On March 18, I hosted a Book Blast for Jill Hughey's book, VAIN. Today, please welcome Jill Hughey, author
of VAIN, for a personal inteview. I’m eager to learn more about Jill, so I’ll go right to
our interview.
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Jill Hughey, Author |
Caroline: Readers enjoy getting
better acquainted with authors. Where did you grow up?
Jill: I grew up in St. Thomas, PA on
an apple and peach orchard. My two sisters and I started working summers on the
farm when we were eleven or twelve, so we all learned how to work hard. Nothing
like being coated with sweat and peach fuzz on an August afternoon! It is a
great place to raise a family. The orchards have been sold, but my husband and
I live just a few miles away. My two sons are in the same school district I
graduated from, and it is still a very rural lifestyle.
I am a bookworm. I have always been more mental than
physical. I like to be fit but athletic activities do not come naturally.
Caroline: Or with me. Who are your
favorite authors and favorite genres?
Jill: I enjoy fiction, and find that
I really want to go somewhere different when I read, which makes American
contemporary fiction a hard sell to me. My favorite genre is historical
romance. My favorite current authors in that genre are Madeline Hunter and Mary
Balogh. I especially like Mary Balogh because she writes characters who aren’t
On a whole different plane of
writing, I admire Isak Dinesen (Out of
Africa) and Charles Frazier (Cold
Mountain) for the way they craft words.
Caroline: Great choices, Jill. What’s
your favorite way to relax and recharge?
Jill: Singing. I take lessons in
classical soprano. Learning a song gives me a great sense of fulfillment and
requires total concentration – gets me out of my own head for a while. Right
now I am working on Lascia ch’io pianga
by Handel. Most fun piece I’ve learned recently is Glitter and be Gay.
Caroline: I so admire you. I’ve
always wished I could sing, but when I try, the family come running to see if
I’m hurt. ☺ Do you have a favorite quote that sums up how you feel about life?
Jill: “No matter where you go, there you are.” None
of us can escape our internal challenges or tendencies, though many of us
expend most of our energy trying to do just that.
Caroline: Very prophetic. How long
have you been writing?
Jill: I started to really compose
novels about ten years ago. I did not publish anything until 2011, and I had
three manuscripts fleshed out by then so I put them out pretty quickly.
Caroline: Where do you prefer to
Jill: I write on a MacBook Pro,
usually at my kitchen table, though sometimes on the weekends, when it might be
ok to sneak in a 15-minute nap, I let myself go to a comfy chair. I use a
program called StoryMill for the first few drafts, then pull it into Word. I
need quiet and I prefer solitude. I love my family, but a dream vacation for me
would be to go off by myself and write for days on end. I can write for twelve
hours without getting tired of it, and can be rather productive when I have no
interruptions. I do not listen to music because I can’t let music stay in the
Caroline: I guess you can’t with
your music background, but I listen to classical music when I write. Are you a
plotter or a panzer?
Jill: I am a converted plotter. In
my most recent release, VAIN, I
forced myself to rough out the story and then write it chronologically. This
makes the whole process much more efficient. It took me a long time to
discipline myself, and I don’t know why!
Caroline: I found once I learned to
plot that writing the story I dreamed became easier. Do you use real events or
persons in your stories or as an inspiration for stories?
Jill: I use the real historical
events of the time period in my books. My historical romance series is set in
the 830s in Charlemagne’s empire. The empire endured three civil wars in that
decade, and that upheaval provides some background, motivation, and conflict
for my characters. The only real people I use are the royals who caused all
this trouble.
Caroline: I imagine you did a lot of
research for VAIN. Do you set writing goals?
Jill: I work part-time as an
administrative assistant in my husband’s company, so my writing hours are sort
of hit and miss. I try to set aside Tuesday and Thursday for writing tasks.
Even those days gets interrupted by phone calls from my “real” job. I don’t set
goals because my personality is such that I already put too much pressure on myself
to produce. I do not need another layer of guilt in my life. So, Tuesday,
Thursday, and as much of each weekend as possible are carved out, and when the
book is done, it’s done.
Caroline: No, pressure threatens
creativity for many of us. What do you hope your writing brings to readers?
Jill: Total immersion. We have all finished
a book with the feeling of having been in another world. If I write well enough
to take a reader on that trip, I am thrilled.
Caroline: Me, too. What long-term
plans do you have for your career?
Jill: I want to keep writing. I see
myself continuing it as part of my retirement in twenty years or so, and my
dream is that my books might help support me in that stage of life, too! I may try some contemporary fiction, not
Caroline: Would you like to
tell us what you’re working on now?
Jill: I am writing two short stories
or novellas that augment my Evolution Series. These will tell the stories of
two servants from the series who also deserve their happily-ever-after.
Caroline: What advice would you give
to unpublished authors?
Jill: Keep writing and trust
your gut, though I am hardly a poster-child for how to be an independent author.
Caroline: What’s a fun fact readers
wouldn’t know about you?
Jill: I was the Franklin County
Apple Queen in 1984 or 1985. I had a tiara and a sash. My job was to go to
public events and represent the apple industry. It sounds kind of hokey but it
was great fun and good experience for a high school kid.
Caroline: I believe it would have
been an invaluable experience. What’s something about you that would surprise
or shock readers?
Jill: Oh lord. My weakness seems to
be beverages. I love coffee and require a cup of decaf in the morning and a cup
of caffeinated in the afternoon. I love wine, too. White wine is like heroin to
me. I don’t even bring it in the house anymore. I can sip a single glass of red
with utter enjoyment, but white? Look out.
Caroline: The opposite is true with
me. I can handle white wine, but not red. Is your book a series? If so, how
long? Family saga, other?
Jill: Yes, the Evolution Series has
three books, all set in the 830s. You don’t have to read them in order because
each stands on its own. The titles describe a characteristic of the hero. They
are UNBIDDEN, REDEEMED, and VAIN. The hero of UNBIDDEN is the common denominator in the books. He is brother to
the hero of REDEEMED and best friend
of the hero of VAIN. None of them are
perfect. In fact, the villain in the first book is the hero in the second. He
was fun to write.
Caroline: I used to be fascinated by
Charlemagne. Can you give readers a blurb about your book?
Jill: I’d love to!
Lily had her life planned, neat and tidy as thread on a spindle, until
her mother died and her father snipped at the seams of her future by abandoning
Lily in their shop. A nobleman unexpectedly gives her hope when he brings
fabric for a special garment. Lily survives on his first payment, and immerses
herself in sewing and embroidering an incomparable tunic for him, as her tidy
plan continues to unravel.
Theophilus, Lord of Ribeauville, takes his responsibility to his
townspeople seriously and, therefore, does not dally with local women. Desire
wars with duty when Lily glances up at him while adjusting the hem on his
Easter tunic. As her deteriorating circumstances push them together, Theo and
Lily learn that the path to his heart just might be through his wardrobe,
though the exquisite outfit she creates is the only part of her that fits in
his precarious aristocratic world.
Caroline: That was intriguing. How
about an excerpt?
Jill: This scene is during the first
fitting for a tunic Lily is making for Theo. He experienced an unsettling
attraction to her and has abruptly ended her work.
Lily did not know what had changed. For just a moment, her
lord had appeared angry, and now he jerked at the tunic like it did not fit
properly when, in fact, she had done admirably well. “Please, my lord,” she
interjected when the pins and threads tacking the tops of the shoulder became
visible between the pieces of fabric. “You do not have to decide now. You also
do not have to destroy it. I will fix whatever has displeased you.”
He froze. His hazel eyes, heated instead of droopy with
kindness, flicked onto her. “Will you?”
She retreated another step, unsure of his meaning. The
distrust on his face oddly combined with sudden, intense interest. This fitting
had become very strange. Her insides had sparkled when she touched him. Could
he have sensed that? “My lord, if you are satisfied with the general fit, I will
have plenty of work to do. You can decide about the sleeves and hem another
He straightened, finally letting the hem drop, but kept his
narrowed eyes on her. “I like the sleeve where you have it. I am undecided on
the hem,” he finally intoned with careful enunciation.
She lifted her hand to indicate his arm. “Can I just mark
it, sir? The roll will come undone when you take the tunic off.” His eyes
narrowed even further. He nodded curtly. She scurried to find her chalk and
made one quick streak of white on the sleeve. “Should I help you?” she asked,
trying to recover their professional manner of dealing with one another.
“No. Wait outside while I change,” he ordered.
Oh, dear. She rushed out the door, flustered. What had
happened? Everything had been fine until she’d begun making adjustments to his
hem. That had felt horribly awkward to her. Had it bothered him too? She had
been trying to do her job briskly, just as her father had always done. Maybe a
man did not mind another man touching his hem but very much minded a woman
doing so. Lily sighed, pressing her back against the wall, then resting her
head there, as well. Even though she occupied the same world she always had,
every day brought unforeseen and unfamiliar questions and challenges. She did
her best to guess and fool her way through it all. In truth, the only time she
felt comfortable in her own skin was when she worked on the lord’s tunic. Or at
least she felt comfortable when her lord was not in the tunic as she worked on it.
She sighed. If only her father had returned. He would have
that hem rolled and marked in a thrice. He would explain Riculf. He would talk
to Cluny and set her life on the right course again.
Her lord emerged, once again smartly attired in the green
tunic and mantle she had sewn last spring about this time. He did not know she
had sewn it. Her father had done the fitting. She had made every cut and
stitch. “Father is never coming back, is he?” she blurted.
The question did not surprise him. He stood straight and
proud and confident in his own comfortable life. “Not soon enough,” he said.
At first she did not understand the answer. Then it clicked.
Not soon enough to help you. Not soon
enough to manage Riculf or Cluny. Not soon enough to return you to normalcy or
even respectability.
“He lives with a woman?” she asked, eager to
familiarize herself with all the ugliness at once.
Her lord cursed softly under his breath. “Yes. He misses
your mother desperately.”
Her hand flew up, and she pressed the back of it to her
mouth, stifling an unwanted sob of distress. She turned away to compose
herself. “It must be very difficult for him,” she observed with the feeling of
seeing things from a great distance.
“I did try, Lily. I reminded him of his duty to you. I
reminded him of your mother. I tried every argument.”
Unwarranted resentment boiled up in her. Who was this
Theophilus to involve himself in her life? Why should she feel gratitude when
he stood so calmly to tell her how bad things were? Why should he be allowed to
make her uncomfortable in her own shop? How dare he? She bit the inside of her
cheek against the angry, unfair slander she wished to shout at him.
“Thank you,
my lord,” she gritted as meekly as she could manage. “I appreciate your efforts
today. I am sure you have pleasanter plans for tomorrow. Now, I must continue
my work.”
She forced herself stiffly through the door. She did not
close it until she heard her lord’s retreating footsteps.
The tunic waited,
lovingly spread on the worktable. Her strange, quick anger receded, replaced
with the more sane and familiar despair. Her fingertip traced across the
slightly overlarge shoulder to the clever neckline. This neckline was the only
perfect thing left in the entire world, as near as she could tell. Tonight, she
would rework the shoulders. Tomorrow, she would sew the pleats and join the
body pieces and sleeves.
Soon, she promised herself, she would make tiny
invisible stitches around this neckline, and that would be one right thing. And
she must consider the embroidery. She must devote some time to the pattern.
Blessedly immersed in her work, she did not let herself
think about Father anymore.
Caroline: Oh, poor Lily. Now we have
to learn more about her. ☺Where can readers find your books?
Jill: All my books are available on
Amazon, and most are on Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes, and other eBook
vendors. Print versions are available
from CreateSpace and Amazon. The following links will take you to Vain at a few of those vendors. Amazon Barnes and Noble Kobo
Caroline: How can readers learn more
about you?
Caroline: Is there anything else
you’d like readers to know about you?
Jill: If you like my books, I’d
really appreciate your reviews, either where you purchased or on reader’s sites
like Shelfari or Goodreads.
Thank you so much for having me to
visit today!
Readers, I hope you enjoyed meeting Jill as much as I did. Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you so much for giving me such an enjoyable interview, Caroline. I look forward to any questions and comments your readers might have.
Jill, thanks for stopping by to share with us today. I enjoyed your interview.
I loved the interview! Thanks for having Jill Today!
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