Five Roads From Beltane
Western Interactive Book
Which Path Will You Choose?
Presented By
D’Ann Lindun, Allison Merritt,
RaeAnne Hadley, Susan Horsnell
and Margaret Tanner
Are you ready to be entertained?
A new concept in reading.
One beginning, 5 different endings to choose from.
Western Genre.
Which path will you follow? Will it be:
Hannah and Roan by D'Ann
Jessica and Ethan's story by Margaret
Mr. Joseph Wade by Allison
Jacqueline Hamilton and Billy Williams by RaeAnne
The Bank Robbers by Susan?
One beginning, 5 different endings to choose from.
Western Genre.
Which path will you follow? Will it be:
Hannah and Roan by D'Ann
Jessica and Ethan's story by Margaret
Mr. Joseph Wade by Allison
Jacqueline Hamilton and Billy Williams by RaeAnne
The Bank Robbers by Susan?
The choice is yours. Once you have followed one path, at the click of a button, you are taken back to the beginning to choose another.
In total you have five entirely different stories which vary in length between 20,000 and 30,000 words each, five different characters to complete the beginning.
In total you have five entirely different stories which vary in length between 20,000 and 30,000 words each, five different characters to complete the beginning.
"How does a Bank Robbery affect the people who were present?"
The story unfolds in the way YOU decide.
Which path will you choose?

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Chapter OneBeltane
March 1895
Clint approached the alley leading to the rear entrance of the First National bank of Beltane. Scanning the area, he noted his men were positioned and ready as planned. They had meticulously gone over and over how the robbery was to play out. They dared not leave anything to chance.
Pete was slumped against the wall of the hotel across the street with his hat pulled low over his face. His long legs were splayed out, his arms crossed over his chest.
Billy is seated outside the Barber shop next door to the bank ‘reading’ the paper.
The horses are tethered out front and Clay is rummaging in a saddlebag for a non-existent something. They have used ponies which won’t be recognized by any townsfolk. It’s a pity the alleyway at the back of the bank wasn’t large enough to conceal their getaway horses.
A quick glance around, before he disappears into the alley, reveals the street is quiet. Most people are at home partaking of lunch. When he reached the rear door, he finds it unlocked. Sliding the kerchief up over his nose he drew his colt from the holster. Slipping inside the bank, he crept down the hall leading through to the main banking chamber at the front.
He approached a partially opened office door. Jonas McCallum, Owner, the bronze nameplate announces. He shoved the door open with force and it crashed on the wall. Jonas glanced up and leapt from his chair. “What are you doing?”
“Move over here before you get shot.” Clint pointed the gun toward the owner and indicated for him to move. When the man hesitated, he grabbed him by the neck and positioned his rotund body so he can wrap one arm around his neck and lodge his gun firmly in his back, before dragging him toward the front foyer of the bank. Clint opened a door leading into the teller area and stepped through with his hostage. The tellers turned and glanced at the stranger, fear and astonishment clearly etched on each face when they see their boss with a gun at his back.
Their attention is diverted when the front doors crash open and Clint’s three partners charge inside. Billy turned the lock on the doors while Pete and Clay move to cover the now terrified customers.
“This is a bank hold-up. Do as we say and no-one will get hurt.” Clint waved his gun at a few customers. “Get down on the floor. Don’t speak and don’t move.”
Cover, Beginning Chapters, Formatting and Published by:
Susan Horsnell
Cover Model:
Vikkas Bhardwaj
Trailer by:
Kylie Price
Dzintra Sullivan

The Bank Robbers
Are the bank robbers, outlaws or victims of circumstance? This story will enlighten you.
Roan Maxwell and Hannah Johnson
The story of Miss Hannah Johnson and Mr. Roan Maxwell and how the robbery affected their future.
Jacqueline Hamilton and Billy Williams
The story of Jacqueline Hamilton and Billy Williams and how the robbery affected their future.
Mr. Joseph Wade
The story of Mr. Joseph Wade and how the robbery affected his future.
Jessica Smith and Ethan Beveridge
The story of Jessica Smith and Ethan Beveridge and why he accuses her of stealing.
The choice of where to begin is now yours. When one pathway has been read, visit another.
One book.
One Beginning.
Five completely different stories about different people involved in the robbery.
Which story will be your favourite?
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