Friday, September 13, 2024


 By Caroline  Clemmons

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yes, once again it’s the annual celebration of my 39th birthday. So, I have a present for YOU.

I decided to give away 5 Amazon gift cards of $5.00 each to readers who enter the contest. All you have to do to enter is answer one question that can be found in the FREE reader sample of my sweet historical western romance, GENTREY AND THE MAIL ORDER BRIDE.

The question is:

What is the name of the heroine’s selfish sister?

 Email the answer to caroline @ carolineclemmons dot com.  Contest ends at midnight September 15, 2024 central standard time.

Here’s the blurb for the book:

Sometimes the perfect match is the one you didn’t expect.

Nothing much riles Gentry McRae. He works hard on the ranch he co-owns with his best friend, and is content with his life. He’s proud of all they’ve accomplished in the ten years since the war. That is, until his partner dies and leaves a fourth of the ranch to his mail-order bride—and wills the bride to Gentry.

“Now just a doggone minute, I don’t plan to marry for years!”

But, a single woman can’t reside on a ranch where four men live without ruining her reputation. What’s a good man to do, except marry the woman when she arrives?

Adelheid "Heidi" Roth has been spurned for being too plainspoken and too tall. In addition, her sister constantly makes fun of her for those reasons. That’s why—with many doubts—she’s willing to travel for months from Bavaria to Texas to marry a man who once lived in her town. When she arrives, she learns her prospective groom is dead, but left her a fourth of his share of a ranch. She has serious doubts, but agrees to wed Gentry to protect her reputation. Sure enough, from the next day, one event after the other happens. Is this the life she wants?

Thanks for stopping by!

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