Caroline: Please tell us something about growing up?
BJ: The oldest of three children, I was born in Welland, Ontario, Canada, a small town about half hour from Niagara Falls. As was common in the day, I was married after high school and have a son and a daughter, both grown with families of their own. Sadly things did not go as planned and we divorced after fifteen years. However, I met my current husband a few years later and we are very happy living in our century old home in a small town on Lake Erie with our four dogs and one cat. While I loved to read and dabbled in writing, I would have been considered a jock since sports were a big part of my life. I was on pretty well every school team, volleyball, gymnastics, soccer, field hockey, badminton, track and field, cheerleading. The only one I did not do was basketball. Too short lol.
Caroline: Who are your favorite authors and favorite genres?
BJ: There are so many authors I admire. I always enjoy a good Nora Roberts trilogy. I love Julie Garwood and Dianna Gabaldon’s work. While I do enjoy a good contemporary, romantic suspense or paranormal ghost story, historical romance is my all time favorite.
Caroline: You named three of my favorite authors. What’s your favorite way to relax and recharge?
BJ: I enjoy reading, a variety of handcrafts, antiquing and camping.
Caroline: Reading and antiquing are hobbies for me, I used to do handcrafts, but count me out on camping. It's La Quinta Inn for me. ☺ How long have you been writing?
BJ: I have always been one to jot down stories and to keep a diary, but started to write in earnest about twelve years ago. I took some creative writing classes at College and the teacher suggested I try writing a story for Harlequin. I worked on a variety of stories, but put it aside for a while when real life became too demanding. About three years ago the bug hit and I started writing again.
Caroline: Where do you prefer to write? Do you need quiet, music, solitude? PC or laptop?
BJ: Because I work full time as a child care provider for special needs children, and have a small business on the side, I find I need to write when and where I can. If I have my choice it would be in the easy chair, beside the fireplace with the TV on in the background. I don’t like to work in total silence. I have a net-book and take it with me where ever I go. Not one to sit at the PC for hours at a time but do use it occasionally for my writing.
Caroline: I can’t imagine when you find time to write. Are you a plotter or a panzer?
BJ: I am a little of both. I usually have a storyline planned and know how I want the story to unfold but don’t always write a book in order and it changes often. Nothing is set in stone and sometimes the finished product does not even resemble the outline.
Caroline: Perhaps you’re a plotzer. ☺Do you use real events or persons in your stories or as an inspiration for stories?
BJ: I write historicals and often they are centered on historic events so have some characters from history in my books. My main characters are always fictitious.
Caroline: I imagine you don’t, but I always ask if my guests set daily writing goals?
BJ: Setting a goal with my busy life would be impossible. I am also one who must have the muse talking to me in order to write. That means there are days I do not write a single word and other when I write from the minute I get up to the time I go to bed.
Caroline: What do you hope your writing brings to readers?
BJ: If my story provides a few minutes of enjoyment or escape from stress or problems then my goal is met.
Caroline: What long-term plans do you have for your career?
BJ: I would love to be able to write full time, but right now that is not in the cards. A lottery win or a great contract would make a huge difference ;)
Caroline: I do write full time, but I still wouldn’t mind a lottery win. Since I never buy a ticket, that’s not likely to happen. Would you like to tell us what you’re working on now.
BJ: HIGHLAND LEGACY is the first of the series. I am currently working on the third book in the series. HIGHLAND HOMECOMING takes up where HIGHLAND QUEST leaves off. The focus is on Alasdair, the oldest brother and least likely to fall in love or take a bride. But when he finds an unconscious woman on the beach, he has no choice but to care for her, causing him to question his chosen path.
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First of the HIGHLAND trilogy, still available |
Caroline: What advice would you give to unpublished authors?
BJ: Write what you love and know. Write often and don’t give up your dream. Use rejection or critiques to your advantage in order to hone your craft.
Caroline: What interesting facts did you find when researching HIGHLAND QUEST?
BJ: I am a history buff so anything I learn about Scottish history is of interest. But one area I found fascinating was about the Highlanders’ strong belief in magic, spirits and superstitions. Their entire culture revolved around it and one aspect I found very intriguing was the gift of second sight. In my book, Fallon, the heroin has the gift, but considers the ability to see the death of friends and family in advance a curse.
Caroline: My Scot-Irish grandmother had “the sight,” which she called a curse for that reason. What made you want to write about the Highlands?
BJ: Scottish historicals are my all time favorite books to read. I am fascinated by anything Celtic or Scottish and having a Scottish, Irish, and English ancestry, it seems a logical choice. While I have never been to Scotland, it is on the top of my bucket list.
Caroline: So this is a series, but how many books will there be?
BJ: As mentioned in an earlier question, HIGHLAND QUEST is the second book in a series of three. It focuses on three brothers, Connor, Bryce and Alasdair Fraser, all very different in their personalities and their outlook on life, but they share a fierce family bond and dedication to king and country. While it is a series, each book is written in a way that they can stand alone. I give just enough details in each that a reader can read them in any order and not be confused or lost. Right now there are three books in the series. Two already published and the third a work in progress. There is the possibility that the saga can continue later with the children of the characters in the first three books.
Caroline: Sounds inviting. How about a blurb?
BJ: Here it is:
No longer content in the shadows of his older brothers and on a quest to find his destiny, Bryce Fraser's chosen path is fraught with danger, passion, and decisions. Can his unspoken love for spirited, beguiling Fallon be triumphant in a time of war and uncertainty, or will they both fall prey to the devious plans of a traitorous laird from a rival clan?
Caroline: And how about an excerpt for readers?
BJ: Here you go:
Loch Ryan, Scotland, 1307“Wa . . . water,” Bryce mumbled, but there was no one there to listen.
His throat was parched and he ran his tongue over dry, cracked lips, but his action offered no relief. An entire loch lay only a few feet away, but he couldn’t muster the strength to drag himself to the bank and quench his thirst.
“Cold . . . so cold.”
Despite the sun beating down on him, he’d swear he was encased in ice. His life’s blood seeped from his wounds, soaking the ground beneath him. He tried to raise his head, but the excruciating pain radiating across his chest stole his breath away.
Was this what it felt like to die? If so, he prayed the Almighty would be merciful and take him now.
Bryce moaned, a shift in his position bringing on another nauseating wave of agony. He sucked in a short, sharp, gulp of air and stretched his arm out as far as he could, his fingers grappling in the dirt.
If only I could reach my sword.
Beads of perspiration dampened his brow. As the strength slowly drained from his body, drawing a simple breath became more difficult. The end grew near. No time to make amends for sins of the past, and he had committed his share.
Regrets? He had those, too. “Fallon.” He whispered her name then heaved a ragged sigh.
Soul Mate Publishing
Barnes and Noble
Caroline: HIGHLAND QUEST sounds not only like a great book, but the trilogy sounds fascinating. Best wishes to you, B.J., for your writing and for lots of sales.
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B. J. Scott, Author |
C.S. Lewis first captivated B. J.’s imagination in the fourth grade, and her desire to write sprang from there. Following a career in nursing and child and youth work, B.J. married her knight-in-shining-armor, and he whisked her away to his castle by the sea. In reality, they share their century-old home in a small Canadian town on the shore of Lake Erie with three dogs and a cat. When she is not working at her childcare job, on her small business, or writing, you will find her reading, camping, or antique hunting.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you for hosting me today. I appreciate the chance to introduce book 2 of my series, Highland Quest. The first book, Highland Legacy released in Nov. 2011. While a series both were writen as standalone books so a person can start with either one. Book 3 will be out this summer.
Thank you for hosting today.
I am so glad this is a series. Reading this excerpt still makes me want to cry.
Thanks MomJane
You know you have done something right if you can get that kind of emotion from your reader from the getgo. I hope you enjoy the books
The cover makes me giggle. :)
I like that this is about the highlands.
I enjoyed the interview and learning more about you.
Hi Leah
Glad you dropped by to say hello. Must say you are the first who said the cover makes you giggle. In a good way, I hope ;)
I love anything to do with Scotland or the Highlands so it made sense that my first series would be set in Scotland. Book one released in Nov 2011 Highland Legacy and the third book, Highland Homecoming to be released in the Summer are all about the same Scottish Clan and their(fictional) part in the fight for their country's independence.
Hi Ingeborg
Thanks for dropping in to say hello.
I loved the excerpt, it sounds very intriguing!
what do you like best in being a writer?
lennascloud AT gmail DOT com
Thanks for stopping by Anas . Glad you enjoyed the excerpt.
Hi Lena
I like knowning my book might bring enjoyment to my readers. Provides a step back in time and a place to edcape for a while.
Gorgeous books. I love Highlanders.
A fabulous interview thank you.
Thanks for sharing with us,B. J. Best wishes for continued success.
Thanks for stopping by Mary and Sandra. Checked before I went to bed last night but there is sometimes a delay between the posts and when I see them.
Glad you both stopped in to say hello ;)
Hi Caroline. It was great visiting with you. Best of luck with your books too.
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