Monday, December 12, 2016


A Crazy Reunion: Book 2 in the Crazy, Texas series
by Cate Baylor

GENRE: Contemporary Romance

Cate will be awarding a (For US residents only) silver necklace that says "this isn't my first rodeo" via Rafflecopter during the tour. For a non-US winner, Cate will offer a $15 Amazon or B&N gift card.


Raney Hoffman eloped with her high school sweetheart believing they’d found their happy ever after, but her world crashed down around her when he left after less than two years of marriage. Nearly twenty years later he’s back in town. Her broken heart tells her she should still hate the jerk. But her traitorous body surges into sexual overdrive at the sight of him.

Rob Coleman was devoted to Raney the moment they met in high school. After they married, his twin brother died unexpectedly and Rob’s grief thrust him into an identity crisis he couldn’t recover from. The decisions he made in that haze of grief have haunted him for nearly twenty years. Now he’s back and completely befuddled by the strength of his response to seeing Raney again.

They rebuilt their lives without the other but their unexpected reunion makes it clear their history is far from resolved.


She decided to call ahead to Daphne’s house and see if one of the ranch hands could come fetch her. She’d be late for the party but she’d still make it. As she was removing her gloves and setting them on the ledge of the engine block, she noticed a red dually pickup loaded with crates and equipment pull up behind her with its hazard lights blinking. It wasn’t uncommon in such a tight-knit community for folks to stop and help one another, but she didn’t recognize this truck that had “Oak Grove Mobile Vet” emblazoned on the side.

Raney studied the shiny paint job and the fancy chrome bumpers. Clearly the truck wasn’t long off the new-car lot. City slicker.

But that didn’t stop her curiosity as a long, denim-clad leg descended from the truck. A tall man with broad shoulders stepped out, donning a well-worn cowboy hat. Suddenly, a large yellow Lab leapt from the cab and rushed at her. Rather than step away, she crouched down to introduce herself. She loved dogs, Labs in particular. They didn’t have to trade names to form a mutual adoration, and she happily rubbed and petted him as he waited for his human companion to catch up to him.

The driver paused after he exited the cab of the truck, unsnapping his plaid work shirt. In one fluid motion, he peeled it off and tossed it carelessly back in the truck. His faded blue T-shirt clung to his chest as he hitched up his jeans and started walking toward Raney.

The truck may have screamed city slicker, but the man was all country.

Hiding behind her sunglasses and the dog, she surveyed him. She cocked her head and appreciated his long, purposeful stride and lanky physique. His jeans and holey shirt, both smudged liberally with dirt, made it clear he was accustomed to hard work.

She was surprised when a slow burn started low in her belly. How could she possibly be this attracted to a complete stranger? It was absurd. But the closer he got, the more her body responded to the sheer physicality of him.

He pulled a bandana out of his back pocket and swiped it across his nose and around the back of his neck. She practically purred at the slow, sexy smile that accentuated a scruffy jaw.

Then he removed his reflective sunglasses and her heart fell to her feet. She knew those hazel eyes as well as the back of her own hand, despite the fact it had been nearly twenty years since she last saw them in anything but memories. The past flooded over her and that burn in her belly turned to sorrow, then rage.

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Cate Baylor, Author

One liner:
Cate Baylor is a romance writer, technical communicator, blogger, craft addict, tea drinker, and geek.

Full bio:
Cate Baylor has been a technical communicator for over fifteen years. When she's not writing, she suffers from hobby addiction, which includes (but is not limited to!) reading, card making, crochet, knitting, scrapbooking, cross stitching, and home DIY. She lives in Houston with her geeky husband, neurotic cats, and precocious Yellow Lab named Tex. She comes from a long line of German-Texan farmers who are likely rolling over in their graves knowing she’d much rather stay blissfully air-conditioned than suffer the Texas heat.

Connect with Cate on her web site,
Twitter, or
You’ll also find her author profile on Goodreads


Cate will be awarding a (For US residents only) silver necklace that says "this isn't my first rodeo" via Rafflecopter during the tour. For a non-US winner, Cate will offer a $15 Amazon or B&N gift card.


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a perfect Saturday night read!

Caroline Clemmons said...

This does sound like a perfect read. Thank you for sharing it with readers today. Best wishes for continued success!