Friday, December 30, 2016



by A.G. Reid, Barb DeLong, Jill Jaynes, Shauna Roberts, Janna Roznos, Kathleen Rowland

GENRE: sweet contemporary romance


Mr. Valentine Comes to Town by A.G. Reid:  A mysterious vacationer—and supernatural entity—Mr. Valentine is matchmaking despite strict instructions from the goddess Venus to leave the people of Moonlight Cove alone.

Maggie’s Mystery Man by Barb DeLong: Who is the reclusive visitor that has rented the entire Bed and Breakfast in the historic Moonlight Cove Lighthouse and who only appears in public in a bad disguise complete with a ridiculous fake wig? Maggie might find the big story that will save her small town paper. Or she might find much more.

Once Upon a Love Letter by Jill Jaynes:  Chloe Reiser sees dead people, and now that she’s back in Moonlight Cove to make a fresh start, she’s done keeping it a secret. But how is she going to tell her more-skeptical-than-ever high school crush that his dead father has an important message for him?

Surprise Deliveries by Shauna Roberts:  Serious, sensible Mr. Hamasaki left for a trip and never came back. His daughter and an artist must team up to find him.

Second Time Around by Janna Roznos:  A woman with her business on the brink may find more than she bargained for in the old Victorian house left to her by her dead sister.

Lily’s Pad by Kathleen Rowland:  Lily Holmes knows enough tricks to attract celebrities to her beachside bistro, Lily’s Pad. She knows the rules but breaks one when she falls in love with her valued client, reality T.V. star Scarlett Royale’s man, Creed Taylor.

Buy Links
Amazon UK:


from Maggie’s Mystery Man by Barb DeLong:
The investigative reporter in Maggie flared to life. She wanted to know the 5 Ws of Mystery Man. Who was he really? What was he doing here? Where was he from? When was he leaving? Why was he so, well, mysterious?

AUTHOR Bios and Links:

Jill Jaynes began her love affair with romance when she was a teenager growing up in Southern California, spending many a late-night under the covers with a flashlight and good romance novel.  Today she writes stories with happy endings her own way--with a dash of magic that means anything can happen. When she’s not writing, you can find her wine-tasting or hiking with her awesome husband, plotting her next story with her writer-daughter or working at her day job in her spare time.

Shauna Roberts writes historical fiction, science fiction, romance, and fantasy and is a graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop. Her publications include more than a thousand nonfiction articles, three nonfiction books, several short stories, two novelettes, and three novels (Like Mayflies in a Stream, historical fiction, 2009; Claimed by the Enemy, historical fiction with romantic elements, 2014; and Ice Magic, Fire Magic, fantasy with romantic elements, 2015).

A.G. Reid developed a love for romance novels while serving in the military. It helped keep him grounded. He now writes romantic stories with a paranormal twist. Enjoy his short story Mr. Valentine Comes to Town in the romance anthology, Secrets Of Moonlight Cove.

Barb DeLong loves all things romance, animals and light-hearted, so she combines the three into her contemporary and paranormal stories. She has published a short story in Romancing the Pages anthology, Secrets of Moonlight Cove anthology, and is currently working on another short story plus a three-book paranormal romance series.

Janna Roznos writes about the middle-ages: middle-aged women that is! Second chances, life changes and starting over are themes she continues to explore in her writing. Her short story, Second Time Around for Secrets of Moonlight Cove is her first published work.

Kathleen Rowland is devoted to giving her readers fast-paced, high-stakes suspense with a sizzling love story sure to melt their hearts.  Some are sweet: Lily’s Pad within the Secrets of Moonlight Cove anthology, but a sizzling hot example is Deadly Alliance from Tirgearr Publishing. 


These six stories are a clever cross-section of the romance genre. Although some stories captured my interest more than others, I enjoyed each of them. My favorite was Lily’s Pad, but Maggie’s Mystery Man was a close second, possibly because I used to work for a newspaper. In fact, I believe readers will enjoy this anthology no matter what their usual choice of romance.
Once Upon a Love Letter and Second Time Around are charming stories. I was not as big a fan of Mr. Valentine Comes To Town, but that is a personal choice and not because there was anything wrong with the story that opens and closes the anthology. Surprise Deliveries told me a little more detail than I wanted to know about jewelry making, but the story was good. All in all, I give the anthology 5 stars. The anthology left me wishing I could travel to Moonlight Cove for my own vacation.


A $10 Amazon/BN gift card will be given to one commenter this weekend.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Catch Me If You Can
by Miss Mae
Genre: Romantic Mystery, Thriller 

Format: Audiobook

You Can Now Hear the Award-Winning "Catch Me If You Can"

The howling wind of a hurricane. The creak of footsteps on the stairs. The wailing of a dog in the dark of night.

"Catch Me If You Can", the thrilling romantic mystery by award-winning author Miss Mae, is now available in an enhanced audiobook at

"Catch Me If You Can" got five-star reader ratings at, and the brand new audio version enhances the story with extensive sound effects, background accents, and a complete music score. The story is performed by five of Hollywood's best voice artists, and is produced by Roger Rittner Productions of Los Angeles.

In this riveting story, Lois Steinberg is washed ashore on a South Carolina island during a category four hurricane. She seeks shelter inside an old plantation house that was scheduled to host a video game convention to announce the newest mystery game, "Catch Me If You Can". But almost immediately, the cook is found murdered. Then the prize to be awarded at the convention, a CD of the game, goes missing. The quest to discover the answers becomes a maze more complicated than any "Catch Me" game could ever be devised, as Lois races to save her life ... and keep hidden her mysterious secret.

The new audiobook is available in a deluxe 6-CD set in library case, or as an instant MP3 download at

Reviewers say:

"Love the pacing of the story. Catch Me If You Can has intriguing characters and more and more surprises in each chapter." Geeta M. Kakade.

"The emotion in the voices and the sound effects are great." Larry Hammersley.

"The sound effects ... absolutely make the story come alive, transporting the reader right in the midst of the story." C. Rogers.

Hear an exclusive audio excerpt here! 

About the Author:
Miss Mae is an award winning best selling author. "Said the Spider to the Fly" has received consistent five-star reviews and has won the renowned title of Best Book of the Week from The Long and the Short of It Reviews and The Romance Studio. With her writing style compared to Agatha Christie's after the release of her gothic thriller, "See No Evil, My Pretty Lady", she's gone on to pen "It's Elementary, My Dear Winifred" which was featured in the Top Ten Read at in 2009.

Get caught in the 'web' of Miss Mae's books!
Creator of famed journalist, I.B. Nosey. After all, aren't you Feeling Nosey?
My Audible Page: Miss Mae
Twitter: AuthorMissMae
Smashwords: Miss Mae
Amazon: Miss Mae
Facebook: Miss Mae's Fan Page 
Hi-Octane Caffeine Coffee ShopJoin the Fun!

About the Producer:
Roger Rittner is a producer of audiobooks, audio drama, and audio marketing and training. He created the cult radio adventure "The Adventures of Doc Savage", and "Bulldog Drummond - The Audio Adventure", which won the AVA Platinum Award for Audio and the Hermes Creative Award for audio drama. He created and produced The Variety Arts Radio Theatre live stage show, and co-created and directed "Charlie Sent Me!", the original musical comedy for radio, heard on National Public Radio.

About the talent:
"Catch Me If You Can is narrated by and stars Stephen Mendel, whose voice credits include radio and TV commercials, video games, and audiobooks.
Robin Riker has starred in TV series for ABC, CBS, FOX, and Showtime, and films including the cult favorite film "Alligator". She is currently a regular on "General Hospital".
J.W. Terry is an Emmy-winning TV actor whose voice credits include video games, anime, audiobooks, and cartoons.
Toni Attell is an Emmy-nominated film and TV actress, as well as a respected acting coach and motivational speaker.
Dave Mallow has been heard in commercials, film, radio plays, audiobooks, and numerous video games and cartoons.

Monday, December 26, 2016


His Montana Rescue
by Vella Munn


GENRE:  contemporary romance



Former firefighter Echo Rose may have recovered from the injuries that nearly ended her life but the emotional scars still linger. She now devotes herself to protecting wildlife and sheltering her heart until local contractor Rey Bowen reminds Echo that life can offer so much more.

Rey Bowen is not the only one at Lake Serene with secrets and a desire to reboot his seriously derailed life. Meeting Echo reminds him that life can sparkle with joy and laughter and passion, but can he show the cautious Echo how to love again even as he struggles to trust his own heart?


 “Ranger Echo Rose,” a rumbling voice said.

Taking it slow, she turned in the direction the words came from.

Rey Bowen was looking at her, or rather looking down at her. He wasn’t a giant of a man, just a shade over six feet, but that didn’t stop her from remembering she was at least seven inches shorter and only one hundred twenty pounds. For reasons she was careful not to examine too closely, she’d told herself the breadth of his chest and width of his shoulders were responsible for her unsettling reaction to him.

What was she thinking? Hadn’t she learned, painfully, to keep emotional distance between herself and men? She had, darn it. She’d never drop her guard.

Until she’d done in her ankle, she’d spent much of her time around physical people, most of them men. She still was around more men than women, but in recent months she'd mostly rubbed shoulders with people who spent their days behind desks.

Despite how she'd been forced to earn her living since last summer, she believed she still understood the physical male. When he was around women he was trying to impress, the breed carried himself as if he was a bull elk, strutting a bit, hard muscles pushing against too-tight T-shirts, and gazes giving out bedroom vibes.

Rey did none of those things. Instead, it was as if he’d built an emotional wall around himself. The reason was none of her business, darn it. She had enough to do dealing with her own life.



Where did you grow up? Siblings? Locale? Were you considered a “bookworm” or a jock? Married, single? Children?  

Where I spent my childhood is pretty unique so thanks for asking. My mother was a teacher and a single parent to me and my younger sister. She taught at two different one-room schoolhouses in northern California where she was the only teacher. For three years we lived in an isolated mining/logging community at the bottom of a canyon and absolutely loved being so close to nature. Then we moved to a ranching/farming community where we were able to have a couple of horses. We sometimes rode them to school. My sister and I were both bookworms in part because there was no TV or even radio reception. We were total tomboys. I’m married, have two sons, and four grandchildren. My husband and I live in a small, southern Oregon town. 

Who are your favorite authors and favorite genres?

I’m hesitant to list my favorite authors because as a longtime writer, I know many authors (we call each other writers) and don’t want to get into trouble. I totally love my dear friend Catherine Anderson’s historical and contemporary romances. I read a lot of romance but when I feel brave, I grab a Stephen King horror. He does incredible characterization.

I know that question above is unfair when most of our friends are writers. What’s your favorite way to relax and recharge? Hobbies?

Until her death this spring, I was responsible for my mother. My husband is disabled, and one of my sons has had four back surgeries so I spend a lot of time as a caregiver. I love working in my garden, walking the dogs, and spending time at the family’s summer cabin deep in the forest.

Do you have a favorite quote that sums up how you feel about life?

Hmm. I’m not sure I’ve ever thought about that but “What will be will be” came to mind.

How long have you been writing?

Since shortly after I learned how to read and write. My first creation was a comic book with the Lone Ranger’s horse Silver as the protagonist. I didn’t think of trying to write for a living until after my first child was born and I was in an isolated area with no one to talk to when my husband was at work. I’d gone from having a career to spending my days with a terrible conversationalist so started writing and selling short stories. I’ve been addicted ever since.

Where do you prefer to write? Do you need quiet, music, solitude? PC or laptop?

I have an upstairs office with a window behind my monitor that looks out at the sky and surrounding hills. I often listen to Pandora radio or country music on the TV. Silence makes me antsy. I use a PC because I don’t like the keyboards on laptops. Plus I love this huge monitor.

I agree and do my writing at my PC in my little office. Are you a plotter or a panzer?

A bit of each. I don’t write a synopsis before getting started but I do have a bunch of notes about my characters and what I want to have happen to them.

Do you use real events or persons in your stories or as an inspiration for stories?  

I don’t believe any writer can create in a vacuum. Whether we’re aware of it, our writing is influenced by what we or people we know or have heard about have experienced. To give an example, I decided to write the Montana Lakeside romance series because our family’s summer cabin is such a special place to me. I wanted to create characters in need of second chances and a feeling that they belonged somewhere special. Lake Serene and the wilderness surrounding it embraces my characters just as the family cabin and forest setting embraces me.

My daughter and I say we are the sum of all we’ve done and all the people we’ve met. Do you set daily writing goals? Word count? Number of chapters? Do you get a chance to write every day?

I feel pretty proud of myself if I write 3,000 words a day but it doesn’t always turn out that way because of family responsibilities. I could probably write a little every day but sometimes like last weekend when my grandson was in town, family comes first..

What do you hope your writing brings to readers?

The feeling that they’ve gotten to know my characters and care about them. That’s a good question.

I so admire your career and this is a dumb question to one who is so successful but it’s always included. What long-term plans do you have for your career?

I’ve been writing most of my adult life and have had maybe 70 books published so my plans are to continue exploring what fascinates me about human beings.

What advice would you give to unpublished authors?

Writing is a business. I’m serious about that. As writers, we wrap ourselves in a fictional world but if we want to be published (even self publishing) we must interact with the publishing industry.

Share a fun fact readers wouldn’t know about you.

I hate shopping. I own one purse, three pairs of shoes, two skirts, and no dresses.

Share something about you that would surprise or shock readers.

In addition to romances, I write erotica under a pen name.

Is your book a series? If so, how long? Family saga, other?

His Mountain Rescue is book #2 in a five book contemporary romance series under the Montana Lakeside umbrella. (four books and one novella)

Is there anything else you’d like readers to know about you?  

Slippers in winter. Barefoot in summer.

Vella Munn, Author

Vella Munn freely admits to being a dedicated and sometimes demented fiction writer. She has always been drawn to nature and those who feel at home in it. A career writer, she has had way over 60 books published, most of them romances both past and present. As far as personal statistics go, she has one husband, two sons, four grandchildren, and is owned by two rescue dogs. Home is southern Oregon within a two hour drive of Crater Lake. She frequently visits Montana in her mind and heart.



Vella Munn will be awarding a several photographs of Montana's wilderness sent via email (international and U.S. giveaway) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
Join us at Joan Reeves' Sling Words blog for special Boxing Day bargains December 26th!

Friday, December 23, 2016


Merry Christmas! Are you frazzled, still dashing to find last minute gifts? Or, are you looking for a relaxing escape for yourself? As part of Joan Reeves’ EASY LAST MINUTE GIFTS, we have a solution for you!

Join us at and check out the 38 books perfect for Christmas giving.

My book, WINTER BRIDE, is a stand-alone book in the Stone Mountain, Texas series. WINTER BRIDE is a sweet western historical romance of 60,000 words that includes murder, danger, adventure—and romance.

When Kendra Murdoch’s brother-in-law murders her sister, she takes charge of her nephew and two nieces. Fearing the man plans the same fate for her and the children, she seeks shelter in Radford Crossing where she opens a café to support her small family.

Determined to be self-sufficient, Kendra shuns all advances from the handsome sheriff as danger hangs heavily over her head. But can she safeguard her family alone?

Butch Parrish battled a snowstorm and a killer to rescue Kendra and the children. He’ll do whatever is necessary to protect the independent young woman who rekindles sensations he believed had died long ago. Protecting her, chasing a killer, dealing with the town gossips, and investigating a stagecoach robbery, Butch has a battle on his hands.

Here's a little video to give you a peek.

I wish you a Merry Christmas. If you celebrate another holiday, my wish for you is the same--abiding good health, prosperity in the New Year, and peace in your soul. 

Blessings to each of you!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016




After training and practicing for the auditions, Andy's friends excelled. Andy, however, failed miserably. When the positions were posted, his worst fears came true - he was the only angel not given a job for the birth of Lord Jesus.

Would Andy be the only angel not to have an assignment for this climactic event?

How did Heaven defend Bethlehem from the onslaught of Lucifer and his horde of demons?


Praise for the Book

This was a great book to bring alive the story of Jesus birth, especially for those who have heard it many times before. Although fiction, it challenges us to remember that we are not doing this on our own. There is a whole army of angels at our disposal.

Thank you Jeremy for captivating my thoughts and painting such a glorious picture, not often considered when thinking of that blessed day. From the very beginning as you described the landscapes I was hooked. The details breaking out the characters and each one's place in the story are masterfully woven. The story is packed with enough intrigue, adventure, and truth to be enticing to readers of all ages, and especially the youth of today. Compared to other books I have read on the subject, this one takes the cake with its creative story-line that is jam packed with adventure, humor, and close-calls. I recommend this book to anyone that is a fan of adventure. A fresh take on the matter that is certain to wow its readers. Especially those interested in a view behind the veil that we all know exists!

I loved The Battle for Christmas. Not only is it a book I’ll read again, but it’s also a book I can’t wait to share with my children and nieces and nephews. In The Battle for Christmas we get a great fantasy paired with reminders of our hope and our faith. Plus, what an adventure! I really liked Andy. He’s the type of character young readers will want to emulate, and one we’ll want our children to emulate. I think his gift is one we all struggle with and one of the most important.

add to goodreads


“Who’s Andy?” one of the little ones asked
“This is outrageous! I’m going to tell you the story of the birth of Lord
Jesus …” The nursery erupted with groans again. “But …” Stephen raised
his hands to quiet them. “I’m going to tell you about Andy the Angel and
how Lord Jesus’s birth really happened.”

David floated back to the ground and looked at Stephen with distrust.

The small angels murmured and mumbled questions.

“Whaddya mean, ‘How it really happened?’” one small angel asked.

“It’s written in the Bible, and we all have heard it, read it, and recited it
countless times—and who is Andy?”

“Yes, yes. You’ve read it in the Bible.” Stephen raised his hands again
to quiet the dissension. “And what the Bible says is true, but it’s written
for men and how they saw the events of that day. It’s not the only account
of that blessed day.

“You see, many of us in Heaven worked tirelessly behind the scenes
to make it happen. There were some moments when we weren’t sure if
we were going to be able to pull it off. We fought off demons, helped
humankind bring about fulfillment of Scripture, and did many other
things to make sure Lord Jesus’s birthday was going to happen.

“Of course, if you don’t want to know how it happened here in
Heaven, or what happened to Andy, that’s fine …”

Author Jeremy Hinshaw

Jeremy Hinshaw grew up in central Indiana. He graduated from Olivet Nazarene University, and now resides in Muncie, Indiana.

amazon paypal Blast Giveaway

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 1/3/17

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.


Sunday, December 18, 2016


Novels of Rhynan Book 1
by Rachel Rossano
Genre: Historical Romance

Duty to King
Tomas Dyrease, the newly made Earl of Irvaine and the village of Wisenvale, owes his good fortune to his king and the recent civil war. When his benefactor demands Tomas marry the cousin of a noble, he obeys. However, no one warned him that she wasn’t a typical noblewoman.

Duty to Others
Brielle Solarius struggles to keep her village from starvation under the new Lord Wisten, her cousin. The men rode off to war and never returned. The remaining women and children face a dire winter if they do not find a solution soon. When she learns her cousin sold her into marriage to save his life, she isn’t surprised. However, she is taken aback by Lord Irvaine’s unpolished ways. Was this man a noble or a foot soldier?

Duty to Each Other
Bound by the words of their vows, they face a rough future. They must forge a marriage while battling betrayal, accusations of treason, and villains from the past. Survival depends on their precarious trust in each other. Failure could mean death.

Novels of Rhynan Book 2

The Earl of Dentin excels in his position as Securer of the Realm. But the king’s order to pluck an orphaned child from a loving home unsettles Dentin. When a dark-eyed woman challenges his honor regarding the mission, Dentin finds himself unable to justify his actions or get her out of his mind. Something about her lack of fear intrigues him.
Lady Elsa Reeve attempts to avoid the marriage of convenience her brother and mother demand of her. She understands the need to pay off her brother's massive debt. She only wants her family to consider her wishes in the process.
As Elsa becomes further entangled in a snare of her brother’s creating, only one man defends her. But can she trust Dentin, her unlikely champion, and his motives? With a murderer on the loose, Elsa’s fate in jeopardy, and a traitor plotting against the king, Dentin finds his priorities shifting in an unexpected direction.

The Making of a Man: A Short Story Anthology
(Novels of Rhynan)
This is a short story anthology.

The Earl of Dentin returns. Eight stories ranging from short story to novelette in length give us greater understanding into why Dentin is the complex and enigmatic man he is. It also includes new adventures that happen between Honor and the next Rhynan novel.

Passing the Mantle – An ill-fated hunting trip
Forging Friendships – Recruiting able-bodied men ineligible for knighthood
The Sword of Korma Monroe – A sword made for trouble
Turning Point – A duke and an earl plot treason
The Bittersweet Pear – A marital misunderstanding
Isbeth’s Redemption – Dentin doesn’t make a good first impression
A Squire’s Love – Reginald’s quest
Restoration – A trip to Braulyn produces unexpected company

Rachel Rossano specializes in clean romantic fiction set in historical-feeling fantasy worlds. She also dabbles in straightforward historical romance and not-so-strict speculative fiction.
A happily married mother of three small children, she divides her time between mothering, teaching, and writing. She endeavors to enchant, thrill, entertain, and amuse through her work. A constant student, she seeks to improve her skills and loves to hear from readers.

Friday, December 16, 2016


Giveaway at end of post.

Dashing through the snow….

Thursday was the release of MURDOCH’S BRIDE, which is set in Montana in February. Snow plays a large part in the book. In fact, a blizzard isolates people at Murdoch Ranch.

How do you feel about snow? Because I live in an area that seldom receives crippling winter conditions, I like snow. Of course, full-time authors don’t have to commute to work. Here I sit in my office I call my pink cave, which opens off the master bedroom. I don’t have to stress over my work wardrobe and can wear my pajamas to work if I wish. Like now, but I that respiratory crud that's making the rounds.

However, when writing MURDOCH’S BRIDE, I stayed cold. All those words about the weather and visualizing the conditions on Murdoch Ranch kept me off balance. I’d write and be engulfed by cold. When I came out of my pink cave, I was surprised there was no snow and that the house was nice and warm. Authors are odd ducks who become immersed in their fictional worlds.

Here’s the blurb for MURDOCH’S BRIDE.

Stranded in the snow…

Charity Kelso is accompanying her fussy Aunt Edith from New York to Oregon when their train is wrecked and the passenger cars burn. Sweetwater Springs doesn’t have a hotel, so passengers are parceled out to townsfolk’s homes. No one wants anything to do with complaining Aunt Edith. That also leaves Charity and their newly widowed friend Amelia nowhere to stay until the tracks are repaired. A new blizzard is headed their way, so what are they to do?

Logan Murdoch and his brother came to Sweetwater Springs to restock before the next storm arrives. Against his better judgment, Logan lets the sheriff convince him to take three so-called innocent women to Murdoch Ranch. Other than their housekeeper-cook, a woman hasn’t set foot in the Murdoch home in the twenty years since his mother abandoned them. He doesn’t expect his father to welcome these unwanted visitors.

Both Charity and Logan are surprised at the events that unfold. How could this have happened?

Do you like the cover? The reason I chose those models is because the woman looks so happy. Of course, that’s how Charity appears at the end of the book.

Here’s an excerpt of the first kiss:

The Murdoch men came inside as Charity came down the stairs from fetching a clean handkerchief for her aunt.
Logan said, “Ornery old cow.”
Charity gave Edwina her hanky and stomped toward him. “Mr. Logan, may I speak to you privately?”
Surprise showed on his face. “Uh, sure. Guess we can go into the office.”
He led the way to a room she hadn’t seen, obviously where the ranch records were kept. “Will this do, Miss Kelso?”
She closed the door behind them. “Logan Murdoch, you have your nerve calling my aunt names. For your information, she’s had a horrible life and no one, not her selfish parents, not her cheating husband, not even her son ever loved her. And, that includes my father, who’s her younger brother.”
He stood looking poleaxed. “I never said—”  
She stabbed at his chest with her forefinger. “I heard what you said. You called her an ornery old cow. She may be difficult sometimes, but if you knew everything about her you’d understand and be patient and forgiving. You can make fun of me all you want, emphasizing that I’m Miss and not Mrs., but you treat her with the respect someone her age deserves.”
He moved her hand away from his chest and leaned into her face. “You might try practicing some of the charity you’re named for and at least give me a chance to defend myself. I was talking about our cow. In case you haven’t noticed, I have milk all over my legs and boots because she knocked against the pail.”
Heat rushed to Charity’s cheeks. She stepped back. “Oh.”
He stood with his hands on his hips. “That’s a good comeback, Miss Kelso.”
She sensed a blush’s heat spreading across her face and neck. “Once again, I must ask your pardon.”
“When you’re angry, sparks fly from those big blue eyes. Reckon I’m lucky I wasn’t set on fire.” He closed the short distance between them and he brushed a hand gently along her cheek.
She knew he was going to kiss her but stood frozen in place. He tilted her head up to meet his and pressed his lips on hers. She thought he would withdraw then, but his arms were around her, pulling her closer. As if they had minds of their own, her arms encircled him.
When they broke apart, he stared at her with a horrified expression. “Damn.”
With the realization she’d cooperated in the kiss and even enjoyed it, horror shot through her. “My stars.”
She took a deep breath and left the office.

Here’s the buy link for MURDOCH’S BRIDE:
MURDOCH’S BRIDE is only $1.99. This is one of Debra Holland’s Montana Sky Series Kindle World releases. If you're a fan of Debra's books (which I am), you'll see some of her characters appear in this book. 

To celebrate, I'll give away an e-book copy of MURDOCH'S BRIDE to one person who comments on this post.