Friday, August 16, 2024


By Caroline Clemmons

 What an exciting age in which we live! We can read by picking up a paper book, read on our e-reader or phone, or plug in our earbuds and listen to someone else read to us. 

I’m excited to announce all but five of my books are now available at Audible for your listening pleasure—and I’m working to get those five available on Audible, too.

Many of my friends listen to audiobooks while they commute, others listen while they’re doing onerous chores, and others—like me—listen as they relax at home. Whatever you choose, I hope you’ll give my audiobooks a try!

If you’re new to audiobooks, there’s a FREE trial to introduce you to Audible. Free is my favorite price.

Each of my latest series, the Texas Hill Country Mail Order Brides, is available on Audible. The voice I chose for these books is female. Especially JESSE AND THE MAIL ORDER BRIDE includes a great deal in the heroine’s point of view, so that seemed most appropriate. Only four of my other books are narrated by a male.

For those who don’t know, my husband has Parkinson’s and has been in and out of the hospital the past year. In addition, I was in the hospital also due to a very persistent UTI and have been hounded by several other pesky medical problems. Hence, I have taken far too long to complete SIDNEY’s story. It’s a fun book and I promise to have it finished this summer.

This series’ books are stand alone. Because the characters are recurring, the series is more enjoyable, in my opinion, if read in chronological order. This is GENTRY, JESSE, QUINN, LEVI, KEITH, and the one I’m currently working on (slowly) SIDNEY. So, start with GENTRY.

Find these books at the Amazon series page:

If you’ve read all of this series, pick another of my books and choose the Audiobook. I think you’ll enjoy listening to someone read to you. Each of us deserves a little pampering, right?

 Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and keep reading.

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