Monday, August 31, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Date Published: August 15, 2020
Publisher: Sand Dune Books
The long-requested sequel to Maddie James' first published novel, Roses & Rawhide is now available!
Readers wanted to know...
What happened to Jillie and Mack's relationship at the end of Roses & Rawhide?
Why did Jillie go back to Kentucky?
Will they get back together? What's their story?
While Kim Martin and Thad Winchester find their happily-ever-after in Roses & Rawhide, their best friends, Jillie Abernathy and Mack Montgomery, end their sleeping bag sharing relationship during the rugged, two-week pack trip into the Colorado San Juan mountains.
But when Kim and Thad host their wedding at Thad's Colorado ranch a few months later, Mack and Jillie must come face-to-face with reality--and with each other. She's the maid of honor. He's the best man. Both are harboring secrets that could break a potential future relationship if they both keep avoiding telling the truth.
Can they reveal those secrets to each other? And if so, can they get past the withheld truths to plan a future together?
Jillie glanced up from the pot of chili and froze. The back door softly closed, and Mack pushed into the mudroom. She watched as he parked his hat on the bench beside the back door and hung his coat next to hers in the closet, then strolled into the kitchen.
This feels a little too cozy. “What the hell?” she said. “I thought you’d gone.”
He tossed her a sarcastic grin as he approached the kitchen island. “Nope. I’m here. At least for the night. Guess we both need to get used to it.”
“Weather and other stuff.”
“Is it that bad?”
He ignored her. “Did you get a nap?”
“Good. By the way, I’m still on babysitting duty,” he added.
“Oh my God, Mack, I can manage.” Jillie bristled and narrowed her gaze. “I don’t need a sitter.”
“I’m still here anyway.”
“Well that’s ridiculous.” She turned back to the chili. But the smirky smile he gave her right before she did—one that half crossed over into dangerous sexy waters—unnerved her a bit. Flustered, Jillie dropped the ladle into the chili. The hot soup splashed onto the back of her hand and she jerked away. “Crap. Ouch!”
She snagged Mack’s gaze as he stepped forward. His intense glare unnerved her so much that she didn’t see him reaching for her hand.
“You lost the spoon,” Mack said. His fingers were still cold from working outside. He lightly touched a knuckle. “You okay? Those knuckles look red already.”
And they stung. She pulled back sharply, but not completely out of his grasp. “Um. Yeah. I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not.” He tugged her closer, his blue eyes dancing. She locked into his gaze and he held her there for a few seconds, while her heart did a little flip-flop. Leaning in, he lifted her hand to his lips, and licked off the chili spatter off.
One. Knuckle. At. A. Time.
Mesmerized by the action, all Jillie could do was stand there and let him. His tongue dragging over her skin sent a revolving skitter of desire through her body and jump-started the months-buried yearning for him in her heart—and elsewhere. Every delicate nerve ending connected to her hands tingled with anticipation. Where else might he lick?
Her lips?
Stunned at the heat of his touch, Jillie attempted to stifle the shiver racing up her spine and keep her hand from shaking. She wasn’t successful. After what seemed a suspended moment in time, he stopped, and his gaze drifted up to meet hers.
Those blue eyes twinkled back. She trembled a little inside while her tongue made a quick swipe over her suddenly parched lower lip. Mack’s gaze immediately dropped to her mouth, and she willed down the flipping butterflies in her stomach.
She stepped back and jerked her hand away.
About the Author
Maddie James writes to silence the people in her head—if only they wouldn’t all talk at once!
Whether writing traditional contemporary romance or building paranormal worlds, bestselling romance author, Maddie James, pens stories that frequently cross a variety of romantic sub-genres. Sweet or spicy, suspense or comedy, western or time-travel, her heroes and heroines are always chasing one thing—the happily-ever-after.
Affaire de Coeur says, “James shows a special talent for traditional romance,” and RT Book Reviews claims, “James deftly combines romance and suspense, so hop on for an exhilarating ride.”
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Friday, August 21, 2020
Don't miss the Rafflecopter giveaway at the end of the post!
Poisoned Primrose
Dahlia Donovan
Chapter One
A cat, a turtle, and a Pineapple walk into a cottage…. That’s it. That’s the punch line of my life choices.
“Well, here we are.” Motts closed the solid wooden front door to her new cottage, leaning back against it and releasing a pent-up sigh. She opened her bluish-grey eyes to stare at all the boxes, plastic bins, and bags. “Bugger. You’ve no one to blame but yourself for this, Pineapple Mottley.”
Pineapple Meg Mottley had been so named because her mother had craved nothing but the tropical fruit during her one and only pregnancy. There’d only been one issue. No one ever called her Pineapple; her uncle had nicknamed her Motts as an infant, and it stuck.
The plaintive cry came from behind one of the boxes. Motts moved quickly to lift up her precious cat. Cactus was a tortoiseshell Sphynx cat; she’d found the poor dear at a shelter and fallen head-over-sneakers in love. He buried his head in her shoulder-length brown hair, purring his little heart out.
She stroked the suede-like downy fuzz covering his wrinkly body. “What are we going to do about this mess? Want to help me unpack? No?”
What have I gotten myself into?
When her auntie Daisy had passed away, Motts had taken the inherited cottage as a sign. London had always been overwhelming to her senses. Polperro was a much quieter place with a slower pace suited for her autistic needs.
She loved Polperro. Her parents were both originally from Cornwall. A lot of her family lived in the area, as did her ex-girlfriend.
Despite having spent many a holiday with family at the cottage, Motts found herself overwhelmed by the sudden change. This was a terrible idea. I should’ve sold the house. I am such a silly fool.
Take a few deep breaths.
Match Cactus’s purring.
You’re going to be okay.
“Ahh!” She jumped when a rapid knocking on the door jolted her. “For goodness sake.”
“Motts? You okay?”
She spun around and yanked the door open to find the welcome sight of her ex-girlfriend, Pravina Griffin, and Vina’s twin brother, Nish. “I’m….”
How do I finish the sentence?
In the middle of the biggest mistake I’ve ever made?
Just slightly overcome by irrational fear?
Nish moved forward to take Cactus from her arms while Vina led her inside. “Amma is bringing over supper. She wanted to let the sambar simmer a little longer. She even made your favourite kind of rice.”
The Griffin twins took after their Tamil mother, Leena, who’d been a Bollywood star before falling in love with Cadan Griffin, a Cornish-Indian cricket player. They’d settled in Polperro to run a coffee shop and bakery. Griffin Brews had been around for thirty-plus years, and now their children managed it, allowing their parents to retire early.
Leena and Cadan had welcomed Motts with open arms even before she’d briefly dated their daughter. Motts and Vina had realised over the years that their close bond felt more like that of siblings. They’d dumped each other but remained the best of friends, where they’d started in the first place.
“Let’s talk about something less daunting than unpacking. How goes the dating life? Did you fill out a dating profile on the site I emailed you?” Vina plucked Moss, Motts’s turtle, out of his travel terrarium.
“No, I didn’t. There’s no box to check for asexual, biromantic autistic.” Motts gently took Moss to return her to a safer place. “No touching the turtle.”
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Dahlia Donovan, Author |
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Don't overlook the Rafflecopter at the end of the post!
Chasing Wild Horses
Mila Nicks
The kiss kept him up at night. For hours he lay in his bed and stared up at the dark ceiling. He couldn’t close his eyes. The second he did the image of them flashed behind his lids. It replayed for him like a movie on a projector screen. Only that it felt too real; it had been real.
The sensations enveloped him. The earthy musk of rain hung in the air. The wet soil squelched under their boots, clumps of dirt now muddied. Raindrops clung to their skin and dampened their clothes until the soaked fabric weighed them down. His usually wooden exterior washed away as if an act by the rain itself. He wiped his face and blinked against the falling droplets, and there she was. Right in front of him with breathless curiosity.
He still couldn’t say what it was that came over him. His critical mind pressed pause. His heart thwacked against his rib cage at full speed. His eyes were wide and open for what felt like the first time. Hers were on his face, pools of deep brown that he got lost in. Before he knew what he was doing, he reached for her. His fingers clamped around her arm and they orbited each other. The pull was inevitable. Those full, dusky pink lips of hers begging to be kissed…
Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?
It’s a long story, but I always knew I wanted to be an author. Even as a small girl, I remember rushing home to finish my homework so that I could spend the rest of the evening creating stories. I used to staple them into little books and give them away. But as I got older, I realized it wasn’t feasible to be an author. At least not if I wanted to make a decent living! It got put on the backburner for many years until finally last year, I decided I was going to jump in headfirst. I set a goal for myself that I would self-publish at least one novel by the end of the year. Fast forward another two months, I had finished the manuscript. Being an author is still very much a side gig for me right now, balancing author stuff with my main career and my master’s program.
What is something unique/quirky about you?
I don’t like pizza. I don’t like spaghetti. A lot of people seem to consider this a cardinal sin, ha ha! :)
Tell us something really interesting that's happened to you!
When I was 10-years-old I was attacked by a bat. To this day I’m terrified of them. It’s also funny because Batman is my favorite superhero, ha ha! I guess we have that phobia in common. But I’ll never forget when it happened. The bat got in through the kitchen window. Only my mom and I were home. Of course we both ran out the house screaming at the top of our lungs!
What are some of your pet peeves?
I’m big on manners. Lack of manners is definitely a pet peeve. Just basic stuff like not saying “thank you” or “excuse me”, holding doors when someone is right behind you, etc. That kind of stuff.
Where were you born/grew up at?
I was born in Southern California! I always say Los Angeles because non-SoCal people have never heard of the city otherwise, ha ha. I haven’t lived there since I was a teenager, but I’ll always be a Cali girl at heart! :)
If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?
The thing is, I don’t think I’d do anything differently. Maybe make sure I visit or call my mom, but otherwise I’d choose just being myself like any other day.
Who is your hero and why?
Definitely my mom. She has been through A LOT in her life, but has persevered every time. She is the definition of a strong woman.
What kind of world ruler would you be?
I’m a pretty even-keeled type of person, so I’d probably be that way as a world ruler. Of course, it’s one of those scenarios you’ll never know for sure because it’ll never happen. ;)
What are you passionate about these days?
Being an author! It’s a constant on my mind. I’m always thinking and talking about author stuff these days. I’m sure it’s annoying to anyone around me, he he.
What do you do to unwind and relax?
I’m big on TV. If I’m stressed, I will turn on one of my favorite shows and binge. It helps me turn my brain off for sure. I’m also the type of person who watches a bunch of different types of TV shows, and who can rewatch the same show a thousand times. Ask me how many times I’ve binged Brooklyn 99.
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Mila Nicks, Author |
featuring women of color.
served her country in the United States Air Force.