Friday, May 06, 2016


by Elaine Cantrell


GENRE: Romantic comedy

**Elaine Cantrell will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

Where did you grow up?

I grew in in upstate South Carolina, which is a beautiful place to live. I had grandparents, seven aunts and uncles and lots of cousins to play with. I had one sister. We all got together at my grandmother’s house on Sunday. She’d go out in the yard and kill a couple of chickens, and all the women would cook dinner. My grandmother had an electric stove, but she preferred her wood burning stove. Her house had high ceilings and doors on each end to catch the breeze.

I was definitely a bookworm, and I still am today. I’m married with two boys who are all grown up now. They’ve given me three fabulous grandchildren. One of thee grandchildren is a girl who’ll be having her own baby in about two weeks. I’m looking forward to the baby, but I’m too young to be a great grandmother!

But what a lovely event! Congratulations. Who are your favorite authors and favorite genres?

I like romance of course, but I do like some surprising things. I’m almost ashamed to admit it, but I like zombie fiction. I also like women’s fiction, some thrillers, time travel novels, and really a little bit of everything except biographies. I usually don’t like them. Some of my favorite authors? Mark Tufo, Deborah Truscott, Barbara Michaels/Elizabeth Peters, Kelly Martin, and many more.

What’s your favorite way to relax and recharge?

Go to the beach or the high country of North Carolina. In June we go to Sugar Mountain, and in July we go to Garden City Beach in SC. Hobbies? I collect vintage Christmas ornaments and am a slave to our two dogs and the cat.

I know about being a slave to animals since we have a dog and three cats. Do you have a favorite quote that sums up how you feel about life?

Yes, and it just happens to be the same one I gave to Princess Morgane in THE ENCHANTED. Here goes. “I will either find a way or make one.”

How long have you been writing?

Since 2001 when my son wrote a book. It was good, so I decided to try writing for myself. It took a long time to get started, but once I did, the words kept coming and wouldn’t stop.

And we hope the words never stop, don’t we? Where do you prefer to write?

I can do either a PC or a laptop, and I can write in noise if I have to, but I love it to be quiet. Give me a cup of coffee or else a really cold glass of water, and I’m ready to go.

Water, tea helps me but best is a Dr Pepper. Are you a plotter or a panzer?

Panzer for sure! I tried plotting some things, but my characters were unhappy and kept wanting to change things up.

I’m a definite plotter but I take panzer-like detours along the way. Do you use real events or persons in your stories or as an inspiration for stories?

Not really. I mean sometimes I’ll hear about something, and I’ll think what a nice story it would be, but I usually make everything up. Except for Fortuna. Most of the incidents in Fortuna are based on real events that happened either to me or someone in my family. LOL. I had one reviewer say the book was unrealistic, but I’ve got news for her. Most of it really happened which proves that truth really is stranger than fiction.

Do you set daily writing goals? Word count? Number of chapters? Do you get a chance to write every day?

I write everyday, but I don’t set goals. If things are going well, I write more. If not, I may write less.

Sounds sensible. I write every day also. What do you hope your writing brings to readers?

I want them to feel good about life, and more importantly, I want them to be inspired to create their own life stories. Not on paper, but in the real world. Have an adventure, take a chance, and savor life to the fullest.

A lovely answer. What long-term plans do you have for your career?

I just plan to keep writing stories that please me in hopes that if I like them, so will other people.
What advice would you give to unpublished authors?

Don’t give up. Polish your book and submit it until you find the correct publisher.

Share a fun fact readers wouldn’t know about you.

The incident at the Protestant church really happened to me, and I was traumatized by it for years. Even now I check to make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be before I leave the restroom.

Share something about you that would surprise or shock readers.

My first novel got published when it won the Timeless Love contest. I broke a lot of writing rules because I didn’t know any better, but the story is good.

Is your book a series? If so, how long? Family saga, other?

No, but I do have a series that’s a family saga. Book 1 is RETURN ENGAGEMENT, and Book 2 is THE ENCHANTED. I have the third book ready to go but haven’t had time to submit it.

Is there anything else you’d like readers to know about you?

I’d love to get to know all of your readers. I invite everyone to connect with me through the author links in this post.


Aimee Sherwood never dreamed that following her fiancé into the witness protection program would land her in a haunted house in a town that’s downright creepy. She’d have laughed if she had been told the guy who lives down the road might be her soul mate, not the man whose ring she’s wearing. Life in West Virginia is nothing like life in Los Angeles, but between bean ball battles with Marilyn Monroe, remodeling a crumbling farmhouse, and starting a new online business, life in the country is anything but boring.

FORTUNA Excerpt:

Without warning the blonde jerked the plastic container away from Aimee. It scooted across the table and crashed into a gelatin salad, taking a corner off its molded perfection. The blue bean balls went everywhere, rolling around the table like marbles on steroids.

”Look what you’ve done,” the blonde wailed. “Nobody will want to eat them now.”

She snatched a bean ball and hurled it at Aimee, who ducked just in time. “You missed me,” she taunted. She had no sooner finished speaking before a second bean ball flew through the air. This one caught the shoulder of her new blouse.

The blonde laughed.

Aimee grabbed a bean ball from the table and threw it at the blonde. She hit the woman right in the chest.

 “Help me!” the blonde shrieked. “She hit me in the heart. Where’s the sheriff?”

From the corner of her eye, Aimee saw the priest hurrying their way. She fired one final bean ball, which hit the blonde’s forehead with a beany thud.

Rocky grabbed her arm. “They’re circling the wagons. Let’s get out of here.”

Practically running, they made their escape from the church. Rocky took the precaution of locking the truck doors. He sighed. “I guess we can’t come back to this church either. Are we going to become atheists?”

“Of course not!”

Amazon buy link: 

Elaine Cantrell, Author
Elaine Cantrell was born and raised in South Carolina where she obtained a master’s degree in personnel services from Clemson University.  She is a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary society for women educators and Romance Writers of America.  Her first novel, A NEW LEAF, was the 2003 winner of the Timeless Love Contest.  When she’s not writing or teaching, she enjoys movies, quilting, reading, and collecting vintage Christmas ornaments. 

Find Elaine at the following locations:

Elaine Cantrell will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Elaine Cantrell said...

Hi, Caroline! Thanks for hosting Fortuna. I'll be in and out all day, so if anyone has a question for me put it in the comments, and I'll get back to you.

Victoria Alexander said...

I've really enjoyed following the tour for Fortuna - all of the excerpts and interviews have been fun to read. I'm looking forward to reading Fortuna myself, thanks for sharing :)

Elaine Cantrell said...

Thanks, Victoria. I hope you enjoy the book. A lot of it is based on true stories.

Unknown said...

I look forward to reading this book. Great giveaway! Thank you!

James Robert said...

Thank you once again for the giveaway and have a fun Friday!

Rita Wray said...

Sounds like a great read.

MomJane said...

I really enjoyed your interview and comments. This was a fun excerpt.

Elaine Cantrell said...

Mary, James Robert, Rita, and MomJane, thanks so much for following my tour. I wish each of you good luck in the drawing, and if you should choose to read Fortuna, please consider leaving a review for me.

Enchanting Reviews said...

Such a pretty cover. Sounds like a great read!

Caroline Clemmons said...

Elaine, thank you for sharing with readers and for checking for comments. A pleasure to have you visit.