The Pirate's Promise
Ghosts of New England: Last Light Point: Book 1
by Lisa A. Olech
Book Blurb:
Autumn, 1728The Crowe’s Nest Tavern was located in a very fortuitous place. If you were condemned to hang in Execution Square, they were your last stop!
Everly Crowe along with her father and two sisters ran The Crowe’s Nest Tavern that was rumored to be slightly haunted, although Everly never believed in such foolishness….until she did.
John Beckett was a pirate, or not. Forced upon the account, he’d lost his belief in a lot of things before he caught the eye of a bonny serving lass who was fierce enough to go toe to boot with his captor and captain, Bartholomew Jacques.
Jacques held a note on the tavern and tormented Everly and her family as he terrorized all the small towns up and down the coast. But even his threats and deceit couldn’t keep Everly and John from promising themselves to each other, ‘till death they do part. After Jacques and his crew are captured and sent to the gallows, Everly learns that those fateful words have little meaning when love is forever.
Hours later Beckett was back at The Crowe’s Nest Tavern. The sun was setting behind rain-filled clouds as he kept to the shadows. He didn’t have much time. Crew was due back for last call by eight bells.
Lights from inside the tavern spilled out into the growing darkness. He’d chosen his prey earlier yet waited to come back. The back garden was surrounded by a low fence cobbled together with mismatched boards and twists of driftwood. A small gate leaned unsteadily on one hinge. It squeaked as he eased it open. Raising the flame on his lantern he spread a square of burlap on the ground by his feet and began to gather up a bounty.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Beckett whipped around. He’d been so focused on his task, he’d not heard her. “Everly…I mean, Mistress…” Beckett raised his hands in surrender.
Lifting her lantern, Everly indicated the evidence at his feet. “You’re stealing from me?”
“Well, yes and no.” He swept the scene with his hand.
“You’re a pirate. A thief by trade. You, better than anyone, should know stealing when you’re stealing.”
“True, you ken call me a pirate, but I’m more of a misplaced carpenter. And is it really stealing if it’s from your scrap heap?” he reasoned.
“You’re a carpenter?” She shook her head as if she didn’t believe him. “And why would a carpenter, misplaced or not, steal from a scrap heap when the kitchen gardens are right over there?” She pointed to two large plots maybe ten feet by twenty. Each bursting with vegetables and vines with a line of fruit trees banking one side, all heavy with fruit.
He gave her a shrug and a smile. “That would be stealing.”
“I think my pigs would disagree. You’re taking their breakfast.”
“They’ll understand, being pigs and all. Kindred scavengers that they be.”
“And what exactly will my pigs understand?” The defiant hand to her hip and saucy tip to her chin made him grin. No timid lass, this one.
“Do you remember the young lad at my table earlier today?” Beckett began.
“I do.”
“He’s feeling a might poorly. Been on half rations for near a month now, and if he doesn’t get some decent food in him soon, the scurvy will get a hold of him for sure. He’s got no coin…so I figured if the pigs didn’t mind sharing, mayhap you’d be willing, as well.”
“You don’t know my pigs.”
About the Anthology – 4 Complete Books, 4 Authors
A Multi-Century Romance Anthology
from Best Selling & Award Winning Authors
Lisa A. Olech
Kathryn Hills
Nancy Fraser
Peggy Jaeger
Can true love conquer a deadly curse?
Don’t look at the gibbet… Legend has it that disaster will strike all those who do. The townspeople of Last Light Point have come to respect the centuries-old advice. Those that didn’t, paid the price.
4 stories – 4 time periods – 1 very haunted tavern in New England!
A new romance anthology unlike any other from 4 best-selling and award-winning authors.
The Pirate’s Promise by Lisa A. Olech (Autumn 1728)
Smoke and Mirrors by Kathryn Hills (Autumn 1867)
For the Love of Grace by Nancy Fraser (Fall 1941)
A Promise Fulfilled by Peggy Jaeger (Late October, Present Day)
What's it like writing a historical romance that acts as a story base for other authors? Are there unique challenges?
It is a challenge to set the stage with a setting that could actually survive 300 plus years. It is also my job as lead author to sprinkle in a variety of story “nuggets” which each author can use (or not) in their own stories while keeping things loose and open enough to allow my fellow authors room to spread their own wings and write their own stories without feeling locked into my imaginings.
Tell us about one of your secondary characters and what they bring to the story.
Widow Philpotts brings several things to The Pirate’s Promise. As I like to interject a bit of humor into my stories, she and her tenuous relationship with her cow is a bit of comic relief following a very steamy scene between my hero and heroine. She also turned out to be a great catalyst to amp up my conflict even more with her gossiping tongue. Had Beckett not been sentenced to hang, she would have gotten him hung!
About Lisa A. Olech

LISA A. OLECH is the author of both the contemporary and historical romance. She uses witty dialog with a side order of sexy to bring to life multi-faceted, adventurous, smoldering characters you’ll not soon forget.
A former member of RWA and NHRWA, Lisa is a 2018 RITA Award nominee for her book, Within A Captain’s Soul, the final book in her Captains of the Scarlet Night series. She’s won a variety of writing contests and achieved the ranks of Amazon Best Seller with her debut book in 2014.
As an author, artist, Justice of the Peace, and aspiring beekeeper, Lisa finds true inspiration in the beauty and love that surround her. And, she takes full credit that three homes on her quiet New England street now proudly fly a Jolly Roger from their flagpoles.
Find links to her books, social media, and much, much more at
Good morning, Caroline! Thank you so so much for hosting us this morning, and featuring The Pirates Promise. I truly hope your readers enjoy this unique anthology!
Thanks so much for hosting Lisa today and sharing about the anthology! So excited to introduce your readers to Last Light Point!
great start off story to a great anthology!!! Well done, Lisa Olech
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