Monday, October 30, 2017


by Jennifer Macaire


GENRE: Time Travel



In Nysa, Alexander the Great and time traveling journalist Ashley find their abducted son Paul being worshiped as ""the son of the moon"". Knowing she can’t change history and that Alexander’s kingdom will be torn apart when he dies, Ashley must make the terrible decision to leave her firstborn son in the sacred valley.

Alexander presses on to India, where he and Ashley are welcomed with feasts - and treachery. They struggle through monsoons, face the might of Porus’s army, and outwit deadly Brahmin rebels. Facing the reality of Alexander’s looming death, Ashley considers the unthinkable - How to save him, and the consequences of cheating the Fates. Book III in the Time for Alexander series"



The last house in the village stood by itself in the midst of a large garden. Wind chimes jingled softly in the night breeze. A cuckoo called. The door opened and a woman beckoned me. I couldn’t stop shaking.

Inside, lamps were lit. Yellow light danced around the walls. On the floor lay richly colored rugs and soft cushions. A low table was set with a warm meal. Light glittered off the brass brazier and the copper bowls. However, there was nobody in the room.

“Please, don’t make me wait any longer,” I whispered. “Just let me see Paul.”

The man clapped his hands and a woman entered the room.

She led a little boy by the hand. I dropped to my knees. The boy stood and stared at me gravely. He was four and a half years old, tall, sturdy, with long, magnificent eyes in a triangular face. He had a proud nose and a wide forehead. His blond hair curled softly and lifted off the back of his neck and temples. He stood perfectly still. I hardly saw him breathe. But a pulse beat in the base of his throat. A pulse I knew so well.

I stretched my arms out to him, my vision blurring with tears. “Come, Paul,” I said in English.

He came into my arms, laying his head gently on my shoulder. His small arms crept around my neck. I held him. I just held him. I hardly dared to breathe. It was akin to seeing a ghost.

I stood up and swung Paul into my arms, holding him on my hip. For a minute I had only one urge, to leave, to take my child and leave.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Jennifer Macaire lives in France with her husband, three children, various dogs, and horses. She loves cooking, eating French chocolate, growing herbs and flowering plants on her balcony, and playing golf. She grew up in upstate New York, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. She graduated from St. Peter and Paul high school in St. Thomas and moved to NYC where she modeled for five years for Elite. She went to France and met her husband at the polo club. All that is true. But she mostly likes to make up stories.

Blog :
Facebook page :
Twitter : @jennnifermacaire



$10 Amazon/BN GC

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Daddy Defender
Omega Sector: Under Siege- Book 1
Janie Crouch
Romantic Suspense 

He was a man on a mission, 
one that included a beautiful woman and a
little girl he'd die defending…

What a serious case of mistaken identity. 
Ashton Fitzgerald is no unassuming handyman but a highly trained 
sharpshooter intent on protecting Summer Worrall and her baby daughter. 
The Omega SWAT member has a debt to pay and 
he isn't about to let Summer out of his sights. 

For someone else has set their own sights on the lovely widow. 
Her unexpected relationship with Ashton has put Summer and her child
straight into a madman's line of fire. Suddenly a mission to make
amends becomes Ashton's quest to defend this little family with his
very life. 


“I dreamed it was you. And convinced myself I was absolutely crazy, because how could the handyman be the person who had gotten us out of a burning building?”

Oh damn. “Summer—”

“That couldn’t possibly be right. You were shy. Timid, even.” She began to pace back and forth right in front of him, her voice getting louder and louder. “Which was fine, I had no problem with that. But you just weren’t the type of guy who would be a part of Omega Sector. I’ve met some of them. They’re all alpha male, save-the-world sorts of guys who could lead a crowd to safety at any moment. But you seemed more comfortable chatting with my toddler than talking to me.”

She turned and poked him in the chest. “I convinced myself that I was delusional. I mean, yeah, you had the muscles, so maybe physically you could’ve been a part of Omega. But not in personality. In mindset. I berated myself that I was so desperate for some sort of knight in shining armor that my mind was trying to make you something you weren’t. I felt horrible.”

This was so much worse than he’d thought it would be. “Summer. Don’t.”

“But now, come to find out, my subconscious was right the whole time. You’re not shy. You are one of those alpha males—a take-charge kind of guy. You’re the absolute epitome of Omega Sector.” She stood there and glared at him. “Everything I thought I knew about you was completely wrong.”

He took a step back, surprised at how hollow he felt at her words. He’d known all along Summer wasn’t interested in becoming involved with someone in law enforcement. This was it. The end.
Over before it even began.

“And that’s not what you want, is it?” he asked quietly. The least he could do was give her an easy way out.

She stared up at him. “Are you kidding? I get all hot inside just thinking about it.”


What book are you currently reading or what was the last book you read?
At any given time, I can be caught reading up to half a dozen books. I have couple by my bedside table, one or two open on my Kindle, one in my car, one in my purse, one on my phone… I’m a quick reader so I’m usually able to get through all of these before the story lines get confused.

Currently, I’m reading Scarlett Cole’s Second Circle Tattoo series. Steamy, romantic suspense – got to love that! The Strongest Steel (book 1) was a RITA finalist (like my book Overwhelming Force), which is pretty much the highest award a romance novel can be nominated for. Great series!

Also, because I’m traveling to Everest Base Camp (that’s right, Mt. Everest –although not the dangerous parts) with my daughter this December for a 14-day hike, I’ve been reading about that like crazy! Right now I’m concentrating a lot more on blog posts than books (suggestions, packing lists, what to expect, etc.) in order to be prepared. But, of course, Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air is required reading when you’re talking about anything Everest.

And for research, I’m constantly thumbing through 400 Things Cops Know by Adam Plantinga and Police Procedure and Investigation: A Guide for Writers by Lee Lofland for agent-type stuff. The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi is always sitting next to me when I’m writing a novel. One of the most useful books I’ve ever found.

Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what do you like to listen to?
In a house with four kids, I regularly need to put on my noise-cancelling headphones and listen to music while I write. Particularly my first draft when I’m not necessarily trying to get the perfect words down, I’m just trying to get the skeleton of the story written. (For my later drafts, when I’m tightening sentences and attempting to find the perfect words for what I’m saying, I need complete quiet, not music)

I have a go-to playlist on Spotify entitled “Writing Suspense”. It’s made up of mostly of instrumental tracks specifically chosen from different films (Ironman, Ender’s Game, Captain America, The Avengers, etc. – yeah, I definitely have a “type”). I find this category of action-fueled music helps get me into a fast-paced mood (my books, because of their shorter length requirements, are more fast-paced than many single title romantic suspense novels). And there are no lyrics to distract me. I also have a romantic playlist (entitled “Feelings”) that helps set the mood for my love scenes.

In the not-so-rare-occasions when one of my teenagers boot me off of Spotify because they’ve taken control of our joint account, I switch over to Cody Westheimer’s website. This guy is talented – oh, the feels!! Be sure to check him out at

When you got that first phone call announcing you had sold a novel, how did you react? How did you celebrate?
For anybody interested in writing (romance in particular) I highly suggest getting involved with the Harlequin Discussion Forums online. Harlequin, more than perhaps any other traditional publisher, is looking for new authors all the time. They hold contests multiple times a year which allow you to get your work in front of an editor, something not guaranteed with many other publishers. One of those contests is how I got my start.

About five weeks before I received “the call” I had received an email from my (now) editor telling me she was sending my book onto the Intrigue line’s senior editor. I knew that was a good sign (although not definite), but I didn’t know when I would hear anything. I carried my phone with me every single moment of every single day for a month.

No call.

Finally, I decided I couldn’t let that rule my life. Our family (made up of myself and our four kids) decided to travel to Washington DC for a short family trip.

Sure enough, I got “the call” while standing under the T-Rex of the National History Museum in DC! It was difficult to hear and talk to my editor (kids and people were running around everywhere), but we managed. The important thing was: I was going to be a published author. They wanted to buy my book! Then I was the one running around the museum like a little kid.

USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Janie Crouch writes what
she loves to read: romantic suspense, heavy on the romance.

Janie recently relocated with her husband and their four teenagers to
Germany (due to her husband's job as support for the U.S. Military),
after living in Virginia for nearly 20 years. When she's not
listening to the voices in her head (and even when she is), she
enjoys traveling, long-distance running, and movies of all kinds. 

Her favorite quote:
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing." -
Helen Keller. 

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Monday, October 23, 2017


A Simple Wish
by Charlotte Hubbard

GENRE:   Amish/Inspirational Romance


Making rugs for the Simple Gifts store has taught Loretta Riehl that an unassuming pattern can reveal surprising depth. People, too, have a way of defying first impressions. Drew Detweiler came to Willow Ridge under a cloud, but the  handsome craftsman has gained the community's respect for his upholstery skills and commitment to making amends for his mistakes. As her new brother-in-law's twin, he's joining the family for dinners and Sunday visits, and Loretta can't deny enjoying his attentions.

If only  her dat were willing to let a little joy into his life. Cornelius Riehl grows sterner with each day, and Drew suspects there's more to his moods than missing Loretta's late mamm. Hoping to fulfill Loretta's wish to live in a  peaceful, happy home again, Drew sets out to learn the truth. It's a journey that will bring to light painful realities—but also the chance to forge a new, honest, and loving future together...


When Loretta looked across the road, she noticed that one of the Detweiler brothers was coming out of the stable in an open buggy pulled by a tall black Percheron. Asa and Drew, identical twins, owned matching horses, so it was impossible to tell which one of them was heading down the long lane toward the road.

She held her breath. Was it her imagination, or was the driver of that buggy looking right at her?

“I—I’ve never forgiven myself for turning my back on the love we shared, Loretta,” Will said again. He stopped the swing so suddenly that Loretta’s long, loose strips of rug fabric fluttered to the porch floor. “We both knew we had a love that would see us through a lifetime together. I was so upset about your Dad splitting us up that I didn’t realize Molly was coming on to me too fast, too soon,” he lamented, gazing at her with the soft brown eyes of a begging dog. “I am so sorry, Loretta.”

Loretta was feeling more unsettled by the second, because Will’s soul baring was leading her down a path she no longer wanted to follow. How could she tell him she wasn’t interested in rekindling their relationship? It would break his heart and depress him further while he still mourned the death of his wife and their misguided marriage.

Sighing, she chose her words carefully. “God has a reason for everything He does—every stumbling block He places in our paths—”

“But I see the world so clearly now!” Will blurted out. “I’ve prayed over these things night and day since Molly died and left me with her six-month-old twins. And while I never wished such a horrible death from cancer would take her, it gave me hope that you and I could—”

Loretta stood up, dropping her unfinished rug onto the swing between them. As the Detweiler buggy approached the road, coming toward her, she realized that Drew surely must be driving because Asa and Edith were inseparable—they went everywhere together and took the twins with them, in their baskets. Her pulse quickened. Drew was gazing right at her, pulling out of the Detweilers’ lane and stopping the buggy on the roadside in front of her.

“Loretta, I’ve got a gut steady job now, farming for Luke and Ira Hooley,” Will was saying, oblivious to the buggy. “Soon I’ll be planting a vineyard for them—can you imagine that? And I’ll be asking the Brenneman brothers to build us a house—”

“Hey there, Miss Loretta!” Drew called out from the buggy. “I have an errand to run. Want to come along?”

For a moment, Loretta felt lower than a worm, but she couldn’t allow Will to believe he could take up where they’d left off. He hadn’t heard a word she’d said as she’d gently countered his suggestions. Loretta nipped her lip, glancing apologetically at the handsome young man who’d gone through such an ordeal these past several months. Without a word, she hurried down the porch steps and across the front yard toward Drew Detweiler.

Author Charlotte Hubbard

Charlotte Hubbard is the acclaimed author of Amish romance and fiction that evokes simpler times and draws upon her experiences in Jamesport, the largest Old Order Amish community west of the Mississippi. Faith and family, farming, and food preservation are hallmarks of her lifestyle—and the foundation of all her novels. A deacon, dedicated church musician and choir member, she loves to travel, read, try new recipes, and crochet. A longtime Missourian, Charlotte now lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, with her husband and their border collie, Vera. Please visit Charlotte online at

Facebook: Facebook

Order Ebook

Order Print
September 26, 2017
ISBN-13: 9781420138719
ISBN-10: 1420138715



Charlotte Hubbard will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Fall into Cash $250 Giveaway!

October 15th to November 15th

The holidays are just around the corner.
Are you in need of some extra cash?
Here is your chance to win some!

The winner of this giveaway will receive $250 in Paypal Cash or a $250 Gift Card.

Please support these Amazing Sponsors!!

Thanks to these fabulous authors and bloggers for making this giveaway possible!

I Am A Reader
Lori's Reading Corner
The Lovely Books
Author Mary Ting
Author Melissa Wright
Kindle and Me
Coupons and Freebies Mom
Geybie's Book Blog
Helen Smith
S.T. Bende
Caroline Clemmons -- You Are Here, Thank you!
Simple Wyrdings
My Life. One Story at a Time.
Kasey’s Book Reviews and Giveaways
Author Inger Iversen
Liana Gardner
Krysten Lindsay Hager author
Cynthia Luhrs Author
Bound 4 Escape
Glistering: B's Blog
Danielle Thorne Author of Classic Romance
BloominThyme Organic Gardening & Fresh Recipes
Author Felicia Starr
Christy's Cozy Corners
Rebecca Talley
The Book Referees
Author Rae Lori
Taylor Dean Books
Rachelle J. Christensen
Wendi Sotis, Author
Cool Cat Mysteries
B. Kristin McMichael
Confessions of a Frugal Mind
Hooked To Books
Rolling with the Moments
Maureen's Musings
Author Laurie Treacy
Diana's Book Reviews
The Late Bloomer's Book Blog

Giveaway Details

$250 in Paypal Cash or a $250 eGift Card

Ends 11/15/17

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use money sent via Paypal or gift codes via Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the authors, bloggers and publishers on the sponsor list. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Friday, October 20, 2017


Hero and I grew up in Lubbock in West Texas. His grandparents had a country store at a crossroads south of Lubbock. Now it might be called a convenience store, but that wasn’t what it was then.

Theirs was the grocery store for those not prosperous enough to drive into Lubbock or who didn’t want to invest the time. They had a meat counter and canned goods. I’m not sure how much fresh produce they had, but I know some was offered. Hero’s grandparents had a peach orchard beside the store. They sold gasoline also, not like the mega-stations today, but with only two pumps.

This type of grocery store didn’t have air-conditioning, so the building was warm in summer. Usually a couple of large fans turned to keep the air moving and help with West Texas’ summer heat. Fans made the store bearable but didn’t help chocolate, which got a funny white look on top even though it wasn’t melted. In summer, these stores usually stuck with several peanut products, Payday candy bars, Big Hunk candy bars, jawbreakers, etc., and Hero’s favorite—the peanut patty.

I don’t know if peanut patties are sold nation-wide or if it’s a Texas thing. If you’ve never had one, let me describe them for you. They are usually round, though some come in state shapes. The raw (shelled but unroasted) peanuts are poured into a red-colored candy then into molds.

Don’t confuse a peanut patty with peanut brittle. Different thing. Also not a praline. The candy is not as hard as brittle or as soft as a praline. Peanut patties have a one-of-a-kind taste.  

Hero noticed that in prosperous times, patties included more peanuts. In bad times, fewer peanuts meant more of the red, sugary candy. He jokes that he can tell the state of the nation’s fiscal health from a peanut patty.

What nostalgia writing this post arouses! With fondness, I can recall the smell of the old country stores. They used to sweep with some kind of oil to keep down dust and the fragrance lingered. They were usually dimly lit and carried a little of everything.

Each summer, Hero, his mom, and siblings went to stay a week or two with his grandparents to deep-clean the store. His grandparents’ home was built onto the rear of the store. Needless to say, Hero and his siblings were not fans of their forced-labor duty. Hero and his brother had to sleep on floor pallets in a screened-in porch and could see the night creatures—some of which tried to scratch through the screen.

Hero learned valuable lessons from helping his grandfather. For instance:

A customer comes in and says, “I want a pound of bologna.” You ask, “How do you want that sliced?”

A customer comes in and says, “Give me three slices of bologna.” You slice it thick. Simple law of survival.  

At the time Royal Crown Cola contained more ounces than other soft drinks, so RC was a popular drink. If you didn’t buy a bag of peanuts to pour into the bottle, you bought a big Moon Pie. I wonder if there are country stores left where people still by Moon Pies and drink a big RC?

I know peanut patties are still popular. Occasionally Hero buys one to remind him of his roots and have a yummy treat simultaneously. And, he can do an analysis of the country’s prosperity while enjoying his peanut patty.

By the way, yesterday was the release for my friend Joan Reeves' novella in the box set, A CHRISTMAS SHE'LL REMEMBER. This set includes books by seven USA Today and NYTimes bestselling authors: Joan Reeves, Mimi Barbour, Patricia Rosemoor, Tamar Ferguson, Alicia Street, Ev Bishop, and Stephanie Queen. All this for only 99 cents! Here's the link:  

Please remember my latest releases, MISTLETOE MISTAKE (a Christmas story) and PRUDENCE, Bride Brigade book 7. You can find them on my Amazon Author Page with my other releases:

Also take note that three of my Loving a Rancher Series of the Montana Sky Series Kindle World books are on sale for only 99 cents each. They include MURDOCH'S BRIDE, BRIDE'S ADVENTURE, and THE RANCHER AND THE SHEPHERDESS. They'll be on sale all of October. 

Please pass the word! Many, many thanks to those of you who've already purchased them!

Fall into Cash $250 Giveaway!

October 15th to November 15th

The holidays are just around the corner.
Are you in need of some extra cash?
Here is your chance to win some!

The winner of this giveaway will receive $250 in Paypal Cash or a $250 Gift Card.

Please support these Amazing Sponsors!!

Thanks to these fabulous authors and bloggers for making this giveaway possible!

I Am A Reader
Lori's Reading Corner
The Lovely Books
Author Mary Ting
Author Melissa Wright
Kindle and Me
Coupons and Freebies Mom
Geybie's Book Blog
Helen Smith
S.T. Bende
Caroline Clemmons -- You Are Here, Thank you!
Simple Wyrdings
My Life. One Story at a Time.
Kasey’s Book Reviews and Giveaways
Author Inger Iversen
Liana Gardner
Krysten Lindsay Hager author
Cynthia Luhrs Author
Bound 4 Escape
Glistering: B's Blog
Danielle Thorne Author of Classic Romance
BloominThyme Organic Gardening & Fresh Recipes
Author Felicia Starr
Christy's Cozy Corners
Rebecca Talley
The Book Referees
Author Rae Lori
Taylor Dean Books
Rachelle J. Christensen
Wendi Sotis, Author
Cool Cat Mysteries
B. Kristin McMichael
Confessions of a Frugal Mind
Hooked To Books
Rolling with the Moments
Maureen's Musings
Author Laurie Treacy
Diana's Book Reviews
The Late Bloomer's Book Blog

Giveaway Details

$250 in Paypal Cash or a $250 eGift Card

Ends 11/15/17

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use money sent via Paypal or gift codes via Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the authors, bloggers and publishers on the sponsor list. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Fall into Cash $250 Giveaway!

October 15th to November 15th

The holidays are just around the corner.
Are you in need of some extra cash?
Here is your chance to win some!

The winner of this giveaway will receive $250 in Paypal Cash or a $250 Gift Card.

Please support these Amazing Sponsors!!

Thanks to these fabulous authors and bloggers for making this giveaway possible!

I Am A Reader
Lori's Reading Corner
The Lovely Books
Author Mary Ting
Author Melissa Wright
Kindle and Me
Coupons and Freebies Mom
Geybie's Book Blog
Helen Smith
S.T. Bende
Caroline Clemmons -- You Are Here, Thank you!
Simple Wyrdings
My Life. One Story at a Time.
Kasey’s Book Reviews and Giveaways
Author Inger Iversen
Liana Gardner
Krysten Lindsay Hager author
Cynthia Luhrs Author
Bound 4 Escape
Glistering: B's Blog
Danielle Thorne Author of Classic Romance
BloominThyme Organic Gardening & Fresh Recipes
Author Felicia Starr
Christy's Cozy Corners
Rebecca Talley
The Book Referees
Author Rae Lori
Taylor Dean Books
Rachelle J. Christensen
Wendi Sotis, Author
Cool Cat Mysteries
B. Kristin McMichael
Confessions of a Frugal Mind
Hooked To Books
Rolling with the Moments
Maureen's Musings
Author Laurie Treacy
Diana's Book Reviews
The Late Bloomer's Book Blog

Giveaway Details

$250 in Paypal Cash or a $250 eGift Card

Ends 11/15/17

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use money sent via Paypal or gift codes via Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the authors, bloggers and publishers on the sponsor list. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Death of the Kona Man
Aloha Lagoon Mysteries Book 9
Catherine Bruns
Cozy Mystery


What are your top 10 favorite books/authors?

Agatha Christie, Sue Grafton, Janet Evanovich, Louisa May Alcott, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Stephen King, Harper Lee, Mary Higgins Clark, KM Peyton.

What inspired you to write this book?

My publisher had the idea for a multi author series in Hawaii. I've been there twice and it's a favorite vacation destination so of course I was definitely in!

What can we expect from you in the future?

My next book scheduled for release is Silenced by Sugar and it comes out January 16, 2018. It is the fifth book in my USA Today best selling Cookies & Chance series about a woman who runs a bakery in Western New York that serves up fortune cookies with a side of foreshadowing. There's yummy recipes in that series as well as the Carrie Jorgenson books too!

Do you have any “side stories” about the characters?

Not about the characters per say but the concept for this particular series came from a play I wrote and directed for my senior project in college, over twenty something (mumble) years ago, lol.

Where were you born/grew up?

I grew up in Upstate New York and have lived there my entire life.

What makes a good story?

A writer needs to be passionate about their work and connect with their characters. A good plot is necessary as well.

How to find time to write as a parent?

I'm fortunate that I didn't start writing aggressively until my children were grown. I admire writers who can do it with small children in the house - I'm not sure that I could!

What made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision?

Since I was eight years old, I have always wanted to be a writer. I think it's just something that you're born with.

Advice they would give new authors?

Build your platform so more readers can find you.

What are they currently reading?

The Marriage Lie by Kimberly Belle.

How long have you been writing?

Since I was eight years old.

sWhat is your writing process? For instance do you do an outline first? Do you do the chapters first

I do a rough outline and revise it a few times. I pretty much write by the seat of my pants, so to speak. My mind tends to go in a different direction during the actual writing process so things don't always stay the same.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in DEATH OF THE KONA MAN?

DEATH OF THE KONA MAN is the second book in my Carrie Jorgenson Aloha Lagoon series. The first book is DEATH OF THE BIG KAHUNA but they can be read as stand alones. Carrie's from snowy Vermont and in the first book, she's just arrived on the island of Kauai. She's followed her boyfriend in an attempt to save their floundering relationship. She gets a job waitressing but has no previous experience. Her dream is to be an actress some day. Carrie's had a rough life so far but is determined to persevere. While waitressing at Loco Moco Café, she meets the hot assistant manager Keanu Church. Keanu has an enormous heart and sparks fly between them from the beginning. In DEATH OF THE KONA MAN, their relationship grows closer.

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?

Always at different times. Some are outlined before, and some come to me during the actual writing process.

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

I hate research, lol! I'm fortunate that I have several contacts who help me out, a retired police Captain, my former real estate manager and a few people in the medical field. Even though these are cozy mysteries and you can suspend belief somewhat, I like my books to be accurate and realistic.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less!

Impatient, passionate, stubborn, determined (sensing a pattern here, lol?)

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

The fact that the Aloha Lagoon series is set in Hawaii makes it so much more fun. I love my characters so every time I write a book in this series it feels like I'm coming home.

Who designed your book covers?

The entire Aloha Lagoon set of covers was designed by Estrella Designs but I have another artist for my two separate series.

Do you see writing as a career?


Anything specific you want to tell your readers?

I love to hear from readers. It's such a joy to know that my book has provided entertainment for a few hours so thank you so much for taking the time to read my work!

From USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bruns 
comes the next deadly
delicious Carrie Jorgenson adventure in paradise...

Carrie Jorgenson is living the dream in Hawaii. 
She has a steady job as a
waitress at the Loco Moco Café, a hot new love interest in her
manager, and the curtain’s about to rise on her role in a local
theater production. But when she's asked to deliver food to a guest
at the Aloha Lagoon resort—who then drops dead!—her dreams
quickly become the stuff of nightmares. 

World renowned food critic Randolph Cremshaw
has no shortage of enemies.
He's rude, patronizing, and famous for his one-star reviews. After
the coffee Carrie delivers is discovered to have been poisoned, she
and the café quickly rise to the top of the suspects list. A jealous
co-worker, thefts at the restaurant, and a performance that threatens
to blow up in Carrie's face only make things worse. With an already
full plate, Carrie is also forced into making a decision that may
change everything for her. But this all pales in comparison when she
comes face to face with Randolph's killer and what might be the final
curtain call…of her life. 


to Read DEATH OF THE BIG KAHUNA first!**

**On sale from Oct 10th - 17th!**

About Aloha Lagoon:

**Books can be read in any order and they're from multiple authors!**

trouble in paradise...

to Aloha Lagoon, one of Hawaii's hidden treasures. A little bit of
tropical paradise nestled along the coast of Kauai, this resort town
boasts luxurious accommodation, friendly island atmosphere...and only
a slightly higher than normal murder rate. While mysterious
circumstances may be the norm on our corner of the island, we're
certain that our staff and Lagoon natives will make your stay in
Aloha Lagoon one you will never forget! visit us at

Aloha Lagoon Mysteries:

Ukulele Murder (book #1)

Murder on the Aloha Express (book #2)
Deadly Wipeout (book #3)

Deadly Bubbles in the Wine (book #4)
Mele Kalikimaka Murder (book #5)
Death of the Big Kahuna (book #6)

Ukulele Deadly (book #7)

Bikinis & Bloodshed (book #8)

Death of the Kona Man (book #9)

Randolph stepped back so that I could roll the cart inside. He was dressed in a dingy white undershirt and black slacks that dragged on the floor, his long, narrow bare feet poking out from underneath. I tried hard not to stare at the crusted-over toenails that screamed fungus at me.
"Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly."

Yikes. For some reason, the word icky popped into my head. "Please enjoy your breakfast, sir. You can place the cart in the hallway when you're done, and one of our staff will pick it up later."

I began to walk away, and he grabbed me by the wrist. "Not so fast."

Startled by his action, I shook myself loose. "Don't touch me again."

"Sorry." Randolph gave a small smirk that said he was anything but sorry. He looked me up and down. "I'd like you to wait a moment until I'm sure the meal is to my liking."

I had news for this man—no meal was ever going to be to his liking. He lifted the covers off the plates one by one, examining the food while he grunted in apparent satisfaction. Finally, he picked up the white coffee carafe, poured himself a cup, and sniffed. Like the other day at the café, he took a small sip, grimaced, then shook his head at me. "Not quite, doll."

"Sir?" I was confused. Poncho had used his precious Kona beans this time, so what could be the problem? 

"It's cold. Bring me another carafe right away."

I couldn't believe my ears. Anger bubbled at the surface and threatened to boil over any second. What I really wanted to do was throw the entire carafe in his face, but then I'd be out of a job and, knowing Randolph, looking at a lawsuit.

"Is there a problem, dear?" 

The man clearly enjoyed the fact that he was goading me, but I was determined not to let him get under my skin. "No, sir. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Text Chef Paunch ahead of time," Randolph taunted, "so that the coffee will be ready when you get back. That's a good little girl."

I bit into my lower lip to temper my reply. "His name is Poncho." 

"Whatever. He's got quite the paunch on him, so my name fits. And do hurry up. I haven't got all day." He sat down and started to eat, dismissing me with a wave of his hand.

Could the man be any more pretentious? I counted to ten and compressed my lips together, afraid a nasty comment might slip out between them. As I started toward the door, I spotted two half-filled mimosa glasses sitting on the table on the balcony. I wondered if good old Randy might have had a girl over last night—or perhaps his estranged wife had joined him. 

"Are you deaf?" Randolph bellowed. "I want my coffee—now!" 

With great effort, I opened the door to the suite and managed to refrain from slamming it behind me. On my way back down the hallway toward the elevator, I grabbed my phone out of my jeans pocket. My fingers flew as I texted Vivian. 

Tell Poncho that the jerk said the coffee's not hot enough. Have a new carafe ready to go when I get back. It's a wonder no one has killed this guy yet.

is the USA Today best selling author of the Cookies & Chance
mysteries. She lives in New York with her very patient husband, three
sons, and assorted cats and dogs. Catherine has a B.A. in English and
is a former newspaper reporter and press release writer. She also
writes the Cindy York and the Aloha Lagoon (Carrie Jorgenson)
mysteries. Her next Cookies Chance mystery, SILENCED BY SUGAR,
releases in January 2018.

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