Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Motive by Michele Pariza Wacek



A spin-off from the Charlie Kingsley Mystery series! The Redemption Detective Agency is a funny, twisty cozy mystery series set in the 1990s featuring silver sleuths solving cold cases. Great for fans of the Thursday Murder Club.

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Motive

The Redemption Detective Agency Book 1

by Michele Pariza Wacek

Genre: Cozy Mystery


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Or maybe a gin and tonic.

Emily Hildebrandt has run into a bit of a rough patch. She's lost her job, her fiancé and her apartment. Still, she never expected to be desperate enough to accept an invitation to live with her eccentric Aunt Tilde in Redemption, Wisconsin.

But, beggars can't be choosers. Even if part of the deal is she has to pretend to work at her aunt's latest hair-brained scheme, The Redemption Detective Agency.

Seriously, the woman is a retired nurse. Why does she think she's remotely qualified to run a detective agency, especially in a creepy little town like Redemption?

But, when a strange phone call suddenly thrusts them into an actual case, Emily finds herself hoping her aunt really does know what she's doing ... or an innocent person may be the one to suffer the consequences.

A spin-off from the Charlie Kingsley Mystery series! The Redemption Detective Agency is a funny, twisty cozy mystery series set in the 1990s featuring silver sleuths solving cold cases. Great for fans of the Thursday Murder Club.


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Chapter 1 


This couldn’t possibly be my life. 

There was no possible way that I, Emily Hildebrandt, who graduated with honors from high school and then from the University of Wisconsin-Riverview with a 3.8 GPA … who, as of ten days ago, had a solid job with a good paycheck, a lovely apartment, new car, and fiancé … was now sitting in a dirty, smelly bus station in Redemption, Wisconsin, trying not to glance at the clock yet again as I continued to wait for my chronically late Aunt Tilde.  

On second thought, I realized I should hope she was just late, rather than having mixed up the time I was arriving. Or the day. 

Or maybe, she forgot I was coming altogether. 

Oh, dear lord. I scrubbed at my face, torn between laughing and crying. 

My Aunt Tilde was a character—crazy, lovable, chaotic. In so many ways, she drove me nuts. She was my complete opposite in just about every way. 

Yet … I had always felt a connection with her. She made me feel seen--despite, or maybe because of, her craziness. When I was with her, I felt loved, just as I loved her. But I never felt like I could live with her. 

Talk about the Odd Couple. But worse, because it would be MY life, not a television show. 

That said, it was a moot point. No way should I be about to move in with my nutty Aunt Tilde. People like me didn’t go through the implosion of their lives and consequent upheaval of everything they’ve known while being forced to live with their relatives. I was a responsible adult. I had done all the responsible, adult, right things. I went to school, studied hard, and picked a useful degree as a business major so I could land a good-paying, solid job … even if it was a little dull. But work is supposed to be dull, right? That’s what “being adult” means—going to work, paying bills, keeping the house neat and tidy. None of these things are fun, but they’re all necessary in terms of being a responsible adult, like me. 

And responsible adults don’t need to move in with their Aunt Tilde. Or have their Aunt Tilde give them a job. That isn’t how life works.  

I must be dreaming. Or trapped in a coma. Otherwise, none of this was making any sense.  

If only I hadn’t decided to take a closer look at that spreadsheet. Then, I wouldn’t have realized something was off. If I had just left it alone, none of this would have happened.  

But even as I thought those words, I knew deep down that if I had to do it all over again, I would. Even if it meant losing everything—my job, my home, my car, and my fiancé. Even if it meant I would have no one to turn to except … 

“Emily!” Aunt Tilde flung open the door of the station and beamed at me. Her bright-orange hair sparkled in the sunlight and perfectly matched her orange-rimmed glasses, although both clashed horribly with her bright-yellow and red striped shirt. “I’m so sorry I’m late. Traffic was dreadful.” 

“It’s fine. I only just got here,” I lied. I seriously doubted small-town Redemption was a snarl of traffic problems, but at that point, I didn’t care. I was just relieved she remembered. I got to my feet and started to reach for the suitcase and duffle bag I had tucked under my feet.  

But before I could get my hands on them, Aunt Tilde grabbed them. “I can take these if you want to get the rest.” 

A tight knot seemed to settle in my chest. When I had first moved in with Geoff, my ex, he’d encouraged me to give away most of my belongings. He already had a fully stocked household, so why would we need duplicates of things like plates and towels? Not to mention the apartment was so small, it didn’t make sense to clutter it. As usual, he sounded so reasonable, so I ended up selling or donating most of my belongings, including the antique dresser my grandfather had refurbished for me. That, I instantly regretted, along with the set of crystal vases my grandmother gave me as a graduation gift. Now, that regret was doubled. I wondered if Geoff had always viewed me as simply a guest in his space rather than an actual life partner.  

I gave my head a quick shake as I reached for the duffle bag. Enough of that. “You don’t have to do that. I’ve got them.” 

“Nonsense,” Aunt Tilde said, trying to juggle both bags. “Go get the rest of your stuff.” 

A mental image of myself packing what few personal items I had—mostly clothes and bathroom products—flitted across my mind. “This is all I brought. Let me at least take one of them.” 

I braced myself for questions or condemnations. What do you mean this is it? I thought you said you were moving here? Who can fit their entire life in one suitcase and one duffle bag?  

But Aunt Tilde just shrugged as she swung the duffle bag toward me. “Smart thinking. Who wants to mess around with a bunch of luggage on a bus anyway?” She started dragging the suitcase to the door, leaving me staring after her in shock. 

She paused at the door to glance back at me. “Coming?” I quickly closed my mouth and hurried after her, lugging the duffle bag. 

Hot, humid air immediately smacked me in the face as I stepped outside. I shoved a few strands of hair that were sticking to my cheeks back as I increased my pace. For an elderly woman, Aunt Tilde was surprisingly fast, even with my suitcase. “Here we are,” she sang out as she approached a light-pink Cadillac that was taking up two spaces, thanks to a very crooked parking job. 

I stopped walking, my stomach twisting in on itself. “You have a pink Cadillac?” 

She grinned. “I do. Isn’t she a beaut?” She patted the trunk lovingly. 

Oh no. This was getting worse and worse. “I thought only Mary Kay beauty reps were able to get a pink Cadillac.” 

“Yep. Isn’t it wonderful?” She set my suitcase down and started fiddling with her keys to open the trunk. 

This was turning into a nightmare. Was this the job Aunt Tilde had promised me? Helping her with her multi-level marketing business? Was that the reason she was being so cagey about my new job? The idea of sitting in a kitchen surrounded by people I didn’t know as I revealed the latest eyeshadow colors was making me break into a cold sweat. “Are you selling Mary Kay?“ 

She popped the trunk and looked at me like I was crazy. “Heavens no! Do I look like someone who should be giving makeup tips?” She gestured toward her face, which was bare of any color other than a little smeared, pink lipstick, before letting out a rusty laugh. “Good grief.” Shaking her head, she turned back to her overflowing trunk.  

I didn’t move. “If you’re not selling Mary Kay, then how did you get one of their cars?” 

She waved a hand airily at me. “A friend gave it to me.” 

A million questions rose up inside me, like how did this “friend” end up with a Mary Kay car? Were they the ones selling Mary Kay? And if they were, why weren’t they driving it?  

But I forced myself to swallow those questions. Knowing my aunt, I wasn’t going to get a straight answer out of her if she wasn’t in the mood to give me one. What I needed to do was focus on the positives … like how my mysterious new job wasn’t selling makeup, to start. That was a good thing.  

Although if I was being honest, beggars couldn’t be choosers. Whatever my aunt had in store for me, I really had no choice but to take it and be grateful for it. 

And I was grateful. Truly. When I finally called Aunt Tilde three days ago, I was desperate and nearly in tears. Geoff had given me five days to pack my things and move out. “And that’s being generous,” he told me, his voice sounding so reasonable as he explained how, when couples break up, it’s customary for one to leave immediately. Of course, in my case, not only did I not have a job, but I also had no money or legal right to the apartment I had faithfully spent every single Saturday morning cleaning while Geoff lazily enjoyed the newspaper and home-cooked breakfast I made. My name was not on the lease, even though Geoff had assured me it was. Not only that, but the so-called “joint” checking account that I had deposited every one of my checks into wasn’t actually joint. It was solely his, and I had merely been a signer on it. Needless to say, that privilege had also been removed.  

The only money to my name was the twenty-seven dollars in my wallet and $333.96 in my personal savings account that I had for years. Geoff knew nothing about it. He had promised to send me a check once he deducted my half of the last set of bills, but the whole setup had left me feeling uneasy. I reminded myself that despite all his faults, he had always been fair, and there was no reason for him not to be in this situation. It wasn’t like he was a thief or anything. He was just thorough, which was something I had always appreciated about him. I was the same way. And I was sure once he found a few minutes to go through all the bills, he would make it right. 

No question. 

Unfortunately, though, that meant until I got squared away, I only had access to a few hundred dollars, which wasn’t going to get me far. Especially if I had to rent a hotel room. It was 1993, after all … even staying in a cheap, rundown hotel wouldn’t last long. Both my mother and sister refused to let me stay with them. Well, to be fair, my mother was the one to outright refuse, which I had expected, although it still hurt. My sister told me I was welcome to sleep on her couch for a few days until I got my feet under me. I had a terrible feeling it was going to take longer than a few days to find a job and an apartment I could afford, though. Between that and the exhaustion in my sister’s voice as my two nieces screamed at each other in background, I knew it wasn’t an option. I thanked her and told her I would figure something out.  

My friend Deena, on the other hand, immediately offered me her couch for as long as I wanted. “It will be fun, like a sleepover,” she gushed. As much as I appreciated the offer, Deena had a small, one-bedroom apartment with a boyfriend who stayed over more often than not. Not only that, but he happened to work in the same law firm as Geoff. While Deena might be fine with me staying with her, I suspected her boyfriend wouldn’t be nearly as enthusiastic. 

And that’s how I found myself standing in a parking lot in Redemption, with the noonday summer sun beating down on my head and sweat dripping off my neck, about to get into a pink Cadillac that I was half-convinced Aunt Tilde had stolen from some nice Mary Kay lady. 

When I had called my aunt, there was zero hesitation in her voice as she immediately instructed me to pack up my bags and move to Redemption, where she would not only provide me with a place to live, but a job, as well. I was so grateful and relieved, I nearly burst into tears. Finally, I had somewhere to go that would allow me to lick my wounds and figure out my next steps. I was going to be fine. It was all going to work out. 

I should have known there would be a catch. 

Aunt Tilde was busy trying to shove my suitcase into her trunk, on top of the mishmash of wrinkled clothes, crumpled fast-food bags, magazines, and cat litter bag, but it wasn’t fitting. “Oh, for heaven’s sake,” she muttered as she tried rearranging things. “Oh, my library books! I need to return them. Emily, can you remind me to do that?”  

“Of course,” I said, trying not to wince. Please don’t let my job be trying to keep my aunt organized. Maybe becoming a Mary Kay lady wouldn’t be so bad after all. 

After a little more pushing and shoving, she finally managed to get my suitcase into the trunk. “Aha! It fits.” She turned and gestured toward me. “Here, let’s get that other bag in.” 

I took a few steps forward, still clutching my duffle bag, my eyes fixed again on the bag of cat litter as my stomach filled with a growing sense of horror. 

Don’t get me wrong … I liked cats. From a distance, and owned by other people. I didn’t have any desire to deal with the mess and hair and everything else that came from owning a pet. Plus, I was fairly certain cats inherently hated me. I had been snarled at and scratched by them more often than not, even from the ones whose owners swore were the friendliest around. “I don’t understand what’s going on with Princess,” my elderly neighbor had fretted a few weeks ago when I stopped by to drop off her mail. “She’s the sweetest cat I’ve ever had,” she insisted as Princess hissed and spat at me from the corner. 

Again, I reminded myself that beggars couldn’t be choosers. If my aunt had a cat, I would just have to figure out a way to not be in the same room with it. With any luck, the cat litter belonged to the Mary Kay lady who was now out of a car. “It doesn’t look like there’s much room. I can just put it in the backseat.” 

My aunt clicked her tongue. “Nonsense, there’s plenty of room. Besides, Sherlock is in the back.” 

Sherlock? I craned my neck to peer into the back of the car, but as far as I could tell, it was empty. “Who’s Sherlock?” 

“Oh, she’s one of my partners in my new venture,” Aunt Tilde said, taking the duffel bag from me and attempting to shove it into the trunk. “You two will love each other.” 

I glanced at the backseat again but still didn’t see anyone. “New venture?” I asked cautiously. 

“You’ll see,” Aunt Tilde answered mysteriously, giving my bag a final push before slamming the trunk shut with a grunt of relief. “Come on, let’s get you home.” 

I followed her to the front passenger side, still trying to get a peek at the elusive Sherlock. All I saw was what looked like a long, black duffle bag similar to mine. Was Aunt Tilde getting a little senile? I didn’t think senility ran in my family, but I was no longer so sure. “Aunt Tilde, I don’t see anyone …” I said as I opened up the passenger door. 

Just then, the head of a feline popped up from inside the duffle bag, and I let out a shriek.  

“Emily, meet Sherlock,” Aunt Tilde said with a flourish, getting into the driver’s seat. 

I didn’t move. “Sherlock is a cat?” 

“Obviously.” She patted the passenger seat next to her. 

I still didn’t move. “And you’re telling me this cat is your partner?” 

“I said she’s one of my partners,” Aunt Tilde corrected. 

“How can a cat be a partner?”  

“You’ll see. You just need to have a little faith. Now, let’s get you home,” she repeated. 

I could do nothing but look at her in horror. “What sort of venture is this?” 

Aunt Tilde beamed at me. “Trust me. You just have to wait a little bit, and then it will all make perfect sense. Now, get in. We need to get going.” 

Sherlock blinked at me and yawned, revealing rows and rows of very sharp teeth. 

What had I gotten myself into? 


A USA Today Bestselling, award-winning author, Michele taught herself to read at 3 years old because she wanted to write stories so badly. It took some time (and some detours) but now she does spend much of her time writing stories. Mystery stories, to be exact. They're clean and twisty, and range from psychological thrillers to cozies, with a dash of romance and supernatural thrown into the mix. If that wasn't enough, she posts lots of fun things on her blog, including short stories, puzzles, recipes and more, at MPWNovels.com.

Michele grew up in Wisconsin, (hence why all her books take place there), and still visits regularly, but she herself escaped the cold and now lives in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona with her husband and southern squirrel hunter Cassie.

When she's not writing, she's usually reading, hanging out with her dog, or watching the Food Network and imagining she's an awesome cook. (Spoiler alert, she's not. Luckily for the whole family, Mr. PW is in charge of the cooking.)


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Friday, October 11, 2024


 By Caroline Clemmons

 Great news! October 14th through October 29th, the Pinkerton Matchmaker Series is celebrating the SERIES RELAUNCH. Authors will be hosting games, talking about their books, and giving prizes. This is your official invitation to attend at the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/PinkertonMatchmakerReaders  for The Pinkerton Matchmakers Relaunch.

My portrait as created by
Michele Pollock Dalton.
Do I look like a proper 
Southern Belle of 1871?

Here’s the party schedule of authors:

October 14 – Christine Sterling, series creator and author

October 15 – Amelia Adams


October 17 – Laura Beers

October 18 – Lynn Donovan

October 21 – Linda Carroll Bradd will share the date with

Marianne Spitzer.

October 22 – Marie Higgins

October 23 – Marlene Bierworth will share the date with

                        Sophie Dawson.

October 24 – Patricia Pacjack Carroll

October 25 – Parker J. Cole

October 28 – Pauline Creeden

October 29 – Rebecca Connolly will share the date with

Michele Pollock Dalton (cover artist, planning coordinator, co-owner of Barr26 Publishing, and all around Royal Leader). 

Not only is the amazingly popular series experiencing a relaunch, new stories will continue to be published. You’ll be surprised and delighted to see where the Pinkerton Matchmaker characters take you in the future.

More good news is that Barr 26, the new publisher, is committed to recording audio versions of each of these books! You can understand that with the number of titles in this lengthy series, the process will not happen overnight. However, I’ve heard the audio version of AN AGENT FOR MAGDALA. Chris Kenworth, narrator, did an excellent job of using a different voice for each character. The result impressed me, even though authors are very protective of their babies. I also was able to listen to intro to AN AGENT FOR LYDIA. Very exciting!

Remember that the books are "wide", which means they can be read for free through KOBO's subscription service. And KOBO's monthly subscription is $7.99 for e-books or $9.99 for e-books and audiobooks. The series is also available through the public library system.

I hope you can join in the parties for fun, prizes, and information. I can hardly wait. In fact, I'm already planning games to amuse you (at least, I hope they will).

Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and keep reading!

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The Witches of Claw and Fang by Zach Stivers



A hard-edged werewolf crashes into the life of an isolated witch who has temporarily given up her magic. They must overcome their differences and learn to harness their dangerous powers to stop a supernatural evil from corrupting their small town nestled in the Appalachian Mountains.


The Witches of Claw and Fang

by Zach Stivers

Genre: Paranormal Romance, Thriller

Welcome to the cozy mountain town of Pineville, Virginia. It’s autumn, the leaves are gold and orange, the apples are crisp and sweet, town residents are going missing, and a bloodthirsty monster with ten-inch claws is loose in the forest.

Morgan Reaves tries her damndest NOT to use magic. That’s why she hid in Pineville, after all. But now, Morgan needs to dust off her spell-casting skills, ASAP. Problem is, she may have lost her touch.

She has another problem, too, and it smells like wet dog.

Max: AKA the naked man with rip-cord tight muscles that stumbled out of the woods near Morgan’s house, ranting about curses and conspiracies and a coven of witches.

Is he a werewolf? Well, yes. But he’s also the only one who can help her defeat whatever evil is threatening her adopted hometown. That is, if they manage to not kill each other first...


Amazon * Apple * B&NKobo * The Wild Rose Press* Bookbub * Goodreads

The truck stayed on his tail the whole time. Didn’t try to hide it at all. At first, Max thought he’d just give the truck a run all the way over to the far side of the next mountain, but eventually Max would have to stop to get gas, so he decided he might as well get to it. His drill sergeant, lifetimes ago, had told him, “Ain’t nothing got easier by waiting around worrying about it.”  

He circled all the way back to the gas station where he’d first come across the red pickup truck. He pulled in, stopped at the one lonely pump, and got out. He was onto his fourth beer at this point, and he swirled it in his hand as he pumped gas and watched the old truck pull in behind him. Max felt closer to Grim and farther from Maximillian with four beers in him. He shouldn’t be drinking this much, out here in the middle of nowhere, and he knew it. Especially this time of the month.  

But knowing you got a problem is a hell of a lot different than managing that problem. 

Right after he heard the pump handle click, the gas station lobby lights went dark, followed quickly by the neon ‘Open’ sign. It flickered, then went out. 

The red truck inched uncomfortably close to Max’s bumper before the hillbilly brought it to a complete stop and shifted into park. The big man got out, still slow moving, and stared at Max. 

Max stared right back. 

The breeze had picked up, the wind gusting down off the mountain. The flagpole chain was dangling loose, and the metal clanged loudly against metal.  

Clang. Clang. Clang. 

“I was worried you might get lost out on the roads this time a night. Wondering if you needed directions?” 

Max raised a single eyebrow. “You were following me around for thirty minutes to make sure I didn’t need directions?” 


“We do that sort of thing out here: help take care of folks. Even city folks that don’t shake hands and have a ten o’clock shadow, dark eyes, and a bad attitude.” 

In the distance, an eerie howl carried down the mountain with the wind. It was the same howl Max had heard lifetimes ago, on another continent. 



The hairs on the back of Max’s neck stood upright. His ears tingled. He couldn’t help but cast a furtive glance toward the moon. He swallowed hard and clenched his fists.  



He did not expect that trigger, not here, not now.  

Keep it together, Grim. 

—Let me out, Maximillian. It’s been so long.— 


Max looked at the beer in his hand and tipped out the remaining third.  

Lose it now, the career’s gone. The bank accounts. This identity. Everything.  

—Let me out, Maximillian. You know its time.— 

He hadn’t prepared. He was nowhere near any of his hideouts. 

Clang. Clang.  

Clang. Clang. 

Vic chuckled. “Take ‘er easy, I’m not the cops. Don’t have to dump your beer.” 

Max wasn’t listening; he was concentrating on his own mind.  

The wind gusted. The pole chain clanged even louder. 

Clang, clang, clang! 

Clang, clang, clang! 

What were the odds of running into another one, way out here?  

Don’t give in. 

—Let me out!— 

“You look sick, city boy. Want to hop in my truck? I can take you somewhere safe.” 


The wind whistled now, pushing trash and debris across the parking lot, sending the metal chain into a frenzy, knocking again and again against the pole.  

Clang! Clang! Clang! 

Clang! Clang! Clang! 

Max could barely think straight. 

“Goosfraba,” he said out loud, holding his hands up and pressing them against his ears. He felt a magnetism from overhead, pulling on his eyes, begging for him to turn and look up.  

Clang! Clang! Clang! 

“Boy, you need a real man to protect you from the big bad wolves?”  


Fuck it. 

Max craned his neck, stared at the moon, felt the cold primal iron rippling below the surface. This time of the month, it was always so easy. Just sitting there in the sky, beaming down an intoxicating, hypnotic ray of pure lunar ecstasy. Max could slip right into Grim, no effort at all. He didn’t really even have to try to turn. He just had to stop resisting.  

So, he stopped resisting. 

It hurt whenever it happened, but despite the pain, shedding his human flesh felt sublime. 

The bones snapped in his fingers, bigger bones splintered in his hands; his wrists dislocated as larger, thicker muscles exploded across his forearms. Jet black fur pushed out like barbwire across his skin. His mouth tore open, stretching wide, the skin at his lips splitting, a bloody gash slicing along his cheek lines to allow his mouth to continue to gape larger and larger. 

From the tips of his fingers steel-sharp claws emerged, pushing off his human nails like old, dried skin. His eyes stung and his face felt pinched and a spasm shot down his spine. His calves trembled and his legs gave out and he crumpled toward the ground, head banging off the car door on the way down.  

A moment later he stood back up, over nine-feet-tall, all pain forgotten.  

Zach Stivers lives with his wife in Virginia, at the foot of the Shenandoah National Park. He loves to tell people they do lots of hiking in their free time, but usually they just go for a short stroll in the woods with their dogs and then stop off for a drink or two at the local brewery. That still counts as hiking, right? He has a degree in English Literature from Florida State University, runs really slow half-marathons, and leads an overly-competitive book club that reads a book a week … or else.


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Saturday, October 05, 2024

Men Of Stone Mountain Texas Series in Audio

Brazos Bride
Stone Mountain Texas Book 1
by Caroline Clemmons

Do you like audiobooks?  If so, I have a treat for you.  My Stone Mountain Texas books are now available in audiobooks.  I eventually intend for all my books to be available as audiobooks.  I listen to books on long care trips.

Book Blurb

New cover, Mildly sensual, Some profanity, historical, 65,000 words. Hope Montoya knows someone is poisoning her, but who? She suspects her mother was also poisoned and knows her father was murdered. Who wants her family eliminated? She vows to fight! She realizes she won’t last the eight months until she turns twenty-five and her uncle no longer controls her or her estate. Never will she be dominated by a man as she was by her father, as she has seen her mother and grandmothers dominated. If she marries, she gains control now, but only if she weds a man she can trust. Only one man meets her requirements. Can she trust him to protect her and capture the killer...but then to leave?

Micah Stone has been in love with Hope since the first time he saw her. But he was accused of her father’s murder and surely would have hung if not for his two brothers’ aid. Most in the community still believe him guilty. But the drought has him too worried about water for his dying cattle to care about his neighbors’ opinions. When Hope proposes a paper marriage in exchange for land on the Brazos River and much needed cash, her offer rubs his pride raw. His name may be Stone, but he’s not made of it. He can’t refuse her for long, and so their adventure begins.


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

For the Love of Winter Volume Two



Warm your heart with nine enchanting tales of love.  

For the Love of Winter

Volume Two

Genre: A Collection of Holiday Romances

with stories by

Leah Miles, Vickey Wollan, C.L. Hart, Sara J. Walker, Erika Kilmer Freidly,

Marie Morton, Sally Ann Murphy, Elizabeth Edgar, Vanessa Victoria Kilmer

Warm your heart with nine enchanting tales of love. From historical winter celebrations to modern sizzling New Year's Eve encounters, this anthology spans sweet to spicy romance across different eras and realms. Whether you prefer gentle courtship or steamy embraces, this collection has something for every romance reader.

Mistletoe Magic, by Leah Miles: A holiday romance rekindles when Navy SEAL Michael Rodriguez runs into his old flame, Nora Geller, and invites her to his family gathering. Will they mend old wounds and find love again, or will misunderstandings leave their hearts out in the cold?

Happily Ever After, Take Two, by Sara Walker: Will Dino and Hilde's second chance love overcome family doubts and past mistakes for a lifetime of happiness?

Love Under the Cold Moon, by Vanessa Kilmer: A headstrong Celtic woman and a reluctant Roman heir clash and connect in an arranged marriage during the Alpine winter festivals of 193 AD.

Finding a Date for Christmas by Vickey Wollan: Joan’s going to a Christmas gala and hires Mack on Rent-A-Date. If he reveals his secret, will he get a second date? Can two lonely hearts find romance in time for Christmas?

Snowbound Hearts, by C.L. Hart: When a divorced couple ends up stuck in a snowbound lodge in the Sierra Nevada mountains, it could either be the worst Christmas ever or a second chance to make things right.

A Fluffy White Christmas - A Tail of Love, by Sally Murphy: Can a half-starved stray dog help a lonely woman open up her frozen heart to a new love this Christmas?

Maiya’s New Year’s Wish, by Marie Morton: Maiya Collins finds herself swept into an unexpected holiday romance in the sun-kissed paradise of St. Croix. Yet, a misunderstanding threatens to shatter her dreams. As the New Year's countdown approaches, she must confront her doubts. Can love prevail, or will her island romance become another broken resolution?

The Naughty List Nightmare, by Erika Kilmer Freidley: Love, traditions, and a mythical menace collide as Thea and Bash get involved in a festive fight to save Pittsburgh's children.

Winter Wonderland by Elizabeth Edgar: Cinderella made her own gown and found her Prince Charming, but will they get their fairy tale ending?

Don’t miss your chance to purchase this collection while it is available.

Proceeds benefit First Coast Romance Writers, an independent non-profit organization that helps writers hone their craft and expand their knowledge of the publishing industry.

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The authors participating in this anthology are members of First Coast Romance Writers (FCRW), and proceeds from this anthology benefit their organization. FCRW is a non-profit that welcomes both published and unpublished authors, as well as any individuals involved in writing and publishing. The chapter is dedicated to promoting excellence in romantic fiction through monthly meetings and workshops in a comfortable forum. They strive to help writers establish careers by providing innovative programs, networking opportunities and pertinent information on effective marketing techniques. Learn more about FCRW online at https://www.firstcoastromancewriters.com 

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Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$10 Amazon giftcard

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

She Talks To Eagles by Maggie Blackbird



 He’s shocked that the beautiful girl in the picture is alive…

She Talks to Eagles

by Maggie Blackbird

Genre: Paranormal Time-Travel Romance


He’s shocked that the beautiful girl in the picture is alive…

Maybe the stories of the notorious Route 66 are true. Road trips don’t result in encountering ghosts, but they do for Collin Bird.  When he spies a beautiful girl hitchhiking during a thunderstorm, he can’t believe his eyes.  It’s Rosemary, a young woman from his Ojibway community who went missing over forty years ago.

Rosemary Kakeway is dead.  Her only hope to reach the spirit world is Collin.  Before departing to the place of her ancestors, she seeks vengeance against her killers, and Collin is the man to help her do just that.

A ride with Rosemary through pea-soup fog brings Collin to 1977, where he meets a very much alive nineteen-year-old Rosemary.  The bold and wild girl is nothing like he imagined her to be as she introduces him to a time he embraces.  Knowing they are meant to be together, neither wishes to say goodbye, but that’s up to Rosemary’s spirit in the twenty-first century to decide.


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Just as Collin set his fingers on the volume button, the corner of his eye caught the slim silhouette in his right headlight. Someone was out on the road in this mess? A woman?  
He let his foot off the gas and downshifted, casting his gaze to the rearview mirror, but only his red taillights appeared. 

 With the windshield wipers continuing to zoom back and forth, he guided the car to the shoulder, shifted the stick to neutral, and engaged the emergency brake. 

A shiver bumped down his spine. He tried to shake off the eeriness crawling along his skin. It wasn’t like a serial killer would lurk about on a stormy night. Way too cliché, something straight out of a horror movie. 

He threw open the door and eased from the car, shouting, “Hello?” 

The rain pelted his face, so he drew up the hood to his hoodie. Cupping both hands around his mouth, he again shouted, “Hello?” 

Insane. There was nobody out here drowning in the rain. He got back inside the vehicle. What he saw… The eeriness on his skin intensified, and his heart boomed louder than the crackling thunder. How could this be? She was missing. Most likely dead. But there she sat in the passenger seat—Rosemary Kakeway, his best friend’s great aunt. 

An Ojibway from Northwestern Ontario, Maggie resides in the country with her husband and their fur babies, two beautiful Alaskan Malamutes.  When she’s not writing, she can be found pulling weeds in the flower beds, mowing the huge lawn, walking the Mals deep in the bush, teeing up a ball at the golf course, fishing in the boat for walleye, or sitting on the deck at her sister’s house, making more wonderful memories with the people she loves most.


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Friday, September 27, 2024


By Caroline Clemmons

Thank you to all who entered my birthday contest. Although I value each of you, I promised only 5 gift cards for $5 each from Amazon. I let my Labradoodle dog, Baxter pick the names from a bowl. He loves to play with paper and eagerly participated. Fortunately I rescued the names before he chewed on the entries. Jasmine, my Balinese cat, watched, but she is too shy to participate. Besides, she is certain cats are far too regal to do anything but be adored.

Here are the winners:

Ruth Ann Campbell

Sheila Gravely

Scarlet O’Hare

Bonnie Rathjen

Debra Wolsleben

Congratulations! I’ll send your $5. Amazon Gift Card via your email.

Each time I write you, I like to highlight a book. Today, I’m explaining about a single title historical western romance, SAVE YOUR HEART FOR ME. I started writing this short book years ago to surprise my mom. The mother of the heroine is named for my mom (as her maiden name), Lena Mae Phifer. I knew she would be thrilled and tickled to see her name in the story. Unfortunately, she passed away before I finished the book. I was very close to my mom and was hit hard by her death—even though she was 94 when she died. We are never ready to lose a loved one, are we? I had to put the book away for quite a while before I could finish it, but I am pleased with the results. This is mostly sweet, but does have one tastefully-described, mild love scene. 

Here is a bit about the book:

After fleeing an abusive husband six years ago, Beth Jeffers wants nothing more than to protect her son, Davey, and to help her mother operate a boarding house. The women in her family have had no luck with men, and she has no intention of letting any man influence her son. Not even Matt Petrov, no matter how much her lonely heart urges otherwise.

Federal Marshall Matt Petrov, also known as Lone Wolf Peters, fell in love with Beth the first time he saw her. Back then she was another man’s wife, so he kept his longing a secret, and saved his love for her for six horrific years. Now, the lovely widow and he have crossed paths again. This time, he intends to risk all for a chance at happiness with Beth. First he must rescue his distant kinsman from an assassin’s clutches. Can Matt succeed before his kin is killed? And will his secrets shatter the love he and Beth share?

To buy the book, click on SAVE YOUR HEART FOR ME.

Not long ago, I changed the book's cover. The one above is by Charlene Raddon of Silver Sage Covers. Don't you love the new cover? The sunset colors appeal to me.

Leaves are turning and falling. Our weather has been mostly pleasant the last week. If you live in the area hit by Helene, I hope your family and your home are all right.

Take care and keep reading.