Wednesday, April 15, 2020


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The Errant Heirs Caper 
The J.D. Pierson Mystery Series Book 1 
C.H. Sessums 
Genre: Cozy Mystery 

At a dime a dozen, I’m going broke handing out excuses for my dad. 

The name on the door says “JD Pierson, Investigator,” but most days the chair behind his desk is empty. It’s 1936 and times are hard for everyone in Tyler, Texas, but it’s all I can do to keep the rent paid since Dad lost his way in a bottle of gin. 

When JD suddenly shows a moment of sober coherence, I whisk him off to his favorite fishing lake in the hopes I can keep him off the sauce. I wanted Dad back in the investigator game, but having an old friend turn up dead was not part of the plan. 

But when a swarm of heirs swoops in we’re left wondering if his death really was an accident, or if murder is how one of them means to cash in. 

**only .99 cents!** 

The Killer Jack Mystery 
The J.D. Pierson Mystery Series Book 2 

A trip to state prison puts Jenny on the trail for a stolen necklace and right into the path of a killer… 

The lights are just about to go out for good in my father's PI office when I get an unexpected call from the state penitentiary. My mother's only brother was sent up for robbery years ago, and now he needs Dad's help to get his daughter out of trouble. It's impossible for me to be sure that the pendant around Cousin Betty's neck is stolen, but one thing's for sure—she doesn't want to talk about where it came from. When my cousin gets gunned down walking home and the necklace disappears, I realize I'm not only looking for a thief . . . I'm dealing with a murderer. 

Can I track down the identity of a man named Jack in time, or will he disappear into the shadows, only to kill again? 

The Case of the Texas Ranger 
The J.D. Pierson Mystery Series Book 3 

A Texas Ranger—a virtual relic from the past–walks into a bar… but it isn't funny when he gets shot down on the street the moment he walks out… 

Just like the doctors warned, Dad has made lots of promises about staying off the bottle. That doesn't stop me from being disappointed to find him at the local speakeasy one night. The leathery, stout man at his table looks vaguely familiar, and I'm only a little surprised to find out he's Templeton Gorham, former Texas Ranger. The governor shut down the Rangers years ago, but before that, Templeton was virtually a legend in his profession. He and JD are laughing over drinks like old friends, but later, when the three of us walk out into the night, gunshots pierce the darkness. Templeton is left lying in a pool of blood, and I'm left with a brand-new case on my hands. 

When the victim won't speak, can I find the answers to keep a killer from finishing the job he started? 

 C. H. Sessums, Author

Guest Post: What Day Is It Anyway?

In about 2009 my husband, a museum director and history professor, decided to retire and we moved up to East Texas. Everyone talks about adjustment periods and there definitely were some for him and by extension, for me. He’d worked hard all of his life and the habit was difficult to break. But he found lots of hobbies and things to keep him busy and occasionally when he just needs a new project, he’ll volunteer at a local museum or historical society.

Now one thing we hadn’t anticipated about retirement was how hard it would be for him to keep up with the days. When one doesn’t go into a job daily, it's hard to know what day of the week it is. And since I’ve been hearing that a lot from folks during the current COVID-19 quarantines, I thought I’d share the simple and possibly strange way we managed to resolve that.

Now in our household breakfast is always a special meal. We love breakfast foods and we always like to start the day with a good, full bell. It wasn’t intentional, but gradually we developed a routine that began to become the hubby’s means for telling what day of the week it is. If we deviate, even the slightest, it confused the heck out of the both of us, not to mention our furbabies who seem to expect the routine almost as much as we do!

So check out our weekly breakfast schedule here. The only time we ever change things up is on Fridays when the hubby comes “to town” with me. Every few weeks we give ourselves a special treat by grabbing hot, fresh chocolate donuts.

So, for those of you who’ve been cooped up in the house during this crisis, have you developed a way to keep track of the days of the week? What about breakfast. Do you enjoy the first meal of the day? Leave a comment and let me know.

C.H. SESSUMS is a pen name for USA Today Bestselling Author Olivia Hardin. While Olivia writes all manner of romance, C.H. scribbles out cozy mysteries set in her beloved state of Texas. Whether exploring urban legends from all over the lone star state or solving capers set in far off times, mystery meets history in all of her stories. 

In real life, C.H. lives in gorgeous East Texas with her hubby and their two rescue dogs. Every weekend all four of them pile up into their bunkhouse to watch classic movies and listen to old-time radio. 

$20.00 Amazon Gift Card and a custom bookmark with coffee cup charm 

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Debby said...

I like th covers. I have not seen some like that in a bit.

Lori Smanski said...

I love breakfast. I always have. My mom always made breakfast a special meal to start the day. When I got married, my husband loved dinners the same way I loved breakfast. He would eat breakfast before I got up and go to work. He wrote down his favorite dinners and asked me to please make them some time. So I set up a routine with his dinners on specific days. It changed a little over time as we had children. Because I involved them in the picking of dinners as they got a little older. And we stuck with this routine. We did keep Wednesday for a special dinner. Basically what ever I felt like making. Now as empty nesters, I do what I like and my husband enjoys it completely. LOL Life is funny sometimes when we look back.
I love the covers of your books. They sound interesting. How did you come up with writing in this period? quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

Olivia Hardin (Writer) said...

Thanks so much for being a part of the tour!