today please welcome Justus Roux to the blog. She agreed to an interview before
I relate her new release, a romantic suspense titled GUILTY PLEASURE.
Tell readers something about where you grew up and about yourself.
I grew up in Detroit, Michigan then moved down to Adrian area. Presently I’m
making plans to move to Phoenix AZ, hopefully later on this year. Now that my
kids are all grown up I really would like a change of scenery. I have a brother
and a sister. I’m been married to my husband for 29 years. We have three
children. My oldest son lives in Kansas. My youngest son is going to college
and lives with us. And my daughter goes to school in Honolulu, Hawaii.
was pretty much a bookworm in school, but I was into music as well. I have
never been considered a jock. Sports have never been my thing.
Who are your favorite authors and favorite genres?
I love romance books. I read from a wide variety of authors, so it’s hard to
pick favorites.
What’s your favorite way to relax and recharge?
I love listening to music; it always relaxing me. I read. I watch my favorite
T.V. shows. Play the occasional video game. My husband and I go to
auctions. As far as hobbies go I love to
create odd artwork and I’m big on the steampunk thing (I gave this hobby to one
my characters).
Do you have a favorite quote that sums up how you feel about life?
“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance
in the rain.”
I love that quote! How long have you been writing?
This side of forever, just kidding. I’ve been writing for at least twenty
Sometimes it does seem like forever, doesn’t it? Where do you prefer to write?
Do you need quiet, music, solitude? PC or laptop?
I have my own office to write in. This is my space. I can write through pretty
much anything, though I do prefer quiet.
I work on a PC, my poor wrists would take a beating if I worked on a
I agree and love being in my little office. Are you a plotter or a panzer?
When I write a novel I’m a plotter, but for a short story I’m a panzer.
Do you use real events or persons in your stories or as an inspiration for
I use elements of real events or people for inspiration. I think all writers do
this to one degree or another. What you experience can’t help but to influence
what you write.
So true. Do you set daily writing goals? Word count? Number of chapters? Do you
get a chance to write every day?
I write six days a week. I always have at least one day where I spend the
entire day with my husband and family. I
write about 10 pages a day, more if story is really flowing. The most I have
written in a single day was 30 pages.
Sounds like a dedicated professional. What do you hope your writing brings to
Enjoyment and escape.
What long-term plans do you have for your career?
I love what I do and I will keep writing until I can’t anymore. My long term
plan is to just keep writing and see where it leads. I would like to try my hand
at several different genres.
dream is get published by one of the big publishing houses and become number
one on the New York bestseller list, but isn’t this the dream of every writer.
I agree that I love what I do and will until I can’t write anymore. I’ve been
with a NY house and prefer self-published, but I would love to make NYTimes
list. Would you like to tell us what you’re working on now?
I’m currently working on “Say Love” which is the 31st book in my Master Series.
You do write a wide range. What advice would you give to unpublished authors?
Don’t ever give up. Rejection will happen. Bad reviews will happen. Just keep
writing and perfecting your craft. If writing is what you truly enjoy, don’t
ever give up.
Good advice. Share a fun fact readers wouldn’t know about you.
I love steampunk artwork, jewelry, etc. I am trying my hand at creating some
steampunk artwork.
That sounds like fun. Share something about you that would surprise or shock
I’m an open book. I pretty much put all out there.
I know you write several series. Is GUILTY PLEASURE part of a series?
GUILTY PLEASURE is a single title book.
Can you give readers a blurb about GUILTY PLEASURE?
Nicole frees herself of an abusive relationship and makes a fresh start in
Chicago. Her new roommate Monica makes her feel at home right away, and Nicole
is excited about starting her career as a paralegal. She meets the handsome
defense lawyer Michael Lyons, whom she will be working with. Their attraction
is immediate and intense, and she finds herself falling in love with her new
as it seems Nicole’s life is finally going right, a series of brutal murders
plague the Chicago area. As the number of these murders escalates all the
evidence begins to point to Nicole’s new friend Adam Matthews or her lover
Michael Lyons. She refuses to believe that either could possibly be capable of
committing these brutal murders. Yet, by closing her eyes to this possibility,
Nicole could be making a deadly mistake.
Intriguing. How about an excerpt from GUILTY PLEASURE?
Justus: Nicole felt
like her stomach was in knots. She
shouldn’t be this nervous, hell she knew what she was doing. She graduated the
top of her class. Yet, her underlying insecurity always crept in.
She went up to the receptionist’s desk. She tried to picture what Mr.
Lyons must look like. She pictured a middle-aged man, with maybe a bit of a
beer belly, balding, but had a look of confidence about him.
“Hello, I’m Nicole Fisher, I’m Mr. Lyons’ new paralegal.”
“Hello Nicole, I’m Emily, Mr. Lyons is expecting you. Please follow
me.” Emily led Nicole down the hall. “This will be your office.” She gestured
to the room off to the side. She headed
to the room down the hall. She knocked once then entered.
“Mr. Lyons, Nicole Fisher, your new paralegal is here.”
“Thank you, Emily.”
Nicole was almost speechless when the chair turned around and the most
gorgeous man she had ever seen was sitting there. He was nothing like she
pictured. He had to be in his mid-thirties, his dark eyes were mesmerizing. His
dark hair emphasized those dark eyes. When he stood, she noticed he certainly
filled out a suit well.
“Is it Mrs. or Ms. Fisher?”
“Ms. Fisher, but you can call me Nicole.”
He smiled warmly at her. Almost taking her breath away.
“Well then, you can call me, Michael. I was very impressed by your
academic record. And you certainly impressed our human resource gal. So welcome
aboard. I will give you your first case to begin researching for me. It’s a
pretty easy case. The murder weapon was found in his possession, etc. What I
want to try to do is lessen this asshole’s sentence.”
“Excuse me…”
“Not everyone who comes through these doors is innocent, but they have
paid good money for me to take the sting out of their punishment. I would
prefer that all of them were innocent, but being a defense lawyer you can’t
always be doing the righteous thing. I hope this isn’t a problem for you,
“Of course not, Sir. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial.”
“Exactly. I wanted to start you off with something a little easy at first.
Let you get your feet wet. Here let me show you to your office.”
She followed Michael to her office. Damn, this man smelt wonderful.
She quickly pulled herself together when they entered her office. She had to be
professional and not act like some love sick teenager.
She had to admit that her office was pretty nice. It, of course, was
nowhere as nice as his, nor did she expect it to be.
“I had Emily put the case file on your desk. We have an extensive
legal file database in the computer. If you need help with any of that Emily
will be happy to show you. I have to leave for an important meeting, but I will
be happy to see what you come up with tomorrow. Like I said, this case is
pretty cut and dry. It was nice meeting you, Nicole. I hope we work well
“I’m sure we will, Sir.”
Where can readers find GUILTY PLEASURE?
available on Itunes
How can readers learn more about you?
My websites
Is there anything else you’d like readers to know about you?
Thanks, Justus, for sharing with our readers. I’ll finish up with the info
provided by Masquerade Tours: You can follow the tour at:
Title: Guilty Pleasure
Author: Justus Roux
Publication Date: May 10, 2015
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Nicole frees herself of an abusive relationship and makes a fresh start in Chicago. Her new roommate Monica makes her feel at home right away, and Nicole is excited about starting her career as a paralegal. She meets the handsome defense lawyer Michael Lyons, whom she will be working with. Their attraction is immediate and intense, and she finds herself falling in love with her new boss.
Just as it seems Nicole’s life is finally going right, a series of brutal murders plague the Chicago area. As the number of these murders escalates all the evidence begins to point to Nicole’s new friend Adam Matthews or her lover Michael Lyons. She refuses to believe that either could possibly be capable of committing these brutal murders. Yet, by closing her eyes to this possibility, Nicole could be making a deadly mistake.
Justus Roux’s long running “Master Series”, which she affectionately calls her BDSM drama, has won the hearts of many readers. She just released the 30th book in the series and plans to write several more books for the series. Her “Dom/sub trilogy”, and “Master of My Heart Series”, plus several single titled books have earned her several outstanding reviews. She has dabbled in the paranormal and fantasy realm with her “Barbarians of Malka series”, “Demon hunter Series”, as well as several single titled novels. Justus’ loves to explore new things, adores music and art, and loves to play the occasional video game and enjoys a good poker game as well.
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Giveaway: There is a giveaway for this tour. $50 Amazon Gift Card; One (1) signed print copy of Guilty Pleasure. Ends 6/26. The code is provided below.