I have a question for the readers, and for the writers to ponder as well: What draws you to a book?
The typical answer, at least in the romance community, is a “satisfying ending” but what does that phrase really mean? We all know the basic plot of a romance novel goes like this:
Boy meets girl, girl and boy clash; boy has some sort of break down where he talks about his “feelings” and explains why he’s such a putz. Girl feels sorry for him, they kiss (and more); pledge their love. Story ends. It’s the typical Jane Austen tale, rewritten over and over throughout time with different clothing.
Let me ask you this, though. What happened between the beginning of that story where the two head butt to end up falling into bed? Do you see anything that draws you to the story besides that droll tale? When you pick up a book, do you really think about what’s drawing you into that story besides that scaffolding piece at The End? I’ve been a reader for a long time—but I confess I didn’t think about these ideas until I started seeing the “rules” of how a romance should go. Me, I come from a classical literature background and there’s one thing that sets classical literature apart from so much commercial fiction: the readers realize the themes they’re getting at.
Note I didn’t say just the authors know these themes: the readers do. Happy ever after/happy for now, isn’t a theme—hell it isn’t even a story. Neither is the boy hates girl, boy and girl come to an understanding, boy and girl get married. That’s just scaffolding, structure that could change on a dime. (What if boy and girl get married, then a crazed idiot comes in and shoots boy? *cue the Wedding List*)
No, theme is what underlies the story. What’s going on around the boy and girl and can be broken down into three sets:
Man against man. (Boy and girl want the same job (Laws of Attraction), hate each other then decide they love each other)
Man against nature. (The sea’s about to swallow us, but boy and girl love each other despite that (Titanic).)
Man against the universe (The gods are against us, but boy and girl love each other (Helen of Troy—and don’t we just know how that one ends?!?)
There are more but these are the major ones. Here’s the kicker: These themes cover all literature. That being the case, I find it funny when someone says “I only read mysteries or romance or fill-in-your chosen genre here”. Really? Dig a little deeper and ask yourself that. Go to your bookstore (or Amazon), find another story in another genre that you think might appeal to you, and see what happens. Why close yourself off just because Jane Austen wouldn’t approve? For writers, and readers, knowing that happy ever whatever isn’t the thing that’s really drawing you to a story, give me an answer of substance: Tell me: what’s your story? J I can tell you how my stories ends but for my themes, well, I hope you’ll discover that for yourself. Would you like a taste? Okay:
The balance between good and evil can be an art... or a curse.
Trevor and Caitlin were once happy newlyweds, profiting from Trevor's art. Until Trevor inherits his brother's house, and with it, his part of a family curse. Now, Caitlin will stop at nothing to save her beloved husband from insanity and suicide, even if it means she must embrace her destiny and become a witch.
Available in paperback and ebook at Amazon:
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-artists-inheritance-juli-d-revezzo/1113215283?ean=2940015593648

My newest novel, a paranormal romance published by The Wild Rose Press if you’d like to see if you can spot the theme there, is:
Battling mounting debt, Stacy Macken is determined not to lose her historic art gallery. When Aaron Fielding appears and offers to help, she fights to keep the attraction sizzling between them from clouding her judgment. He may be her savior in disguise--but can she trust him?
Aaron intrigues her with tales of the Tuatha dé Danann, sworn warriors who protect humanity from the monsters seeking their destruction. If Aaron can prove what he claims, she would give up anything to help--even the gallery he claims is sacred ground. But with her property set to stage the next epic battle, she needs answers. An old family diary will confirm the ancient legend is true, if only they can find it in time.
If the battle is lost, the enemy will take control of Earth for the next five hundred years. Stacy and Aaron's budding love might only complicate things.
Available from Amazon:
Aaron intrigues her with tales of the Tuatha dé Danann, sworn warriors who protect humanity from the monsters seeking their destruction. If Aaron can prove what he claims, she would give up anything to help--even the gallery he claims is sacred ground. But with her property set to stage the next epic battle, she needs answers. An old family diary will confirm the ancient legend is true, if only they can find it in time.
If the battle is lost, the enemy will take control of Earth for the next five hundred years. Stacy and Aaron's budding love might only complicate things.
Available from Amazon:
Passion’s Sacred Dance can also be purchased (or borrowed) for Kindle from Amazon and coming soon to other venues. I hope you’ll check it out and enjoy the story I had to tell!
Juli D. Revezzo has long been in love with writing, a love built by devouring everything from the Arthurian legends, to the works of Michael Moorcock, and the classics and has a soft spot for classic the “Goths” of the 19th century. Her short fiction has been published in Dark Things II: Cat Crimes, The Scribing Ibis, Eternal Haunted Summer, Twisted Dreams Magazine and Luna Station Quarterly. She also has an article and book review or two out there. But her heart lies in the storytelling. She is a member of Independent Authors Network and Magic Appreciation Tour. Passion’s Sacred Dance is her first romance novel.
You can find out more about her at her homepage: http://julidrevezzo.com/
Like her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/JD-Revezzo/233193150037011
Follow her on Author’s Den http://www.authorsden.com/visit/author.asp?AuthorID=167318
On Good Reads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5782712.Juli_D_Revezzo
On Twitter: @julidrevezzo
*This article was inspired by an article I read a while back I think in the Romance Writers Report.
Thanks for stopping by!
What draws me, is the challenge. Odd personalities which somehow manage to bring out the best in the other. I like the journey, anyone can fall for someone but there needs to something concrete. (Hugs)Indigo
Lovely post, thanks for sharing!
Me too, Indigo. I love seeing how the characters become something more than when they started out.
Thanks, too, Littleread. I'm glad you liked the post!
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