Lilly Gayle, Author |
Lilly: Hi Caroline. Thanks for having me on your blog today and for allowing me to “dish” about my favorite holiday foods and recipes.
I have to say, I eat a lot around the holidays. And I’m also big on tradition, even if it’s the tradition of creating a new tradition. You just can’t have Christmas without my father’s country cured ham, preferably from Virginia. There’s nothing like Virginia ham, aged to perfection and slow cooked. But boy, will it make you thirsty! And it’s probably not real good for your blood pressure either, but hey---It’s the holidays. Right?
I also have a great recipe for a candy my grandmother used to make. When I was little, my dad’s mom always made Frying Pan Balls. I don’t know where the original recipe came from, but she gave it to me when I got married and also published it in her church’s cookbook just before she died.
When my daughters were little, we’d make the Frying Pan Balls together and even my daughter who hates coconut loved them. The one year I forgot to make them, my children got upset. So, never a holiday season passes when I don’t make these sweet treats.
I even contributed the recipe to The Wild Rose Press’s holiday cookbook. And now, I’m going to share it with you and your readers.
Ruth Winston's Frying Pan Balls
You'll need:
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup chopped dates
2 eggs
2 cups Rice Krispie cereal™
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup candied cherries or mixed fruit used in
fruit cakes
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Grated coconut
Cooking instructions:
*Best if cooked in an electric frying pan.*
Cream sugar and eggs together. Set aside.
Heat frying pan to 220 degrees or warm frying pan on top of stove.
Melt butter and dates together, stirring constantly.
Add sugar and egg mixture.
Cook until thick.
Add fruit and nuts.
Blend well.
Remove from heat and let cool.
Add Rice Krispies™.
Butter hands and form into balls.
Roll balls in coconut.
Put in cookie tins or Tupperware™. Keeps for weeks.
Caroline: That gives a new dimension to the Rice Krispie treats, doesn’t it? Sounds yummy and something which children can help prepare. Reminds me of the days when everyone used an electric skillet and I actually cooked. LOL Now let’s move on to Lilly’s latest release, OUT OF THE DARKNESS, a paranormal vampire romance.
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Available from The Wild Rose Press |
Her research could cure his dark hunger if a covert government agent doesn't get to her first.
Vincent Maxwell is a vampire with a conscience seeking a cure to his dark hunger. But when a scientist looking to create vampire soldiers captures and kills a fellow vampire, Vincent seeks out Dr. Megan Harper, a research scientist who discovered a link between a genetic light sensitivity disorder and vampirism. Dr. Harper could hold a key to a cure and the answers to Gerard’s death. But getting close to the beautiful scientist could endanger both their lives.
When Megan meets Vincent she believes he suffers from xeroderma pigmentosum, the genetic disease that killed her sister. Sensing a deep loneliness within the handsome man, she offers friendship and access to her research files. But she and Vincent soon become more than friends and Megan learns the horrifying truth. She's entered the dark and unseen world of vampires and Vincent is her only hope of survival.
Caroline: Oooohhh, intriguing. Great premise for a vampire novel. How about an excerpt to chill us more?
Lilly: Certainly, here's an excerpt for OUT OF THE DARKNESS:
Vincent didn’t spare her a second glance as he opened the basement door and stepped down. The sound of his boot heel striking wood echoed up the steps as he disappeared into the darkness.
“But—” Megan switched on the light and hurried after him.
“The first thing you need down here is a table and some chairs,” he said when he saw the stacks of unorganized data and reams of paper scattered across the floor. “Do you mind if I bring the ones down from the kitchen?”
“No.” She turned back toward the stairs. “I’ll help you bring them down.” It would give her something to do while she sorted through the confused thoughts and emotions tumbling around inside her head.
Vincent touched her arm and heat shot straight to her belly, turning her insides all warm and fuzzy.
Warm and fuzzy was not good.
Warm and fuzzy made her think of more than just heated sex. It made her think of cozy evenings snuggled up under a blanket and shared feelings. It made her long for an emotional connection she couldn’t risk. Not with Vincent. Not with a man who could potentially die a slow, lingering death.
“I’ll get it.” He let go of her arm and stepped back. “You start going through those papers and find that report you wrote comparing XP to vampire myths and legends. I’d be interested in
seeing if you still have it.”
He turned to go back up the stairs and Megan shivered. Why had Steve mentioned the vampire report to Vincent? And why was Vincent so interested in seeing it?
Vincent the Vampire.
Caroline: Whoa, Lilly, this sounds like a vampire novel I could love. Give us your other links.
Lilly: My website is and my blog
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Christmas Blog Tour and Prizes! |
Readers, please return on the 3rd to learn about the fascinating Amber Polo.
Hi Lily,
Nice excerpts, but what a yummy recipe, I love sweets, and got the figure to prove it.
Isn't it amazing how family recipes always taste so much better than anything else? Must be all the memories of our loved ones that get wrapped up in the flavour!
Thanks Margaret. And Romy, my grandmother was an awesome cook, but she had this bad habit of leaving out an ingredient or preparation technique. I never knew if it was because she often didn't follow a recipe or if she wanted her cooking to always taste best. lol!I miss her.
Romy, I agree that all the memories of our loved ones that get wrapped up in the flavour of a favorite recipe! Lilly, your grandmother's recipe is a very special treat, I'm sure. Your book, OUT OF THE DARKNESS, is an amazing read that keeps a reader wrapped up in the suspenseful romance of Vincent Maxwell, the vampire, and Dr. Megan Harper, the heroine.
Looking forward to the Christmas Holidays and the Parties!
I'm looking forward to the parties too. Caroline, thanks so much for hosting me.
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