Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Kyle Ann Robertson Author Spotlight and Giveaway



Behind Closed Words: Exploring the impact of miscommunications and misperceptions within families, delving into the chaos that ensues, even when driven by love.


White Picket Fences

Behind Closed Words Collection #1

by Kyle Ann Robertson

Genre: Women’s Fiction


White Picket Fences is a heartfelt family drama fueled by an honest story of motherhood, written for those of us caught up in our own self-searching journeys. The one thing Julie Cahill knows because of her transitory upbringing as a military brat is that she never had a hometown. So she has made sure her kids would grow up in one forever home, in a forever neighborhood, with lots of forever friends. Yet her dream of a permanent hometown has her feeling fenced in.

Set in the Delaware Bay area, Julie has achieved her dreams but struggles with having to accept invisibility, underappreciation, and being taken for granted by her family in trade for her unconditional love. Her guilt over not being available for her family on that one fateful day has her challenging karma by tightening her grip on her daughters and husband, ultimately pushing them away.


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Not So Little Things

Behind Closed Words Collection #2

Tina Edwards loved her childhood and creating fairy houses, a passion shared with her father, a world-renowned architect. But at nine years old, she found him dead at his desk and is haunted by this memory. Tina's mother abruptly moved away leaving Tina with feelings of abandonment and suspicion. Raised by her loving, wheelchair-bound Aunt Liddy, her father's sister, 33 year old Tina has become a miniature room artist and cherishes the control she has over her life in Northeast Georgia as she works hard to please her beloved dead father's wishes of following in his footsteps in art and history. 


 At the same time Mr. Jake Martin, all six-foot three of him, with a heavy southern drawl and winsome dimple, hires Tina to build replicas of the original rooms of his own family's Victorian mansion purchased to turn into a B&B, Tina's estranged, dying mother re-enters her life with family secrets that must be told. Amid their research for Jake, Tina and her assistant find out that stories from his past were unfounded and prove that miscommunications and misperceptions passed down through families create unwarranted, painful separations, echoing Tina's life story.


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Since achieving her Creative Writing Certificate from Emory University, Kyle Ann has authored the children's book series " Nissa The Woodland Fairy." as writer BB Walsh. is the CWO (Chief Writing Officer) of the blog IF CORKS COULD TALK. And now her first novel WHITE PICKET FENCES with more to come. Kyle Ann's a retired Physical Therapist Assistant with most of her education coming from raising four children who are all out of college, happy in their own space, and paying their own bills! She spends as much time as possible reading, writing, golfing, gardening, and enjoying a glass of wine with friends and family.


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Audiobook of White Picket Fences,

Audiobook of Not So Little Things

-1 winner each! 

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Monday, February 03, 2025

Bullets and Dandelions by Gail Koger



It’s 1990, women snipers are unheard of & Tess Reynold’s mission In the Middle East just got complicated. She has a rogue CIA agent on her trail, and her life depends on trusting a hot, but infuriating Force Recon Marine.

Bullets and Dandelions

A Deputy Gemma Stone Prequel

by Gail Koger

Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance 

My name is Tess Reynolds, and I’ll admit few people would think I’m a badass Army sniper called the Scorpion. Afterall, women snipers were unheard of in 1990. People look at me and see a petite blonde who is cute as a button. My father calls it my natural camouflage.

My time in the Middle East has been full of unforeseen complications. I have a rogue CIA agent trying to kill me and I caught the attention of a Force Recon Marine by the name of Alexander Stone. Wowzer! He’s hot but he’s also the biggest jackass I have ever met. To make things even more interesting, I need the Jackass’s help to stay alive.

This novella is the prequel to the Gemma Stone series. How it all began.


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Pain and the need to pee woke me up. I sat up and looked around groggily. Where was I? 

“What do you need?” 

  I stared up at Sergeant Stone. “Bathroom.” 

 Stone held out his hand. “I’ll show you the way.” 

  “Okay.” I took his hand and blinked in confusion. All I was wearing was a baggy green tee shirt. “Where are my pants?” 

“They were covered in blood.”  He led me across a hallway and opened a door. 

 “Oh.” I frowned and pointed. “That’s a urinal.” 

“Yes, it is.” 

  “Why are we in the men’s restrooms? I’m a girl.” 

  “That you are.” Grinning, Stone guided me over to a stall and opened the door. “In you go.” 

“No peeking.” I shut the door. 

“No, ma’am.” 

I sat on the toilet and did my business. “Are you laughing at me?” 

“No, ma’am.” 

“Why are you ma’aming me?” 

“Because you’re high on morphine and too damn cute.” 

Was he being nice to me? No way. I pulled off some toilet paper and stared at it for a moment. “Well, stop it.” 

 “Are you done, soldier?” 

I wiped myself. “Yes.” I stood, flushed the toilet and pulled up my panties. Wait a minute. These weren’t my panties. 

“Open the door, Tess.” 

I did as he asked. “These aren’t my panties.” I yanked up my tee shirt. “See?”   

His grin got bigger. “We got you fresh underwear.” 


  “Because your clothes were covered in blood.” 

  “Oh.” I sat on the floor. “Tired.” I laid down. 

  “No, you don’t.” Stone scooped me up. “You need to take your pills.” 

“Don’t wanna.” I laid my head against his shoulder. “Promise you won’t let him kill me.” 

“I promise.” Stone sat me on a bed. “Open your mouth.” 

“What if I have bad breath?” 

“You don’t.” 

“You sure about that?” 

  “I am. Now take your pills.”   

 I opened my mouth. 

Stone dropped two pills on my tongue and handed me a bottle of water. “Swallow them and you can have some chocolate.” 

“Okay.” I washed the pills down. “Where’s my chocolate?” 

“In my backpack. I’ll get it.” 

  A wave of weariness rolled over me. The minute my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. 

**Don’t miss the other books in the series!**

Find them on 




Howdy. My name is Gail Koger and once upon a time I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher. Too many years of wild requests, screwy questions, bizarre behavior and outrageous demands have left me with a permanent twitch and an uncontrollable craving for chocolate. I took up writing science fiction romance to keep from killing people. So far, it has worked.


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Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

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Saturday, February 01, 2025

Gentry Is On Sale by Caroline Clemmons


Gentry and the Mail Order Bride
Book 1 of the Texas Hill Country Mail Order Bride Series
by Caroline Clemmons
In Kindle Unlimited

The cold days of winter are a good time to curl up and read a book.  Gentry, the first book in my Texas Hill Country Mail Order Bride Series, is on sale this weekend for just $0.99.  Gentry and the other five books in the series are sweet romances set in the time after the Civil War.  Families are trying to find each other after the horrors of war destroyed homes and lives.  Thoughts turn toward marrying and starting a family.  Many people set out for Texas.  Some of them end up in Harrington Springs.

Gentry Blurb:

Nothing much riles Gentry McRae. He works hard on the ranch he co-owns with his best friend, and is content with his life. He’s proud of all they’ve accomplished in the ten years since the war. That is, until his partner dies and leaves his half of the ranch to his mail-order bride—and wills the bride to Gentry. “Now just a doggone minute, I don’t plan to marry for years!” But, a single woman can’t reside on a ranch where four men live without ruining her reputation. What’s a good man to do, except marry the woman when she arrives?

Heidi Roth has been spurned for being too plainspoken and too tall. In addition, her sister constantly makes fun of her for those reasons. That’s why—with many doubts—she’s willing to travel for months from Bavaria to Texas to marry a man who once lived in her town. When she arrives, she learns her prospective groom is dead, but left her his share of a ranch. She has serious doubts, but agrees to wed Gentry to protect her reputation. Sure enough, from the next day, one event after the other happens to complicate her life—yet she is happy. Until she sees the will and learns they are not equal partners as Gentry had led her to believe.

Sometimes the perfect match is the one you didn’t expect.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Made to Love You by Nan Reinhardt

Made to Love You
The Walkers of River's Edge
By Nan Reinhardt

Writer Life: A Peek Behind the Scenes

By Nan Reinhardt 

Even in the joyful throes of a new book release, there is still the fact that another book must be written. So as I am celebrating the launch of Made to Love You—Annabelle and Sawyer’s story—here and at the Tule Book Club and on my own blog, I’m writing book 1 in my new series.  

Writing, writing every single morning, is what keeps me grounded. I'm still getting up every morning and putting in the hour, at least, sometimes longer, depending on when I get started and when Husband wakes up. The story is coming along, mostly, I guess. Hard to tell because I'm not editing as I write, I'm just writing. This is entirely different from my usual M.O. of editing what I wrote the day before when I sit down to work. My poor critique partners are getting pretty raw material right now, but they graciously hang in there.  

My darling partners in this new series—three other Tule authors who’ve already written cowboys and rodeos and Montana are also remarkably helpful and patient. Did I mention that the first book in Dykeman series happens partly in Marietta, Montana? It does, so Nan is pretty far from River’s Edge for a large portion of the book. It’s been an adventure so far. 

Writers fall into two basic categories, plotters, who sit down and map out their stories before they start writing, and pantsers, who just start writing, full of faith that they will figure the story out as they write. (Pantsers write "by the seat of their pants.") I am a pantser. Mostly. For me, stories begin with the people in my head. Characters show up and suddenly there is a circumstance, a hey, what if this guy does this and then this woman comes in and does that? kind of synergy happening. 

And I start writing... Sometimes, a whole book develops immediately and the characters take me for a crazy ride that I never expected. Other times, they lose steam by the middle part and I’m lost in the and stuff happens part of the story. Those days, it does help to go back through what I’ve already written, to go through the copious notes, word lists, and pieces of conversations that I have written in my notebooks, and try to get back on track.  

I've learned to make notes to quiet the clamoring when I’m not at my computer, to use my phone to record thoughts when ideas suddenly pop into my head if I'm driving or cleaning or editing. I have my phone and my notebook with me almost everywhere I go—they contain conversation after conversation between my characters, words I hear that intrigue me, and notes to myself. I don't always use what I've written down or recorded, but often, those notes and words become a jumping-off point if I'm having trouble crafting a scene. It's a good thing. 

There have been many predawn hours when I've sat in front of my computer just staring, willing the words to come, and they don't. I'm not sure how people who put out ten or fifteen books a year do it. Tule graciously gives me roughly three to four months to write approximately sixty thousand words, and I use every moment of that time. Bear in mind, of course, that I don't spend every working moment writing my own books. I also have a full-time job as a freelance copy editor—you know the day job—so I also spend time each day on editing gigs. Plus I do pro bono work for an arts organization and I maintain my website and produce a column every third week for another... so there are always words—either fixing other people's or producing my own. It’s my writer/editor life and I do love every moment. 

I hope you enjoyed this peek behind the scenes of a writer’s life, and I sincerely hope you’ll nab a copy of Made to Love You. There are puppies and kissing and good food and fellowship—it’s River’s Edge! Oh, and speaking of words, here’s a snippet from Made to Love You. Enjoy! 


“Do dogs smile?” Anna continued toweling the puppy while Travis rinsed out the deep sink they’d used as a bathtub. 

“You bet.” It wasn’t Travis who answered, but Sawyer, who’d suddenly appeared in the open doorway. “Paps have very expressive faces.” 

Was it stupid to believe that a puppy actually smiled at her? She didn’t really even like dogs, but this one… Trixie whimpered, scratched at the towel, and then proceeded to pee all over Anna’s lap. 

Horrified, Anna gasped and lifted the puppy, soaking towel and all from her lap. “She… she peed on me.” 

Sawyer was clearly trying not to laugh. “When they make that little whining noise, it usually means they need to empty their bladder.” 

“Ya think?” Anna scowled, stood up, and handed the dog off to Travis, who had no compunction at all about snickering at Anna’s wet pants. 

Sawyer pointed to the door and told Travis, “Take her to the kennel, give her some kibble and water. I’ll come take a look at her in a little while. We’ll let her rest a bit after her stitches and antibiotic shot, but we need to get a fecal sample.” He yanked some paper towels from the dispenser on the wall above the sink and handed them to Anna, who was even more repulsed at the mention of poop. “Here.” Then he took another handful of paper towels and wiped the spots of urine from the chair and the floor. 

With a disgusted sigh, Anna swiped futilely at her leggings, then tossed the towels in the trash bin. She opened her mouth, but snapped it shut again when she realized there was nothing left to say. 

“Let me take you home”—Sawyer grinned—“wherever that might be.” 

She gathered up what was left of her dignity. “That’s okay. My friend is coming to get me.” She stalked to the door, then stopped and turned. “Is your truck bed unlocked?” 

When he nodded, that lock of brown hair fell across his forehead. “I’ll come and lift the bike out for you.” 

“No need. I put it in, I can get it out.” 

He gazed at her, his brow furrowing between his dark brows. Then he shrugged. “Okay, fine, but be sure you open the tailgate. I’d hate for you to scratch the paint on my magnificent vehicle.” 

Again, she started to reply; he’d be so easy to flirt with, but instead, merely gave a quick nod and walked out. Safer to avoid this one, for all sorts of good reasons, not the least of which was that, despite currently being Trixie’s owner of record, she really, truly did not want a dog. Not right now when her life was finally on a safe and sane track, and her heart was just beginning to heal. A puppy would totally mess with her new no-commitments lifestyle. 

Author Bio:

Nan Reinhardt is a USA Today bestselling author of sweet, small-town romantic fiction for Tule Publishing. Her day job is working as a freelance copyeditor and proofreader, however, writing is Nan’s first and most enduring passion. She can’t remember a time in her life when she wasn’t writing—she wrote her first romance novel at the age of ten and is still writing, but now from the viewpoint of a wiser, slightly rumpled, woman in her prime. Nan lives in the Midwest with her husband of 51 years, where they split their time between a house in the city and a cottage on a lake.

Talk to Nan at: 


Monday, January 27, 2025

Beyond Earth Anthology



Discover passion among the stars…

Blast off to the future with this limited-edition collection of sizzling, science fiction romance stories!

Beyond Earth

Romance Collections Limited Editions book 14

A Limited Edition Collection of Sci-Fiction Romance

with stories by

Celia Breslin, Stephanie Morris, Candice Gilmer, Leslie Chase,

 Alina Riley, Robin O’Connor, Sky Robert, Lola Blix

Discover passion among the stars…

Blast off to the future with this limited edition collection of sizzling, science fiction romance stories!

Otherworldly seduction and intergalactic adventures await you in these high-heat, open-door tales from a diverse group of authors. Meet alien gladiators, cyborgs, AI lifeforms, psychic aliens, interstellar royalty, psy-changelings, fearless humans, and more. Visit alien worlds, travel on high-tech vessels, and immerse yourself in red-hot seduction blazing brighter than any quasar.

The Beyond Earth anthology is a pulse-pounding, toe-curling journey into the cosmos. If you enjoy out-of-this-world romance with guaranteed happily ever afters, lovers from different worlds, fated mates, enemies to lovers, grumpy-sunshine, rescue romance, and more, then you’ll love this treasure trove of spicy, steamy, futuristic stories.

Order your copy of Beyond Earth to begin your passion-filled voyage into the galaxy today!

Including stories by:

Candice Gilmer - NY Times and USA Today bestselling author

Stephanie Morris - USA Today bestselling author

Leslie Chase - USA Today bestselling author

Alina Riley

Robin O’Connor

Celia Breslin

Sky Robert

Lola Blix


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Claiming Kaden 

by Celia Breslin


Sparks fly when a battle-hardened cyborg rescues a sassy human lost in the cosmos…


Earth-girl Calie is out of hope. Kidnapped, enslaved, then abandoned by aliens, she’s sure to suffer a slow death on their stupid space station. Then new trouble arrives, claiming her as their property, but hot on their heels is a grumpy guy with a big hot bod and blazing eyes… The thrill setting her skin afire has less to do with potential rescue or New Guy’s battle prowess, and everything to do with the way he looks at her.

 Cyborg soldier Kaden is unamused by his enemy’s unhealthy interest in the vulnerable lone female with a sharp tongue and wild braids. Her terrible aim is complicating his rescue attempts, but her bravery, stubbornness, and velvet voice send electric need through both his human and cybernetic systems. He’ll do anything to save her.

 Kaden wants to explore his attraction to Calie and claim her as his, but his sworn enemy’s relentless pursuit and Calie’s own skittishness challenge his goal. Calie appreciates all the cyborg has done for her, but she’s homesick and unsure about diving into a relationship, even if the hunky cyborg is the nicest man and best kisser in the universe.

 While the enemy horde stalks them across the galaxy, can they learn to trust each other with both their lives and their hearts?

 CLAIMING KADEN is a spicy, open-door, Fated Mates Rescue Romance, and the first installment in Celia Breslin’s CYBORG GUARDIANS OF THE AURORA science fiction romance series. If you like take-no-prisoners cyborgs and sassy heroines, sizzling seduction and intergalactic adventure, check out CLAIMING KADEN today!




Celia Breslin lives in San Francisco, California, USA, with her family, which includes three feisty felines who like to stalk across her keyboard while she’s hard at work crafting urban fantasy, sci-fi and paranormal romances. Her current creature obsessions are cyborgs, the Fae, vampires, wolf shifters, and warrior-class angels, and her action-packed stories include some of her favorite tropes: fated mates, second chances, rescue romance, opposites attract, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, and more.

 When not glued to her laptop, Celia likes to work out, read books (of course!), hang with her family, and binge-watch sci-fi and fantasy TV shows and movies. Matcha lattes keep her fueled for All The Life Stuff!


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Friday, January 24, 2025


By Caroline Clemmons


Winter has finally arrived in North Central Texas. I like the colder weather, although I’m not one who enjoys  cold-weather sports.  I don’t think I would enjoy living further north where snow lingers for months. Beautiful to see, but it makes transportation difficult. I’m the type who sits at my computer and writes, or curls up by the fire to read.

Do you read reviews before you purchase a book? I admit I seldom do unless the author is one who is new to me. I am pleased with the reviews for SIDNEW AND THE MAIL ORDER BRIDE, Book 6 of the Texas Hill Country Mail Order Brides—at least those I can see. The Kindle Unlimited reviews don’t show up, only the number of stars given. The problem is, I need more reviews!

Here are a few reviews to tempt you in case you have not yet purchased this book:

“This was an awesome story. It was funny and endearing. Antoinette trying to learn to cook and work in the store and take care of an adorable dog. I highly recommend this book.”

“Once again Ms Clemmons has knocked it out of the park with Sidney. Funny, heartwarming, with a sweet happily ever after. Can’t wait for her next book.”

 “I have, I think, read ALL of Caroline Clemmons books, and I’ve never been disappointed. This wonderful book had the same effect on me! I loved everything about it and have decided to buy this whole wonderful series in book so I can read them at my leisure.

I love mail order bride books and this book is way up on my list. Can’t wait for the next book. These will be housed on my bookshelf. Both Sidney and Antoinette will be in for a huge surprise and dare I say, a bit of a shock when they finally meet each other and discover their expectations may not be! Congratulations Caroline on what will be a wonderful series. I’m excited already about the next book. I highly recommend this book!”

“I really like this author she writes a really good story and her characters they are realistic and fun….”

To get your copy, here's tthe buy link:


 If you haven’t read SIDNEY AND THE MAIL ORDER BRIDE, I hope you will now.

Please leave a review. Reviews help prospective readers as well as the author. Many places for promotion require a minimum number of 5-star reviews.


Thanks for stopping by today. Keep reading, stay safe, and be kind.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Marriage Agreement by A Akinosho



The best laid plans sometimes crumble,
but fate has the perfect detour.


The Marriage Agreement

The Agreement Series Book 2

by A. Akinosho

Genre: Age Gap, Second Chance Contemporary Romance 


The best laid plans sometimes crumble,
but fate has the perfect detour.


In desperate need of a solution, I’m about to lose everything—my education, my future—if I’m deported before finishing school. Osei, bless his heart, is willing to marry me, but his wandering eye would only bring more trouble than we need.

Enter Luke, my best friend’s brother, with a shocking proposal: a marriage agreement. A simple arrangement that could save us both.

He needs to escape the forced marriage his father’s pushing on him, and I need to stay in the country to finish school.

It’s a deal that works for both of us.

But neither of us expected that living together, pretending to be husband and wife, would blur the lines between what's real and what’s just part of our agreement.

I didn’t plan on falling in love with Luke, but sometimes the heart doesn’t care about the plan.


There was always a girl—a girl I couldn’t get out of my head. When I finally find her, she’s with the one person I could never betray—my brother.

I’ve kept my distance, believing that Ayodele was off-limits, only to learn she’s only my brother’s best friend. But crossing that line still felt forbidden. So, I’ve watched her quietly, wanting what I thought I could never have.

Now, she desperately needs help, and I see a way to help her—and myself. A fake marriage would solve both our problems. She stays to finish school, and I escape the loveless match my father is forcing me into.

It’s the perfect solution.

Or so I thought. What was supposed to be just an agreement is becoming something else entirely. The connection I’ve tried to deny is impossible to ignore, and keeping my distance is no longer an option.

Maybe this was never supposed to be a plan, because, neither of us is sticking to the plan.

No problem, right?


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The Handshake Agreement

The Agreement Series Book 1 

He promised her the world,
Then, abandoned her at the altar.


I’m a realist, cynical about falling in love. Until I met Declan - the rich and powerful player. With his quiet determination, he dismantled my cynicism and made me believe.
Before I know it, I’m flashing a radiant smile, dressed, and eagerly awaiting him at the altar.
Only, I got the text - "I'm not coming" – shattering my world.
Regret is a waste of time; I stand by my original convictions.
Years later, he’s back demanding a second chance, how dare he?

I shook on the agreement without hesitation because I had zero plans to marry for love. Ever.
Years later, Anne crashed into my life. I find myself craving what I thought I didn't need or want.
Unexpectedly, the agreement I made resurfaced, presenting me with a dilemma:

Marry as agreed or
Lose Anne forever.

Deal accepted, regardless of hurting Anne.
When I find Anne again, she’s engaged, far as I’m concerned, she’s still mine.
I’ll cheat, steal, and fight before I let Anne marry another.
All is fair in love and war. And this is war…hope he’s ready to fight?

The Handshake agreement is a contemporary an age gap, second chance romance with a Possessive MMC


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A. Akinosho lives in her own little nest in Illinois. An avid reader and enjoy reading thrillers, suspense and romance novels (partial to romance genre). When, She’s not reading or keeping up with life. She enjoys writing and creating twist to stories. She loves writing about diverse characters, friendship and overcoming challenges through, what is perceived as a weakness.


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Monday, January 20, 2025

Stone of Hope by Margaret Izard



He’d fight mystic forces to be with her. She sees her future in his love.

Stone of Hope

Stones of Iona Book 4

by Margaret Izard

Genre: Time Travel, Paranormal Romance 

In a twist of fate, Dominic DeVolt is shown archeologist Moira Joanna White’s beauty through the Eye of Ra. Trying to save his niece and nephew from evil Fae powers, he’s sucked into the past and dumped in the middle of her Egyptian archaeology dig.

Moira fears the attractive man who appears at her dig is partnering with her archnemesis. That is until the bold fighter distracts her with a kiss. His duty as uncle tugs her heart, but is he only after her precious artifacts?

He’d fight mystic forces to be with her. She sees her future in his love.


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“Pierre Lenoir accused Moira of stealing his notes and discovering the tombs using his research, which put her discovery in a long legal battle. He demanded the Egyptian courts turn over the discovery to his team, saying that a lone woman with a meager team of village riffraff could not have discovered such riches.” He took a deep breath. “Tossing the situation into further turmoil, Miss White mysteriously disappeared shortly after the filing. The case remains unsolved, but they credited this finding to her alone.” 

“Moira Joanna White. She sure is pretty. Too bad she’s dead.”  

Dominic turned toward the exit as Evie spoke. “Wanna see her in real life?”  

He stopped and turned to Evie. “What?” 

Evie looked at Dominic, then at the Eye of Ra. Ewan stepped toward his sister as Dominic shot his hand out to stop him.  

Ewan grabbed her shoulder. “Evie, don’t.” Evie raised her hands. His ears buzzed, and the room filled with an electrified energy. He’d felt something like this on another assignment where he flew a unique craft. The “out of this world” one he couldn’t tell anyone about. The overcharged sensation overwhelmed Dominic in the same way. Evie shifted her hands, and the pupil of the Eye of Ra turned a little then rotated. It spun faster and faster, swirling into a gray mass. As the gray of the center faded, a picture appeared as he stared and the image moved.  

Dominic stood transfixed. Before him was a movie of Moira White bent over a sarcophagus, cleaning it with a large brush. Her thick auburn hair caught the torchlight as dust particles flickered around her head. So, it was red. She turned as if someone had called her, making Dominic’s breath escape in a whoosh. Before him was a full-color live version of the photo. The stunning beauty from the past, alive before his eyes.  

 As she gave him a full smile, he moved forward, tilting his head. He returned the grin, completing the connection. The picture rotated off-center, and the air traveled around him. The ringing came back to his ears, louder. 

A kid’s gasp came from behind as Ewan screamed, “Evie, what’s wrong? What’s happening?”  

Dominic turned. Ewan held Evie's shoulders as she gasped for air and held her hands out to the eye. The wind picked up and swirled around them as the picture inside the eye’s pupil rotated faster.  

Evie yelled over the wind, “I can’t control it, Ewan! It’s got a hold of me! I can’t stop it!” The churning wind dragged Evie toward the eye as Ewan grasped her shoulders, trying to push her away. A gust of wind pressed the twins, and they slid fast toward Dominic. When they slammed into him, his reflexes took over, and he grabbed them. He held both teenagers in his arms, trying to push them away from the eye.  

Dominic searched for Doug and Kat and found they’d taken cover behind the chariot. Thank God he’s got only two to worry over.  

He yelled over the wind, “Doug, keep Kat safe. Stay there.”  

Ewan cried out, “Evie, ye have to stop it! Close yer eyes! Shut it off!” 

Tears streamed down Evie’s face. “I can’t. I’m frozen!” This can’t be! The eye dragged them toward it. The energized force pulled as Dominic tried to push away. Whatever this was, Dominic feared it was not good. 

Dominic yelled over the wind, “Hold on, kids. I've got you!” He gathered them both in his arms as he fought to keep them from the eye. The wind hit them with a forceful blow, and all three flew into the Eye of Ra.  

**Don’t miss the other books in the series!**

Stone of Love, book 1, Brielle and Colin’s 18th century Scottish story. 

Stone of Fear, Book 2, Marie and John’s 13th century Scottish story. 

Stone of Lust, Book 3, Ainslie and Rannick’s Viking tale. 

Thistle in the Mistletoe featuring a couple in the past from Stone of Love.

Next in the series:  

Stone of Doubt, book 5 coming 2025, 

Holly and Ivy, a Christmas companion book. 

Stone of Faith, book 6. 

Stone of Destiny, book 7. 

Evergreen Evermore, a Christmas companion book.

This series leads into another connected series, Dragons of Tantallon, a dragon-shapeshifter series revolving around the magic Iona Stones.

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Margaret Izard is an award-winning author of historical fantasy and paranormal romance novels. She spent her early years through college to adulthood dedicated to dance, theater, and performing. Over the years, she developed a love for great storytelling in different mediums. She does not waste a good story, be it movement, the spoken, or the written word. She discovered historical romance novels in middle school, which combined her passion for romance, drama, and fantasy. She writes exciting plot lines, steamy love scenes and always falls for a strong male with a soft heart. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and adult triplets and loves to hear from readers.


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