Date Published: March 30, 2019
Publisher: Black Opal Books
Research assistant Sarah Mackenzie enjoys collecting information for her uncle’s local history projects. But when she stumbles upon an open grave in Cornplanter Cemetery, she’s startled to find the body reminds her of someone she knew, someone she believed died ten years ago. Like opening Pandora’s Box, the discovery is full of unpleasant surprises and definitely not the kind this researcher likes to collect. To make matters worse, the local sheriff has learned about Sarah’s strained relationship with the victim, and the clues drop one by one to shift suspicion to her as the favored suspect. As the murders escalate and one becomes three, Sarah confronts her fear and searches for the truth, venturing into the world of Seneca Indian culture. Confronted with mysteries from the past as well as the present, she must find their common link in order to discover the identity of the Grave Maker and stop his killing spree.
Speeding around the curve, I passed Egypt Hollow Road. Twenty minutes to go—less, if I took the road at a reckless pace. I moved my foot to brake. It wouldn’t help anyone if I ended up in a ditch. And, of course, I’d be the fool if all that greeted me was a hot meal, a happy dog, and Chaz back to crabby. Most likely, it was nothing. Just one of his sentimental, sullen moods when he dwelled on the past and told me stories about everyone he missed. That mood. It happened on occasion. After a bit, he’d drift back into his old self.
The truck bounced as I pulled into his drive. It was weed covered with plenty of chuckholes and little gravel. Chaz stopped his regular routine of yard maintenance over eight years ago, and I had little time to help. Once the truck ground to a stop, tires hit the railroad tie put there to block anyone from driving closer. I jumped out and landed with both legs running toward the door.
“Uncle Chaz! Opal!” I bounded up the stairs and shoved the door open. “Oh, my lord.”
I hurried to the wheelchair. Chaz’s body was slumped over. Reaching down, I placed two fingers on his neck and found a pulse, weak but still there. Blood trickled down the back of his neck. I winced when my fingers located the lump on the top of his head. “What happened to you, Uncle?” I whispered.
At the sink, I wet a towel to clean the wound. Without giving too much thought to the idea, I reached for the bottle of Wild Turkey and poured some onto the towel and then applied it to his head.
“Ouch! What in holy saints are you doin’? That burns like Hades,” Chaz growled and sat up straight.
“Oh, thank you, God.” My legs gave way and I landed in the chair next to him. My eyes widened.
The table was empty, cleared of all his papers and books. “What did you do? Clean house?” I stared, baffled. “What’s going on?”
“I was robbed, that’s what.” He touched the top of his head and grumbled a few expletives.
About the Author

Kathryn Long is a retired teacher turned fulltime writer. She loves filling her days reading and writing mysteries. Her credits include romantic suspense, A DEADLY DEAD GROWS and her self-published series, THE LILLY M. MYSTERIES. BURIED IN SIN is her latest release, published by Black Opal Books in March, 2019. She stays active on social media where you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and her blog. She also belongs to Sisters in Crime and International Thriller Writers. Kathryn lives in northeast Ohio with her husband and pooch Max.
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I love a great mystery read. This cover is a great fit.
thanks for hosting
Thank you! I'm a fan of the cover, too ;-)
And a big thank you to the host! I appreciate the participation :-)
Thanks for the giveaway. I’ve been wanting to get my hands on this I know I am going to enjoy reading it!
Thank you! I so appreciate the support and enthusiasm! Enjoy :-)
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