Continuing the thread on readability from earlier in the week, what are you reading and what's on your TBR stack?
I've been reading Diana Cosby's HIS CAPTIVE (review earlier this week), Denise Belinda McDonald's WRONG TURN, RIGHT COWBOY (review of her book yesterday), Jodi Thomas' REWRITING MONDAY (which somehow I missed last year), and Loretta Chase's THE LION'S DAUGHTER. I have so many authors whose work I enjoy, that it's hard to fit them all in. Sometimes I have to wait a while to buy their books. That pesky old cash thing is always such an issue. I'm sure I was supposed to have been born wealthy, but somehow it didn't work out that way. Know the feeling?

When I stay TBR stack, I mean STACK! Older books I missed when released include two by Jayne Ann Krentz and Loretta Chase's THE LAST HELLION. Then there are all the books Darling 2 has loaned me. She and I love cozy mysteries and she's loaned me Carolyn Hart's MERRY, MERRY GHOST, all of Carola Dunn's Daisy Dalrymple series (I've finished three), Ryhs Bowen's Evan Evan series, and Mary Jo Putney's LOVING A LOST LORD. They keep stacking up, so I need to read faster!
Yes, and I should quit rereading books until I finish off the TBR stack. Hard to do. I want to reread Julie Garwood's FOR THE ROSES and PRINCE CHARMING as soon as possible. Both are all-time favorites and I love them each time I read them. She is such a terrific author.
But wait----this week in my email comes the list of the new releases from The Wild Rose Press and there are some I can't resist. Help! So many books, so little time.
Stop! You say, "Step away from the books!"
Write! Fingers on Keyboard, Seat in Chair.
Sigh! Yes, I know I should write diligently. I really do love writing and would be lost if I couldn't sit at my computer msot of the day churning out stories I love.
Okay, so I'll write, then maybe I'll make enough money to buy more books. See, reading is an incurable disease. Not that I've ever tried to find a vaccine.
What are you reading? What's on your TBR stack?
Don't forget to leave a comment for this weeks's prize giveawy--WILD WICKED & WANTON: 101 WAYS TO LOVE LIKE YOU'RE IN A ROMANCE NOVEL by Christie Craig and Faye Hughes.
Hi Caroline! Just wanted to say thanks for hosting the Building a Hero Q&A at Savvy Authors yesterday. I really enjoyed our chats.
As for what I'm reading now, I'm mostly re-reading stuff I love. I've got Joanna Bourne's latest on the top of my TBR pile, but I know her books keep me up all night reading so I'm going to have to wait for my vacation in a couple weeks to crack it open.
And thanks for stopping by my blog!
P.S. Please ignore the fact that that my comments here automatically link themselves to an old Blogger blog. I never use that one but need to figure out how to delete it and link my email to my real blog!
Thanks, Caroline! I'm honored to be on your TBR list!
Awesome ! :)
Enjoying this blog . Just joined up.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
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