Monday, June 29, 2015


Would you become a mail-order bride?

Many of the western historical romances available are mail order bride stories. I enjoy them, but that’s because they’re fiction and I know they’ll have a happily-ever-after ending. In real life, that was not often the case.

The Civil War (what a misnomer!) decimated the male population, especially in the eastern part of the United States. Men who managed to survive often had lost their land, their homes were destroyed, and families scattered. Because they had no home to which they could return, many went west looking for land, gold, and adventure. That left too many women for the number of marriageable-aged men. No wonder women who wanted a home and children signed up as mail order brides.

Chris Enss has written several books on real mail order brides. The one I have is HEARTS WEST, fifteen true stories of women who ventured to marry a stranger rather than remain where they were. Many faced extenuating circumstances that meant they had no way to support themselves. Others lived in a home where there were too many mouths to feed and not enough income.

Some of the stories in HEARTS WEST end happily, some do not. Reading them is interesting because they are genuine. Like many authors, I write of mail order brides for whom life is more kind--at least by the end of the story.

One of these is TABITHA’S JOURNEY, one of the Stone Mountain Texas series. Tabitha is a mail order bride to avoid being forced to marry an odious man. She takes her friend’s place and sets out for Texas. The problem is, her prospective groom doesn’t appreciate being passed along without his permission.

This novella also appears in WILD WESTERN WOMEN RIDE AGAIN with novellas by Merry Farmer, Sylvia McDaniel, Callie Hutton, and Kirsten Osbourne. Ms Osbourne’s story is also a mail order bride—sort of.

Jacquie Rogers and I have mail order bride stories in our duet books MAIL-ORDER TANGLE. We are writing about sisters on another project due out the week after Christmas. Three other friends and I have a group release planned for October 1st. Also mail order brides.

Why are these stories so popular? I think it’s the “fish out of water” aspect of a woman striking out to a new setting and having to adjust to everything, including the man she plans to marry. I have to admit they are fun to write--work, but still fun. In addition, I enjoy reading mail order bride books.

I repeat, would you have become a mail order bride?

Friday, June 26, 2015


Thanks to those of you who purchased the first WILD WESTERN WOMEN box set last fall (that set is still available). The five of us in that box set enjoyed such success that we created another edition called WILD WESTERN WOMEN RIDE AGAIN for the same great price of 99 cents for five novellas. Even those like me who abhor math can figure out the price is less than 20 cents for each novella. The difference is that this time the box set is available only at Amazon.

Here are the novellas in WILD WESTERN WOMEN RIDE AGAIN:

USA Today Best Selling Author Kirsten Osbourne
Mail Order Mischief

When Elizabeth Miller agreed to manage a mail order bride agency eight years before, she'd had no idea that it would leave her lonely and isolated. She has secretly loved one man for almost a decade, and she is about to give up on marrying for love entirely. When she receives a letter from a man in Fort Worth looking for a bride, she considers becoming a mail order bride herself, because by doing so, she could be close to her sister. She doesn't want to be alone for the rest of her life.

Bernard Tandy agrees to work for Elizabeth after his life is shattered. As he slowly heals and picks up the pieces, he gets to know his beautiful employer. As the years go by, he realizes he is falling for her more and more, but he knows his place in life. When she insists on taking a trip to Fort Worth to check out a potential groom and see her sister, he knows he can't send her alone.  Will he be able to survive the long train ride to Fort Worth without letting his feelings show? Or will Elizabeth somehow convince him that they are meant to be? 

USA Today Best Selling Author Callie Hutton
Daniel’s Desire: In the Shadow of War (also available as a single title)

When Confederate soldier, Lt. Daniel McCoy makes his escape from a Union prison toward the end of the Civil War, his only thought is to get as far away from enemy territory as possible. But he doesn’t count on saving young widow Rosemarie Wilson’s life from an infected leg wound.  
Rosemarie has no use for Rebels soldiers, having lost everything, including her husband, the last time they came to her home. However, Daniel has not only saved her life, but is sticking around to help with the farm and her three young children until she recovers. 

With Union soldiers searching for him, every day that Daniel remains puts him in danger. Or is it the beautiful, feisty widow who has captured his heart the greater risk?

Best-selling Author Caroline Clemmons
Tabitha’s Journey (also available as a single title in the Stone Mountain series)

Would you become a mail-order bride?
Tabitha Masterson is certain whatever awaits her in Radford Crossing, Texas will be better than what her brother and that awful William have in mind for her in Boston. After her father’s death, her brother becomes a tyrant. She escapes to begin her new life in Texas, but trouble can’t be far behind. She believes if she’s married when trouble arrives, she’ll be safe. But her fiancé is reluctant to accept her as a substitute for the mail-order bride he’d courted.

Bear Baldwin is crushed when he receives a wire notifying him that the woman with whom he has corresponded for almost a year has passed him off to her friend. Do the two women believe he’s like an old shirt to be handed down? His mother urges him to give the substitute fiancée a chance, but his pride is stung and he hasn’t decided.

Best-selling Author Sylvia McDaniel
Scandalous Suffragette Brides: Abigail (launches a great new series)

Women Wanted – Feisty, Head Strong Women Need Not Apply
In New Hope, Texas women like children, are to be seen and not heard. Their only job in life is to marry, procreate and be a loyal, obedient wife. Thus the shortage of available women. Until, Abigail Vanderhooten is unexpectedly called home, her head filled with ideas of changing the world where a woman can own a business and have a bank account. This little rebel is determined to bring the town’s laws into the nineteenth century, even if it means sacrificing her reputation.

Jack Turner likes being the mayor in a small, quiet western town where the biggest rabble rousers are cowboys on Saturday night. Everything is about to change when Abigail Vanderhooten, a tiny sprite of a woman returns to town, ready to take on the local laws. While trying to keep the town from splitting apart, he’s surprised how her strong spirit captivates him. And he’s shocked when she manages to worm her way into his bachelor heart, with her controversial ideas of women earning a living the same as a man.

With a woman’s revolution brewing, will Jack be forced to run her out of town, before he has a chance to convey how she’s changed him. Or will Abigail give up on New Hope, Texas and return to Boston?

Best-selling Author Merry Farmer
Trail Blaze

Darcy Howsam has one last chance to be a respectable woman and to have a secure life: traveling along the Oregon Trail to become a mail-order bride for a miner in California. But when the man who paid her way to meet him at Ft. Laramie takes one look at her and rejects her, demanding his money back, Darcy finds herself alone and desperate…. That is, until handsome stranger, Gregory Quinlan comes along. Greg isn’t looking for a wife, but love has other plans.

These are fun stories, some with action and danger. Don't miss out on this good reading box set. Want to grab your copy? Here’s that link again at Amazon.

 Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Friends and I met this week to have what we call our “techie day” where we discuss new trends in marketing. 

Readers not associated with writing and publishing would be surprised to learn how much time and expense authors spend marketing and choosing and buying covers as well as hiring editors, formatters and other people to help with publishing each release. If you think $3.99 or $4.99 is too much to pay for an e-book, please consider how much time and effort goes into producing that book—to say nothing of the hours and hours of writing.

Since you’re reading this, maybe I’m preaching to the choir. One of the friends at the marketing meeting this week had an email from a reader accusing her of “milking” her readers by charging $3.99 for the second book in a series after the first was free. I have read this book series and, in this case, readers received a genuine bargain because the writing is superb, the book is professionally edited, has a professional cover, and is professionally formatted and uploaded to all sites.

At the same time, I recently gulped when I had to pay $12.98 for an e-book version of a selection for the book club to which I belong. (While I did read the book before the meeting, it turned out I didn’t even like the story or the author’s voice.) 

So why would someone complain about paying $3.99? I think the reason is that some people only like free books and others never pay over $ .99 for a book.

My questions for you are:
1)      How much will you pay for a book from an author whose work you enjoy?
2)      How much is too much for an e-book?
3)      What’s the most you’ve ever paid for an e-book?
4)      How much will you pay for an author whose work you’ve never read?

Let me hear from you.

By the way, if you haven’t picked up your copy of O’NEILL’S TEXAS BRIDE, McClintocks book two, you can find it at most online vendors including Amazon.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, June 22, 2015


Hi There – My Name is Alice
A Guest Blog Post by Alice Orr

I grew up in Northern New York State twenty-five miles from the Canadian border. I thought everybody had snow fall several feet at a time in winter and a field of flowers my grandmother called an English garden in summer.

I was an only child until I was nine but I didn’t mind because I had Grandma who told stories and baked biscuits. And after she was gone I had a flashlight and books to read under the covers until long past bedtime.

When siblings finally did come they were like beings from another solar system. I was waiting for puberty and they were waiting to have their diapers changed. I might have been lonely if not for my imagination which was heavily populated and very active all of the time.

I was mostly with adults until I went to school and that made me sort of an odd bird there. My kindergarten teacher slapped my hand when she caught me writing on the blackboard. I didn’t care because writing was about words and knowing words got me to books where my imagination played more joyously than ever.

That happened about the same time I was suddenly old enough to go back outside after dinner. I’d play Kick the Can with the neighbor kids until an adult voice hollered from one of the porches for us to stop the clatter. Then we’d play Hide and Seek until other adult voices called us home.

We lived on a one-block street but that one block was a world for me. I knew every tree and every bump in the sidewalk and every person in every house. It was a small world but a cozy one and I already knew I loved feeling cozy.

Alice and Jonathan's wedding photo
That’s why in my present-day life my favorite way to relax after an intense day of laboring in the story fields of my imagination is to hang out with my husband Jonathan. We get cozy together on top of the comforter he calls our blue beach. We chat and laugh and snack and binge watch TV.

We tell each other about our work sometimes but mostly we talk about family or what’s on the news or make private jokes that never fail to set us chuckling. We reminisce too. We’ve been with each other forty-three years so we share lots of memories – like the beautiful one in this photo of our hippie-style wedding day.

On Sunday we go to church a few blocks from our apartment and afterward we brunch at someplace or other in the neighborhood. I have a Bellini and Jonathan has a Mimosa and we talk some more because a long marriage is really a long conversation.

My favorite quotation is “Fall down seven times. Get up eight.” Because I know that when falling down and getting up again grow tiring – as they inevitably will – you can always take a welcome rest on a blue beach.


Alice’s new novel is A YEAR OF SUMMER SHADOWS – Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Series Book 2. It launches today along with summer and is available at This is a good story to enjoy under the covers or on a blue beach.

Friday, June 19, 2015

JUSTUS ROUX #INTERVIEW #NewRelease #GuiltyTour @Justus_Roux

Readers, today please welcome Justus Roux to the blog. She agreed to an interview before I relate her new release, a romantic suspense titled GUILTY PLEASURE.

Caroline: Tell readers something about where you grew up and about yourself.

Justus: I grew up in Detroit, Michigan then moved down to Adrian area. Presently I’m making plans to move to Phoenix AZ, hopefully later on this year. Now that my kids are all grown up I really would like a change of scenery. I have a brother and a sister. I’m been married to my husband for 29 years. We have three children. My oldest son lives in Kansas. My youngest son is going to college and lives with us. And my daughter goes to school in Honolulu, Hawaii.
I was pretty much a bookworm in school, but I was into music as well. I have never been considered a jock. Sports have never been my thing.

Caroline: Who are your favorite authors and favorite genres?

Justus: I love romance books. I read from a wide variety of authors, so it’s hard to pick favorites.

Caroline: What’s your favorite way to relax and recharge?

Justus: I love listening to music; it always relaxing me. I read. I watch my favorite T.V. shows. Play the occasional video game. My husband and I go to auctions.  As far as hobbies go I love to create odd artwork and I’m big on the steampunk thing (I gave this hobby to one my characters).

Caroline: Do you have a favorite quote that sums up how you feel about life?

Justus: “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

Caroline: I love that quote! How long have you been writing?

Justus: This side of forever, just kidding. I’ve been writing for at least twenty years.

Caroline: Sometimes it does seem like forever, doesn’t it? Where do you prefer to write? Do you need quiet, music, solitude? PC or laptop?

Justus: I have my own office to write in. This is my space. I can write through pretty much anything, though I do prefer quiet.  I work on a PC, my poor wrists would take a beating if I worked on a laptop.

Caroline: I agree and love being in my little office. Are you a plotter or a panzer?

Justus: When I write a novel I’m a plotter, but for a short story I’m a panzer.

Caroline: Do you use real events or persons in your stories or as an inspiration for stories?

Justus: I use elements of real events or people for inspiration. I think all writers do this to one degree or another. What you experience can’t help but to influence what you write.

Caroline: So true. Do you set daily writing goals? Word count? Number of chapters? Do you get a chance to write every day?

Justus: I write six days a week. I always have at least one day where I spend the entire day with my husband and family.  I write about 10 pages a day, more if story is really flowing. The most I have written in a single day was 30 pages.

Caroline: Sounds like a dedicated professional. What do you hope your writing brings to readers?

Justus: Enjoyment and escape.

Caroline: What long-term plans do you have for your career?

Justus: I love what I do and I will keep writing until I can’t anymore. My long term plan is to just keep writing and see where it leads. I would like to try my hand at several different genres.
My dream is get published by one of the big publishing houses and become number one on the New York bestseller list, but isn’t this the dream of every writer.

Caroline: I agree that I love what I do and will until I can’t write anymore. I’ve been with a NY house and prefer self-published, but I would love to make NYTimes list. Would you like to tell us what you’re working on now?

Justus: I’m currently working on “Say Love” which is the 31st book in my Master Series.

Caroline: You do write a wide range. What advice would you give to unpublished authors?

Justus: Don’t ever give up. Rejection will happen. Bad reviews will happen. Just keep writing and perfecting your craft. If writing is what you truly enjoy, don’t ever give up.

Caroline: Good advice. Share a fun fact readers wouldn’t know about you.

Justus: I love steampunk artwork, jewelry, etc. I am trying my hand at creating some steampunk artwork.

Caroline: That sounds like fun. Share something about you that would surprise or shock readers.

Justus: I’m an open book. I pretty much put all out there.

Caroline: I know you write several series. Is GUILTY PLEASURE part of a series?

Justus: GUILTY PLEASURE is a single title book.

Caroline: Can you give readers a blurb about GUILTY PLEASURE?

Justus: Nicole frees herself of an abusive relationship and makes a fresh start in Chicago. Her new roommate Monica makes her feel at home right away, and Nicole is excited about starting her career as a paralegal. She meets the handsome defense lawyer Michael Lyons, whom she will be working with. Their attraction is immediate and intense, and she finds herself falling in love with her new boss.

Just as it seems Nicole’s life is finally going right, a series of brutal murders plague the Chicago area. As the number of these murders escalates all the evidence begins to point to Nicole’s new friend Adam Matthews or her lover Michael Lyons. She refuses to believe that either could possibly be capable of committing these brutal murders. Yet, by closing her eyes to this possibility, Nicole could be making a deadly mistake.

Caroline: Intriguing. How about an excerpt from GUILTY PLEASURE?

Justus: Nicole felt like her stomach was in knots.  She shouldn’t be this nervous, hell she knew what she was doing. She graduated the top of her class. Yet, her underlying insecurity always crept in.
She went up to the receptionist’s desk. She tried to picture what Mr. Lyons must look like. She pictured a middle-aged man, with maybe a bit of a beer belly, balding, but had a look of confidence about him.
“Hello, I’m Nicole Fisher, I’m Mr. Lyons’ new paralegal.”
“Hello Nicole, I’m Emily, Mr. Lyons is expecting you. Please follow me.” Emily led Nicole down the hall. “This will be your office.” She gestured to the room off to the side.  She headed to the room down the hall. She knocked once then entered.
“Mr. Lyons, Nicole Fisher, your new paralegal is here.”
“Thank you, Emily.”
Nicole was almost speechless when the chair turned around and the most gorgeous man she had ever seen was sitting there. He was nothing like she pictured. He had to be in his mid-thirties, his dark eyes were mesmerizing. His dark hair emphasized those dark eyes. When he stood, she noticed he certainly filled out a suit well. 
“Is it Mrs. or Ms. Fisher?”
“Ms. Fisher, but you can call me Nicole.”
He smiled warmly at her. Almost taking her breath away.
“Well then, you can call me, Michael. I was very impressed by your academic record. And you certainly impressed our human resource gal. So welcome aboard. I will give you your first case to begin researching for me. It’s a pretty easy case. The murder weapon was found in his possession, etc. What I want to try to do is lessen this asshole’s sentence.”
“Excuse me…”
“Not everyone who comes through these doors is innocent, but they have paid good money for me to take the sting out of their punishment. I would prefer that all of them were innocent, but being a defense lawyer you can’t always be doing the righteous thing. I hope this isn’t a problem for you, Nicole.”
“Of course not, Sir. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial.”
“Exactly. I wanted to start you off with something a little easy at first. Let you get your feet wet. Here let me show you to your office.”
She followed Michael to her office. Damn, this man smelt wonderful. She quickly pulled herself together when they entered her office. She had to be professional and not act like some love sick teenager.
She had to admit that her office was pretty nice. It, of course, was nowhere as nice as his, nor did she expect it to be.
“I had Emily put the case file on your desk. We have an extensive legal file database in the computer. If you need help with any of that Emily will be happy to show you. I have to leave for an important meeting, but I will be happy to see what you come up with tomorrow. Like I said, this case is pretty cut and dry. It was nice meeting you, Nicole. I hope we work well together.”
“I’m sure we will, Sir.”

Caroline: Where can readers find GUILTY PLEASURE?  

Also available on Itunes

Caroline: How can readers learn more about you?

Justus: My websites

JustusRoux                  JustusRouxMasterSeries

Caroline: Is there anything else you’d like readers to know about you?

Justus: I love to hear from readers, you can email at

Caroline: Thanks, Justus, for sharing with our readers. I’ll finish up with the info provided by Masquerade Tours: You can follow the tour at:

Title: Guilty Pleasure
Author: Justus Roux

Publication Date: May 10, 2015
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Nicole frees herself of an abusive relationship and makes a fresh start in Chicago. Her new roommate Monica makes her feel at home right away, and Nicole is excited about starting her career as a paralegal. She meets the handsome defense lawyer Michael Lyons, whom she will be working with. Their attraction is immediate and intense, and she finds herself falling in love with her new boss.

Just as it seems Nicole’s life is finally going right, a series of brutal murders plague the Chicago area. As the number of these murders escalates all the evidence begins to point to Nicole’s new friend Adam Matthews or her lover Michael Lyons. She refuses to believe that either could possibly be capable of committing these brutal murders. Yet, by closing her eyes to this possibility, Nicole could be making a deadly mistake.



Justus Roux’s long running “Master Series”, which she affectionately calls her BDSM drama, has won the hearts of many readers. She just released the 30th book in the series and plans to write several more books for the series. Her “Dom/sub trilogy”, and “Master of My Heart Series”, plus several single titled books have earned her several outstanding reviews. She has dabbled in the paranormal and fantasy realm with her “Barbarians of Malka series”, “Demon hunter Series”, as well as several single titled novels. Justus’ loves to explore new things, adores music and art, and loves to play the occasional video game and enjoys a good poker game as well.

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Giveaway: There is a giveaway for this tour. $50 Amazon Gift Card; One (1) signed print copy of Guilty Pleasure. Ends 6/26. The code is provided below.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Hidden Identities

Sweet & Sassy Anthology: HIDDEN IDENTITIES

Check the Rafflecopter for the tour giveaway!

Readers will be delighted with nine sweet, contemporary romance novelettes in Sweet & Sassy: HIDDEN IDENTITIES. In this charming anthology, you will fall in love again and again.

Hidden Identities

THE BEST OF ME by Paige Timothy
Becky is a cancer survivor who has been blogging about her journey. She's shocked to find that Josh, her one-time love and now-famous oncologist, is the main speaker at the symposium she’s been asked to attend. Has fate given them a second chance at a future together, or just a shot at miserably ever after?

When Elena sees Chase for the first time, his turquoise eyes and tousled blond hair convince her that she might believe in insta-love. Just in time, her brain takes over, reminding her that her business is in trouble, making the future uncertain—not a good time for love. But being with Chase is as easy as following her heart, until she finds he has a secret big enough to break it.

FIRST LOVE, SECOND CHOICE by Lindzee Armstrong
When wedding planner Keslee gets asked on a date by her long-lost high school crush, Bryce, everything should be perfect. But Bryce mistakes Keslee for her deceased twin sister, Jadyn. And she doesn’t correct him. Now they’re unexpectedly working together. Keslee knows the charade can’t last much longer, and fears she’ll lose Bryce forever when she tells him the truth.

HACKED by Stephanie Connelley Worlton
NSA data analyst Samantha Perry never being an introverted computer geek could get dangerous until she digs a little too deep into a greedy blackhat’s business, forcing her to change her identity and relocate. As She risks everything to try to close the case, but may end up putting a nail in her own casket. And if she doesn’t, Seth, her hot new neighbor, just might.

First Son Daxon Hayward has refused a secret service detail since the day his father was elected President. This time the threat against Daxon is very real, and his father plants an undercover agent to protect him, Lorelei Davis who is capable and beautiful. She’s received her assignment: Protect the First Son, don’t let him know she is an agent, and don’t fall in love.

CLOSING TIME by Candice N. Toone
Chef Will Morrison can’t help himself after watching Kelsey sit alone at a table waiting for a blind date. When he steps in to save her from being stood up, he expects to exchange dull first-date pleasantries, but finds himself drawn in by her quick wit and spunk. Will hears himself confirming plans for a second date only to realize that she still believes he’s someone else.

SINK OR SWIM by Laura D. Bastian
Shelly can’t believe she’s fallen for another cheater. The last few weeks at the gym swimming next to Brandon had almost convinced her she could date again. Brandon’s excited to be back home with a career that can finally hold a candle to his twin brother’s success. When Shelly suddenly turns cold, Brandon can’t help wondering if it has something to do with his brother.

WRITE AND WRONG by Kaye P. Clark
Jon Patterson is burned out. After publishing a series of blockbuster novels under his pen name, he’s hit a brick wall. He escapes to a rural town in Idaho where he meets Abby, the local librarian. She ignites his imagination and quickens his heart. Without the pressure of his pen name, Jon is free to be himself. But will he lose Abby when she learns his secret?

UNDERCOVER LOVER by James C. Duckett
Agent Johnny Anderson is struggling with an investigation that could make or break his career. However, it’s love at first sight when beautiful and witty Hannah moves into the neighborhood. Will Johnny lose Hannah when she finds out his cover story is a façade? As things get hotter between them, his love for her might endanger her life.
99 cents
Purchase on AMAZON

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Blog Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 6/25/15

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, June 15, 2015


Barbara Hinske will award a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter.


Mayor Maggie Martin is knee-deep in the financial problems facing Westbury. The investigation into the fraud and embezzlement that created these problems is going nowhere and she’s on the hot seat to produce results. The bad guys are always one step ahead, with bribes and blackmail at their disposal. Her late husband’s mistress also has an ace to play against Frank Haynes. But will he slip through the net once again?

Meanwhile, Rosemont’s attic gives up its secrets; some welcome, some not. Will Frank Haynes establish his claim to Rosemont?

Barbara Hinske, Author
Barbara Hinske is a practicing attorney in Phoenix, Arizona. She has two grown children with her exceedingly kind and good second husband, who died of cancer in 2006. Lucky in love, Barb married another exceptional man and father of two in 2010, and they live in their own Rosemont with two adorable and spoiled dogs.
Newsletter sign up

Coming to Rosemont -

Weaving the Strands -



Barbara Hinske will award a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter.

Please use this Rafflecopter code:

Friday, June 12, 2015


Don’t you love a good series? I love writing and reading series, and am excited when I read a book I like and learn that it's part of a series. Lyn Horner’s Romancing the Guardians series is shaping up to be great. 

DECODING MICHAELA, book two, follows RESCUING LARA, book one. While each book can stand alone, I recommend you start with book one to get the full impact of the danger and myths involved.

Cover by Kim Killion
Lara Spenser/Flewellyn has been rescued by Conn O’Shea and is safely (for now) secreted away. Dev Medina carries on with the next phase of alerting the Guardians of impending assassination unless they take defensive measures and flea into hiding. Dev has decoded a message from Lara’s late uncle and learned the location of each Guardian. Now Dev's mission is to find Dr. Michael Peterson in Galveston and get the doctor to safety.

Turns out Lara is one of seven Celtic Guardians of ancient relics they have sworn to protect with their lives. Too bad that now their mission has become serious. Someone or something has learned of the relics and is intent on retrieving each Guardian's treasure. No, not gold, but another kind of treasure, one of power. A more dangerous kind. 

Since he met Lara, Dev has been having dreams of a golden girl walking toward him across equally golden sand. He goes to Galveston beach, hoping he’ll see the girl who’s haunted him. Sure enough, he sees her coming toward him as she appeared in his dreams. Problem is, she passes by him and appears to be with another man.

Vowing to learn more about her, he realizes he must first warn the doctor. What a shock to learn that the person he’s been sent to rescue is the woman from his dreams. Dev made one little mistake in decoding—Michael is Michaela.

Michaela is a dedicated psychiatrist who has a particular psychic gift—she can read thoughts. She refuses to abandon her patients to another doctor. That is, until she is threatened and realizes Dev was telling her the truth. But I’ll let you learn more from DECODING MICHAELA rather than give spoilers.

I give this book 5 stars and I’m looking forward to the next in the series. The author slipped and let me know that Josie is the next person to rescue one of the Guardians. Yay! That's who I hoped the next book would feature. I hope Lyn Horner is writing rapidly as you read this!

You can buy the e-book of DECODING MICHAELA at Amazon, Nook, Kobo, and iTunes. The print version is in process and will soon be available.

And in case you wish to begin with book one, the e-book of RESCUING LARA is also available at Amazon, Nook, Kobo, and iTunes. The print version is available at CreateSpace and Amazon.

Lara Spenser is running for her life. She guards a treasured relic from ages past that no one outside a select group is supposed to know about. Yet, an evil one has learned of its existence and his minions are hot on Lara’s trail. Although she has escaped to Ireland and is living under an alias, her special sixth sense tells her the “Hellhounds” are growing near. Injured in a car wreck that killed her beloved uncle, she is desperate for someone to act as her bodyguard.

Enter Connor O’Shea, ex-Special Forces soldier. Now the foreman for a crew of oil and gas well firefighters, Conn is on an extended vacation after a devastating explosion on his last job. Out of curiosity, he answers Lara’s ad for a “strong chauffeur” and takes on the job of guarding her temporarily.

Conn has his hands full, not only keeping Lara safe but also trying to help her recover from deep physical and emotional wounds. As days and weeks pass the two grow closer and romance blooms, but their tenuous peace is shattered one terrifying night by Lara’s pursuers. Conn may prove his ability to protect her, but can he help her fulfill her destiny as High Guardian of apocalyptic secrets? Can he rescue her from the soul-deep pain that holds her prisoner?

Find the answers in RESCUING LARA, Book One in this tantalizing series, Romancing the Guardians

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


With No Regrets

With No Regrets by Julie N. Ford

Living With No Regrets Is Harder Than It Seems

Finley isn’t exactly sure when her life began to feel unfamiliar. She suspects the transformation started long before she caught her husband and fellow garden club member doing the white-trash-two-step on her new Bernhardt sofa. Now free from the shackles of a loveless marriage, and with her children off to college, she’s finally able to go searching for the missing pieces of her heart.

Finley’s best friend, Cathyanne, is already working hard to ensure that Finley finds true love this time around. But when Finley is unwittingly tossed into the arms of two men—their sexy trainer and her neighbor, a popular country star—Cathyanne fears finding the right guy will be more complicated than she ever could have imagined.

For Finley, building a new life feels as impossible as flying a paper airplane to the moon. But maybe, just maybe, with the right help, she will find her whole heart—even if it’s in the very last place she thinks to look.

With No Regrets Cover


She turned her face to the warmth of the sun shining through the sheets of glass enclosing her porch, bright but apparently not yet strong enough to warm the room. With a glance down at the cell phone resting on the corner of her mat, her eyes betrayed her desire for focus, to leave the world behind and center. The screen was dark. A blank void. She was alone, and no one cared. But then the only person she really wanted to hear from today was Finley. It had been nearly a week since the night they’d gone to Tootsie’s, and Finley had yet to return any of Cathyanne’s texts or calls. While Finley had been angry with Cathyanne many times before, she’d never gone more than a few days without a call, and never a whole week.

Breathing in against her discontent, she blew the frustration out, raised her hips, and pushed back into downward-dog. Her hamstrings tightened momentarily before relaxing into the pose. Her rebellious body coerced into submission, a sigh escaped her lips, her mind relishing in a moment of peace.

Lowering her knees to the mat, she settled back onto her heels, hands in prayer position in front of her heart. Her gaze drifted over to her phone again. Nothing. Irritation seeped its way back in. She didn’t have time for all this foolishness. One more day. If Finley didn’t call by tomorrow, Cathyanne was going to hunt her down and force her to talk.

Getting to her feet, she walked over to the window and pressed her palm against the glass. The heat from the other side bled into her cold skin and traveled up her arm. She closed her eyes, memorizing the feeling while savoring the breath moving in and out of her lungs. “Come on, Finnie, let me help you,” she whispered. Beyond the window, birds actively called to one another. A dog barked. A golf cart whizzed to a stop.

She opened her eyes to see two of her neighbors setting up to putt on the 12th hole. Her 3,200 square-foot house backed up to the exclusive Bluegrass golf course. She’d played regularly when her second husband had still lived here.

Now, she only watched.

The couple spied her and gave a halfhearted wave. She waved back with matched enthusiasm.

Cathyanne wasn’t well acquainted with many of her neighbors. She’d never been good at polite chitchat. Plus, her ideas and opinions always seemed a bit too strong, lingering around the outside of normal. To put it plainly, people generally found her to be a smidge odd. As if there were a glass wall between her and everyone else, she could see them—watch their lips move—but an understanding, a real connection couldn’t be formed. The only time she didn’t feel out of place was when she was working. She was good at transforming people, at making them into more acceptable versions of themselves, achieving for others what she’d never been able to do for herself.

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Praise for With No Regrets

“The imagery is beautiful, the romance very well done and realistic.” Rachel Ann Nunes.

Finley is a spunky and snarky Southern woman with a lot of sass! The romance is swoon-worthy and satisfying. And underneath it all, it's got a great message. Definitely worth a read!

Julie N. Ford, Author
A graduate from San Diego State University with a BA in Political Science, Julie N. Ford also earned a Masters in Social Work from the University of Alabama, which has only made her better able to recognize the unhealthy, codependent relationship she has with writing. Professionally, she has worked in teaching and as a marriage and family counselor. She is the author of six women’s fiction novels, including Count Down to Love, a 2011 Whitney Award finalist. When she’s not writing, she entertains delusions of being a master gardener, that is, when she’s not killing the unsuspecting plants in her yard with her good intentions. She lives outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband, two daughters, and the cutest Scottish fold cat you’ve ever seen. She loves to chat with readers.


Blog Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 6/28/15

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, June 08, 2015


Secret lives, hidden dreams, and forbidden sex in the Old West—what’s a woman of nobility to do when a handsome rancher tears through her world like an Owyhee dust devil?

Most of you know I’m a fan of Jacquie Rogers’ books. The one I’m reviewing today is my favorite, though. Of course, I think that each time she releases a new one. Readers can’t go wrong with any of her books, but I’m partial to western historical romance. I enjoy romance with action and adventure as well as a dose of humor. MUCH ADO ABOUT MUSTANGS has all of those in one very entertaining book.

Josh McKinnon has just recovered from the gun shot he received in a previous book. He is out of sorts, though, because his family members have trapped him into playing the male lead in the local production of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, which will star the lovely and famous actress Lady Pearl Montford. He wants nothing to do with a snobby British woman, especially not after she insults his mother Esther and him at his mom's book shop.

The townsfolk are as excited as Josh is disdainful. To make his mood even worse, Old Man Linstad reneged on his promise to sell him his ranch and now is only deeding over half the ranch—and it’s not the half with the buildings. Oh, but he wants the same amount of cash. Now Josh has a bunch of fancy horses arriving and no barn to house them.

Lady Jane hides a huge secret that could ruin her career. She and her brother are really Pearl Jane and Jasper Evans from Kentucky. The pair formerly appeared in a Cossack’s trick riding show. She is especially gifted and loves to ride. For years she and Jasper have looked forward to owning their own ranch. They sent money to their grandfather to buy their yearned-for ranch. Their grandfather assures them he’s found them the perfect place.

In the meantime, Pearl and Jasper are searching for their long lost brother, Micah, who supposedly joined Pinkertons—or did he?  When it appears their lives may be all set, an evil man appears from their past and threatens their future.

Well, that’s all I’m saying because I don’t want to spoil your enjoyment of this superb book. I can tell you that Jacquie Rogers did a lot of research for this book.  She can back up everything in the book with examples.

For instance, in the late 19th century, many small towns had a theater and a thespian group. When a famous actor or actress toured, locals filled out the cast. Another example is the Cossack group. There were such groups touring. Wild West shows were all the rage and they often included a group of Cossacks as well as Native Americans.

I eagerly rate MUCH ADO ABOUT MUSTANGS as a 5 star read. The print version will soon be available. In the meantime, you can find the e-book online at the usual book vendors including Amazon, Nook, and Kobo. Grab this book--you'll be glad you did!

Friday, June 05, 2015


Find out with the Dream Series by J.J. DiBenedetto! Book #9, FEVER DREAM, is out!


What's the story?
Dr. Sara Alderson isn’t used to her patients dying for no reason. When a young boy succumbs to a mysterious illness that defies all her efforts to treat it, she refuses to accept defeat.

After two months of questions, Sara has attracted the attention of powerful people who don’t want their secrets uncovered, and will go to any lengths to make sure they stay hidden.

Now, time is running out for Sara to unravel the mystery before anyone else falls victim to the illness. And before her career, her family and her freedom are taken from her by enemies she doesn’t even know she has.
Where can you buy it?

Amazon (Kindle or Paperback)


Barnes & Noble (Nook or Paperback)

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Want to know more? Here's an excerpt from FEVER DREAM!
It’s one in the morning, and the last guests have gone. Other than the cleaning crew, Brian and I are the only ones left in the ballroom. I know we need to leave, but I can’t bear the thought of standing up and trying to walk out of the room, down to the garage and then to the car. I think my feet might literally fall off.

“You’re going to have to carry me out of here,” I tell Brian, and he gives me a wicked grin in return.

“I was planning on it,” he says, and he stands, takes a deep breath, and lifts me right out of my seat. I yelp and throw my arms around his neck as he carries me out of the room and over to the elevator, barely showing any strain at all. He has to put me down once we get to the elevator, though. “I need a free hand,” he says, hitting the “up” button. But the garage is – oh. I should have known.

“You booked a room.” He nods. “And you told my parents we wouldn’t be home tonight.” Another nod. It’s all part of the fantasy, I guess. He’s been imagining that he’s James Bond all night, and after a glitzy evening at the casino, James Bond doesn’t hop into the minivan so he can get home, walk the dog and collapse into bed. No way. He takes his conquest for the evening up to the five-star hotel room, where the champagne is already waiting. On ice, no doubt.

The bell dings, he ushers me into the empty elevator, and as the door closes, I feel my fatigue suddenly, instantly, drain away, and I’m all over him. I may not be a fan of those movies, but I know how they go, and it’s not as though I need much of an excuse to throw myself at my husband. By the time the door opens onto the third floor, I’m panting and extricating my hands from his tuxedo jacket. “You woke up in a hurry,” he says, panting himself, pulling his hand off the zipper of my dress, which is already halfway down my back.

“Well, I know what you were thinking, and I also know that no girl can resist James Bond, right?” By way of an answer, he leads me down the hall, opens the door to our room, picks me up again and deposits me on the bed. In seconds, he’s finished the job of zipping me right out of my dress, and his tuxedo is in an undignified mess somewhere on the floor. After that – there’s no more thought, just feeling, just his hands and his lips and his – his everything.
Interested in the books that lead up to this one?

The first five books in the series are collected in one Kindle Box Set.
What if you could see everyone else’s dreams?

Sara Barnes has just discovered that she can. And this gift – or curse – will lead her on an extraordinary journey.

Follow Sara as her newfound ability leads her into adventures she never imagined. She will hunt down a serial killer, investigate a plot to murder one of her teachers, unravel a conspiracy between a mobster and a corrupt politician and face off against her nemesis: a woman who shares her talent, but uses it to destroy lives rather than save them. And Sara will have to manage all that while finishing college, becoming a doctor and falling in love, too.

Here are the first five books of the Dream Series, along with bonus material created especially for this collection. Included in this set are DREAM STUDENT, DREAM DOCTOR, DREAM CHILD, DREAM FAMILY and WAKING DREAM. In addition, you’ll find the short story BETTY AND HOWARD’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE starring Sara’s parents. But most of all, when you open this box of dreams, you’ll find romance, suspense, humor and plenty of heart…
Where do you buy it?



Barnes and Noble

Apple iBookstore


Google Play

What about books #6, 7 and 8?

DreamReunionV1 Cover Smaller DreamHomeV1 DreamVacationWrapAround_Paris_Front

They're all on sale at Amazon!

But I like to listen instead of read! What about audiobooks?


The first five novels and a short story are all available on Audible! And you can hear samples from all of them right here!

So who's the author?


Well, technically, that's a picture of his cat, Danny. Danny is much more photogenic than J.J. is. But J.J. (James, really) is a pretty nice guy. He's a native New Yorker, although he's lived in the Washington, DC area for the last 20 years. He loves the opera, reading, photography, science fiction, fondue, travel and the New York Giants. Oh, and of course Danny, and also of course his lovely and talented wife.

Where can I learn more about him?

At his website, on Facebook, on Twitter and at his Amazon Author Page.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015


Summer in Snow Valley

Summer in Snow Valley
Summer in Snow Valley

#1 Bestselling Amazon Authors of Christmas in Snow Valley, have teamed up again with six wonderful summer novellas that are sure to make your summer sweet and sassy! Rafflecopter giveaway at end of post.

Catching Caytie by Amazon Top Seller Cindy Roland Anderson

On the night Caytie Holbrook intends to break up with her cheating boyfriend, he blindsides her by announcing their engagement at a dinner party. When Caytie discovers her father is in on the scheme, she runs away from her home in Beverly Hills to hide out at her uncle’s ranch in Snow Valley, Montana. While Snow Valley is a beautiful place, Caytie only plans to stay until her twenty-fifth birthday when she’ll inherit a trust fund her grandmother left her, allowing her to pursue her dream to move to Italy. That is until she meets Jace McAllister, an incredibly sexy—although somewhat grumpy—cowboy who threatens to disrupt her plans.

Tin Foil Tiaras by Amazon Top Seller Jeanette Lewis

Cameron Elliott has come to Snow Valley to coach Annalisa Drake in the Miss Snow Valley pageant, and prove to her demanding boss that she deserves a place at the prestigious Westbrooke Agency. But Annalisa’s handsome and protective big brother, Kyle, is determined to keep his sister from becoming a reluctant beauty queen. As Cameron tries to win Kyle over, Kyle insists some things are more valuable than a title and as crazy as it sounds, Cameron might just believe him.

A Touch of Love by Amazon Top Seller Cami Checketts

Annie Stirland has endured a lifetime of teasing, embarrassment, and isolation due to her speech impediment. When irresistible cowboy, Luke Wilson, seems to be falling for her, she’s certain he’s too good to be true. A tragedy involving his ex-girlfriend proves she’s right. What man can resist sheltering someone they once loved? Annie knows she should walk away, but Luke isn’t ready to give her up.

First Love; Love First by Amazon Top Seller Taylor Hart

Janet Snow doesn’t expect to get caught in a full-blown make out session at her brother’s wedding. Especially not with Michael Hamilton, the boy she’d written off ten years ago. Even though they both agree to no complications, Janet's not sure they can stick to it given their past. After a trip to the hot springs, a helicopter ride, and a proposal, even the most cautious single mother would start to wonder if true love really is just about the timing. Now Janet has to make a choice—play it safe or trust that her first love could also be her last.

Romancing Rebecca by Amazon Top Seller, Kimberley Montpetit

Rebecca Dash loved spending her teen summers swooning over Jane Austin and helping her aunt at the Starry Skies Bed & Breakfast in Snow Valley. But as a recent college grad, she’d rather write sappy romance novels than go out with guys that make her a nervous wreck. When a team of fire-fighters set up camp on the lawns of the B&B and Captain Wade catches her eye, Becca soon learns that there’s more to a happily-ever-after than a flirty fireman with muscles the size of the Montana hills.

Love in Light and Shadow by Amazon Top Seller Lucy McConnell

Mercedes O'Shay has sworn off gorgeous men because they have a tendency to break her heart. When she meets her new neighbor, Chet Bauer, she immediately puts him in the Do Not Date category based on his well-defined muscles and stunning blue eyes. But the more Mercedes learns about the cowboy who reads classics and forges iron, the more she realizes the heart doesn't see in black and white; it sees light and shadows.

Grab your copy for just 99 cents!

Summer in Snow Valley Graphic 99 cents

Buy Summer in Snow Valley

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$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 6/25/15

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.