readers (including me) have no trouble following her as she jumps from witches to brides to suspense.

What do you think? We are genuinely interested in knowing your opinion.

Monday, December 07, 2015


seaside Christmas (1)
Seaside Christmas by Stacy Claflin


He can’t stand her. She thinks he’s crazy. Will their feelings stay etched in permanent ink?

Cruz Hunter has always stuck out in his small hometown. Now that he’s covered in tattoos, the residents peg him as even more of an outcast. It seems like the whole world is against his dream of opening a local tattoo parlor.

When he finally finds the perfect place for his new business, Cruz discovers a pastor and his daughter have already bought it. The only thing more irritating than the change in his plan is Talia, a beautiful and feisty argument in a dress. Cruz would like nothing more than to have her out of his life and his mind, but for some reason, she’s the only thing he can think about.

If Cruz and Talia can stop arguing long enough, opposites may do much more than attract.

seaside christmas


The snow glistened in the sun and crunched under Cruz Hunter’s boots as he walked toward the building that would soon be his. 

“It’s perfect, yo.” He turned to Jake, his younger brother. “Wait until you see it up close.” 

This road had yet to be treated, so they had to park and walk a block.

Jake tightened his scarf. “Almost looks like a church.”

“It was—a long time ago. Then it was a restaurant before being abandoned.”

“It’s going to take some work.” Jake squinted.

“Not too much, dude.” Nothing was going to crush Cruz’s enthusiasm today. The old, brown building with peeling paint and weather-worn wood paneling was going to be his—just as soon as he signed the papers. “Mostly just the outside. It’s gonna be perfect for my tattoo parlor.”

“Well, you know I’ll help as much as I can.” Jake didn’t sound convinced.

“Don’t judge it ‘til you see the inside.” Cruz pulled up a leather sleeve and scratched his newest tattoo, the feet of a dragon which was part of a much larger work going up most of his arm.

“I won’t,” Jake promised.

Cruz’s pulse raced with each step as they neared the building. There wasn’t a person alive who could convince him it wasn’t the most beautiful building in existence. He’d wanted to open his tat shop for as long as he could remember, and with Kittle Falls being such a small town, it had taken a lot of work to convince the town council to even consider giving him permission to open a shop. They finally conceded when he found a property at the edge of town where no tourist would ever accidentally stumble upon it.

“It looks pretty cool,” Jake said. “How are we going to see inside?”

“Windows, man. Ever heard of ‘em?” Cruz laughed and gave his brother a playful shove.

“You mean those fancy glass things some buildings have?” Jake joked.

They finally reached the property line. Cruz took a deep breath, taking in the sight. “Isn’t she beautiful?”


Cruz stared at the solid structure. “You see hard work and a building as aged as old man Kittle himself—”

“Who’s long been dead,” Jake added.

“But I see opportunity. A dream fulfilled.” Cruz stared at the building a moment longer. 
“You ready to see her up close?”

“That’s why I’m here.”

Cruz took a step forward, but froze when the front door opened.

“Ghosts?” Jake asked.

Cruz held his breath, not sure of the answer. “Maybe it’s our lucky day,” Cruz said. “If the door’s unlocked, I can give you the grand tour.”

A slim, middle-aged man wearing black slacks and matching shiny shoes stepped out onto the porch. He appeared to be speaking to someone inside. A beautiful blonde about Cruz’s age, wearing a blue dress under a long, thick winter coat stepped out.

Jake turned to Cruz and arched an eyebrow. Cruz shook his head. 

“What’s going on?” Jake whispered.

“I got nothin’.” Cruz took a deep breath of the chilled early-December air.

“Building inspectors?” Jake asked.

“Maybe.” Cruz frowned, watching the duo. They acted like they owned the place.

Finally, the guy closed the door and locked it, stuffing the key into his jacket pocket.
Cruz exchanged a worried glance with his brother as irritation set in. Something wasn’t right. He stepped forward, meeting the two of them at the bottom step.

“Greetings,” said the man. He smiled warmly at Cruz.

Cruz didn’t respond.

“Are you a neighbor?” asked the girl.

“You could say that,” Cruz said. “Who are you?”

The man smiled and held out his hand. “My name’s Pastor Allen Tisdale, and this is my daughter, Talia.”

She smiled sweetly and extended her hand, also.

Cruz flicked his head in acknowledgment, but ignored their extended hands. “What are you doing here?”

Jake stepped forward, taking Allen’s hand. “Excuse my brother. I’m Jake Hunter, and he’s Cruz. You must be new to Kittle Falls. Welcome.”

"Thank you," Allen said. "Talia and I have bought this building. I understand it was a restaurant for a decade or so, but we’re going to restore it to a church."

Cruz stared at him, unable to find words. That was probably a good thing, considering the words he would have chosen.

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Meet the Hunter brothers of Kittle Falls…

The Seaside Hunters novels are a series of contemporary sweet romances. They’re set in the beach town of Kittle Falls, following the Hunter brothers as they make their way back to their hometown and find the loves they couldn’t elsewhere. Each book is a standalone.



Author Stacy Claflin

I don’t stick to a single genre in my writing, reading, or viewing. My favorite shows include Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars, Lost Girl, Vampire Diaries, and Once Upon a Time.

I've been writing and telling stories for as long as I can remember. As a kid, my story telling would get me into trouble because I would try to convince others that my stories were real.

When I'm not busy writing, I like spending time with my family and friends. I also educate my kids from home.

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