Wednesday, March 01, 2017


Kimberley Patterson
Suspense, Mystery

attention to the signs that are all around you,” Sarah's mother
used to say. Sarah never listened until her world turned upside down
in the wake of her mother’s death. When sifting through the fiery
ashes, signs begin to appear, giving her the feeling that the
accident was less of an accident and more of foul play. While Sarah
struggles to understand the images haunting her dreams, she finds
herself losing a grip on reality.
on true events, Sarah unravels the mystery surrounding her mother's
death, and, in doing so, uncovers an internal darkness capable of
Goodreads * Amazon

were one of my first loves, and writing soon followed. As a child, I
spent hours writing poems, and short stories (about horses). My
parents realized that I was horse-obsessed and decided to buy me one
after taking riding lessons for two years. I think they hoped that
all of the hard work, and hours spent mucking stalls would help me
give up this expensive hobby. They were wrong. Writing is still a
passion of mine, although now I primarily write fiction. My first
novel, Red Rock, was published in 2010, and big surprise, there are
horses in it. My second novel, The Three Month Plan was released
August 2013.
Loves: My family, yoga, skincare and makeup, sushi, and raising money
for pediatric cancer. I have two rescue dogs and would have more if
there weren’t zoning restrictions. I’m always trying something
new, as I tend to get bored very easily. Thankfully, my love of
driving around with the gas light on fuels some excitement. I love
novels with happy endings, and am a hopeful romantic. My latest
obsession is browsing Netflix, and I can name all 50 states in
alphabetical order in under 30 seconds. Do I feel a wager coming on?


Caroline Clemmons said...

Kimberly, thanks for sharing with readers today.

Mary Preston said...

Interesting. I love the cover.

Kimberley Patterson said...

Thank you so much everyone for the support! I took the cover photo myself :) - Kimberley Patterson

شركة رواد الحرمين said...

شركه عزل فوم بالرياض
أيضاً تسبب في سقوط الطلاء وظهور التشققات، ولكن من الآن لا داعي

شركه تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض
شركه عزل فوم بالدمام
شركه تنظيف منازل بالدمام